Joe Biden's America: Heating oil already being rationed before winter arrives.

Ford was President for a very short period of time and he was a lame duck President with no ability to get anything through Congress. He is not to blame for Carter's massive inflation that took Reagan to fix.
Naw, Carter was a lousy potus, I agree, but he inherited the inflation problem and was unable to get it under control, but neither could Nixon, or Ford. I believe that the biggest problem with that go around was the withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975.
We have been susceptible since OPEC formed. Furthermore, regardless of regulations, the US Oil industry has tripled it's output since 2008, and yet we are just as susceptible to the global oil market as we ever were.
Do they just miss the “global” part when they read this?
And all you have to do to get there is ignore the low unemployment rates. Making up facts to fit the narrative is SOP for the Neo-GOP.
People have to get 2-3 jobs to keep up with Bidenflation. That explains the low unemployment.
Susceptibility is a measure. The more susceptible or vulnerable to OPEC, the more susceptible we are to the global market…. regardless domestic output. Domestic output can be record high but if the costs are increased (regulations), infrastructure is capped or reduced, the market is going to respond accordingly. In this case, Biden does not have the same leverage Trump did when Trump went to OPEC to ask for more output.
The price per barrel is the global price whether it’s produced here or abroad. We are in the global market and are then always vulnerable to the actions made by the other producers.
If OPEC+ Decides to cut production thereby driving up the price per barrel. There’s nothing we can do but try and bargain. The US is the largest producer but only 20% at best of the global market share.

No president or their policies change that dynamic.
Republicans putting through bills to spur energy production in the US will most definitely cause Opec to pump oil. The fact that you don't understand how that works says volumes about why liberals shouldn't ever be allowed to run economies!
OPEC+ controls 50% of the global market and 90% of supply.
The US controls 20% of the market at best.
Bumping production a few points will do little to move the market.

Carter warned us about the dangers of relying on foreign energy long before the Shah lost control in Iran.

So did Trump but he actually did something about it. But leftists were told to hate him because mean tweets n stuff.
The price per barrel is the global price whether it’s produced here or abroad. We are in the global market and are then always vulnerable to the actions made by the other producers.
If OPEC+ Decides to cut production thereby driving up the price per barrel. There’s nothing we can do but try and bargain. The US is the largest producer but only 20% at best of the global market share.

No president or their policies change that dynamic.
What was the price of gas when Veggie Joe went to OPEC to blow them trying to get them to raise production, only to have them bend him over then cut production?
Nope, i'm saying if you drive at night, an EV isn't for you.
If you drive in the day, like 90% of Californians do, then you can drive in the day, and recharge you EV at night.

It's just like the concept of launching a boat at high tide.
So you believe that this won't happen again? How cute!

California Raises Energy Alert—Warning Of Rolling Blackouts Due To Historic Heat Wave

Nicholas Reimann
Forbes Staff
Sep 6, 2022,06:10pm EDT


The California Independent System Operator issued a level two grid emergency Tuesday afternoon, which will be in effect from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Pacific time.

The alert urges conservation since "all available resources" for power generation are forecast to be in use during that time due to energy demand likely setting a new record.

Residents have been urged to raise their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher during peak demand, avoid using heavy appliances and refrain from charging electric vehicles.

what sucks worse is the xiden economy and the fact people are going to freeze due to the rationing of heating oil
Unless you get consulting references like some people I know who post "I hate Trump" all day on Facebook.
what sucks worse is the xiden economy and the fact people are going to freeze due to the rationing of heating oil
It’s not rationing. It’s suppliers not wanting to be stuck with a supply of high priced product when the price drops in mid winter.
Trump will never get the stink of Saudi Prince ass off his face.
Contrast and compare Obama and Trump during their meetings with the Saudis--notice the difference?

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