Joe Biden’s niece dodges jail after $100K credit card scam

Letting Biden's niece off isn't doing her any favor. The newspaper article paints a story that leads me to believe she's not the type to be remorseful and won't learn from this to turn her life around. At least that is how the NY Post is playing it and with her history of trouble it has me echoing their tune. But it is truly something I have no personal knowledge of, I sure hope that she soon grows up.
Letting Biden's niece off isn't doing her any favor. The newspaper article paints a story that leads me to believe she's not the type to be remorseful and won't learn from this to turn her life around. At least that is how the NY Post is playing it and with her history of trouble it has me echoing their tune. But it is truly something I have no personal knowledge of, I sure hope that she soon grows up.
Maybe she just really wanted to grow up to be - Donald Trump? She has his morality that's for sure.
He wasn't even driving, he was passed out on the beach. That's the best guess. He knew the roads, she didn't. She was killed, he was unharmed. It makes sense.

LIE BIG LIE, scum worshiping worm.

Mary Jo Kopeckne

by Katie McHugh

Another Ted Kennedy commemoration, another chance for liberals to ignore, dismiss, or outright sneer at the needless death of Mary Jo Kopechne.

Unmentioned in the mainstream media’s usual ululations over Kennedy was what Wikipedia delicately calls the "Chappaquiddick incident." After leaving a party with Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, a dedicated worker who served during Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 campaign, Kennedy drove off a bridge and escaped the doomed car, leaving Kopechne behind to die. Also unmentioned: The Edward M. Kennedy Center’s eerie resemblance to an ancient noble’s tomb, where a master is buried with sacrificed underlings.

A quick rundown: On July 18, 1969, Kennedy left a small party with Kopechne. Kennedy later testified he merely planned to drop the pretty, petite blonde off at her hotel room. But Kopechne let no one know she was leaving with him and left her hotel key behind. Kennedy made a wrong turn on the Massachusetts island’s road, and drove off the Dike Bridge into Poucha Pond. Kennedy somehow escaped — perhaps before the car’s engine dragged it down — and swan to shore. Inexplicably, he called Kopechne’s name a few times (because that would help), dived into the pond a few times, then left for his hotel without notifying residents or authorities until after 8 AM the next day after sleeping off the party, well after poor Mary Jo could hope to be rescued.
Kopechne was swiftly buried only a day after she died. A district attorney petitioned to exhume her to determine the cause of death, but his request was denied by a judge — making it impossible to determine whether Kopechne, whose mouth and nose were filled with blood, had drowned quickly or suffocated to death. Both fates are horrible, but Kopechne would have succumbed to suffocation less quickly than drowning, allowing more time for rescuers to save her.
John Farrar, head of the volunteer search and rescue team in Edgartown, reached the scene in 20 minutes the next morning and found Kopechne’s corpse twisted in such a way as to indicate she was searching for pockets of air. Farrar believes she lived for two hours after the crash — not that his testimony would ever go on record.
“I was told outright by the D.A.’s office that I would not be allowed to testify on how long Kopechne was alive in the car,” he told People magazine in July 1989. “They were not interested in the least in anything that would hurt Ted Kennedy.”
Kennedy pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident causing injury. In sentencing, Judge James Boyle suspended the minimum requirement of two month’s imprisonment, citing Kennedy’s “unblemished record,” effectively wiping out the significance of his victim’s death.
Kennedy suffered no legal consequences beyond a suspended license.
When Kennedy passed away in 2009 after a battle with brain cancer, liberals played down Kopechne’s death:
Kennedy’s “achievements as a senator have towered over his time, changing the lives of far more Americans than remember the name Mary Jo Kopechne,” wrote Kennedy biographer Adam Clymer. As conservative commentator Mark Steyn bitterly remarked while chronicling Kennedy’s eulogies, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking chicks, right?”
Melissa Lafsky called Kopechne the “catalyst” for Kennedy’s political career, since he never served jail time. That “injustice,” Lafsy later wrote, made it possible for Kennedy to keep his Senate seat and run for president.
“It doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded,” Lafsky wrote in a now-deleted editorial for the Huffington Post. “Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.”
Author Joyce Carol Oates also weighed Koepechne’s life in the balance and found her death acceptable collateral damage. Obama praised Kennedy for delivering him the Democratic nomination in 2008, which eases the liberal conscience.

f one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think?” Oates wrote in an (also deleted) editorial.
Yes, lick a few envelopes, knock on a few doors, then possibly suffocate to death while trapped in a sinking car in the dead of night, drawing shallower and shallower breaths as you bang helplessly on the glass windows as your liberal “lion” leaves you for dead — all in a campaign worker’s abruptly-shortened life, right?

In a callous twist, Obama took it one step further and praised Kennedy’s supposed compassion.
“By the age of 12, he was a member of a Gold Star Family. By 36, two of his brothers were stolen from him in the most tragic, public of ways,” Obama said. “By 41, he nearly lost a beloved child to cancer. And that made suffering something he knew. And it made him more alive to the suffering of others.”

Leaving a woman to die in a submerged car clearly didn’t strike the same notes of empathy in Kennedy. He had bigger things to worry about at the time — like the loud party that stopped him from falling asleep after that exhausting business of driving a car off a bridge.

How do liberals plan to square their “War on Women” rhetoric with their lionization of a man who left woman who dedicated her life — and unwillingly, her death — to Kennedy’s political designs?

One might say they’ll just have to drive off that bridge when they come to it. (EndCP)

Proving once again your lack of real knowledge of any type of history.
He wasn't even driving, he was passed out on the beach. That's the best guess. He knew the roads, she didn't. She was killed, he was unharmed. It makes sense.

LIE BIG LIE, scum worshiping worm.

Mary Jo Kopeckne

by Katie McHugh

Another Ted Kennedy commemoration, another chance for liberals to ignore, dismiss, or outright sneer at the needless death of Mary Jo Kopechne.

Unmentioned in the mainstream media’s usual ululations over Kennedy was what Wikipedia delicately calls the "Chappaquiddick incident." After leaving a party with Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, a dedicated worker who served during Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 campaign, Kennedy drove off a bridge and escaped the doomed car, leaving Kopechne behind to die. Also unmentioned: The Edward M. Kennedy Center’s eerie resemblance to an ancient noble’s tomb, where a master is buried with sacrificed underlings.

A quick rundown: On July 18, 1969, Kennedy left a small party with Kopechne. Kennedy later testified he merely planned to drop the pretty, petite blonde off at her hotel room. But Kopechne let no one know she was leaving with him and left her hotel key behind. Kennedy made a wrong turn on the Massachusetts island’s road, and drove off the Dike Bridge into Poucha Pond. Kennedy somehow escaped — perhaps before the car’s engine dragged it down — and swan to shore. Inexplicably, he called Kopechne’s name a few times (because that would help), dived into the pond a few times, then left for his hotel without notifying residents or authorities until after 8 AM the next day after sleeping off the party, well after poor Mary Jo could hope to be rescued.
Kopechne was swiftly buried only a day after she died. A district attorney petitioned to exhume her to determine the cause of death, but his request was denied by a judge — making it impossible to determine whether Kopechne, whose mouth and nose were filled with blood, had drowned quickly or suffocated to death. Both fates are horrible, but Kopechne would have succumbed to suffocation less quickly than drowning, allowing more time for rescuers to save her.
John Farrar, head of the volunteer search and rescue team in Edgartown, reached the scene in 20 minutes the next morning and found Kopechne’s corpse twisted in such a way as to indicate she was searching for pockets of air. Farrar believes she lived for two hours after the crash — not that his testimony would ever go on record.
“I was told outright by the D.A.’s office that I would not be allowed to testify on how long Kopechne was alive in the car,” he told People magazine in July 1989. “They were not interested in the least in anything that would hurt Ted Kennedy.”
Kennedy pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident causing injury. In sentencing, Judge James Boyle suspended the minimum requirement of two month’s imprisonment, citing Kennedy’s “unblemished record,” effectively wiping out the significance of his victim’s death.
Kennedy suffered no legal consequences beyond a suspended license.
When Kennedy passed away in 2009 after a battle with brain cancer, liberals played down Kopechne’s death:
Kennedy’s “achievements as a senator have towered over his time, changing the lives of far more Americans than remember the name Mary Jo Kopechne,” wrote Kennedy biographer Adam Clymer. As conservative commentator Mark Steyn bitterly remarked while chronicling Kennedy’s eulogies, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking chicks, right?”
Melissa Lafsky called Kopechne the “catalyst” for Kennedy’s political career, since he never served jail time. That “injustice,” Lafsy later wrote, made it possible for Kennedy to keep his Senate seat and run for president.
“It doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded,” Lafsky wrote in a now-deleted editorial for the Huffington Post. “Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.”
Author Joyce Carol Oates also weighed Koepechne’s life in the balance and found her death acceptable collateral damage. Obama praised Kennedy for delivering him the Democratic nomination in 2008, which eases the liberal conscience.

f one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think?” Oates wrote in an (also deleted) editorial.
Yes, lick a few envelopes, knock on a few doors, then possibly suffocate to death while trapped in a sinking car in the dead of night, drawing shallower and shallower breaths as you bang helplessly on the glass windows as your liberal “lion” leaves you for dead — all in a campaign worker’s abruptly-shortened life, right?

In a callous twist, Obama took it one step further and praised Kennedy’s supposed compassion.
“By the age of 12, he was a member of a Gold Star Family. By 36, two of his brothers were stolen from him in the most tragic, public of ways,” Obama said. “By 41, he nearly lost a beloved child to cancer. And that made suffering something he knew. And it made him more alive to the suffering of others.”

Leaving a woman to die in a submerged car clearly didn’t strike the same notes of empathy in Kennedy. He had bigger things to worry about at the time — like the loud party that stopped him from falling asleep after that exhausting business of driving a car off a bridge.

How do liberals plan to square their “War on Women” rhetoric with their lionization of a man who left woman who dedicated her life — and unwillingly, her death — to Kennedy’s political designs?

One might say they’ll just have to drive off that bridge when they come to it. (EndCP)

Proving once again your lack of real knowledge of any type of history.
Use your head, for once. He knows the roads, is used to driving drunk, she isn't and doesn't know the roads. The car goes off the bridge and she drowns but he, behind the wheel, is totally unharmed? That makes no fucking sense, none at all. In the good old days the driver was killed, the steering wheel took them out, but the passengers tended to survive. In this case she didn't. She killed herself but he said, no, it was an accident and I was driving. Nice but it makes no fucking sense.
The wild-child niece of former Veep Joe Biden stole more than $100,000 in a credit card scam — and quietly cut a plea deal in Manhattan court that spares her any jail time, The Post has learned.

Using a borrowed credit card, the blonde Caroline Biden set up an unauthorized customer account at Bigelow Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village, and racked up the six-figure bill over the course of a year, according to a criminal complaint that does not name the victim card owner.

As part of a plea deal before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Kevin McGrath, Biden, 29, pleaded guilty to one charge of grand larceny and another of petit larceny and agreed to make restitution of $110,810.04.

I understand there are perks to being a government official. But why are those perks now extended to family?

Okay, so any one of us on USMB involves themselves with identity theft, steals over 100K, would we expect to get a slap on the hand and just go home?

As this article points out, this isn't her first run-in with the law. The last time she ran into trouble, she threatened the police by asking them if they knew who she was and what ramifications might be in store for them. Again, she got a break that most of us would never get.

Rules for thee but not for me........
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
The wild-child niece of former Veep Joe Biden stole more than $100,000 in a credit card scam — and quietly cut a plea deal in Manhattan court that spares her any jail time, The Post has learned.

Using a borrowed credit card, the blonde Caroline Biden set up an unauthorized customer account at Bigelow Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village, and racked up the six-figure bill over the course of a year, according to a criminal complaint that does not name the victim card owner.

As part of a plea deal before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Kevin McGrath, Biden, 29, pleaded guilty to one charge of grand larceny and another of petit larceny and agreed to make restitution of $110,810.04.

I understand there are perks to being a government official. But why are those perks now extended to family?

Okay, so any one of us on USMB involves themselves with identity theft, steals over 100K, would we expect to get a slap on the hand and just go home?

As this article points out, this isn't her first run-in with the law. The last time she ran into trouble, she threatened the police by asking them if they knew who she was and what ramifications might be in store for them. Again, she got a break that most of us would never get.

Rules for thee but not for me........
I do wonder what she was buying? I mean 9k a month at a damn drugstore? That don't add up.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

Laura Bush didn't kill anybody. That's leftist urban legend. Ted Kennedy did kill somebody and had a very successful career as a politician.
The hell she didn't. She killed a high school boy when she was a high school girl.

True, but the death she caused was not intentional. When she was 17 she was involved in an automobile accident which took the life of a 17-year old boy. Here are the details:

“The former Laura Welch, the daughter of a successful Texas property developer, has previously refused to be drawn on the 1963 car crash in her hometown of Midland that claimed the life of a friend when she was only 17.

“She and a girlfriend were hurrying to a drive-in cinema when, driving her father's car, she ran through a stop sign on a dark country road and hit a car being driven by Mike Douglas, also 17, a star sportsman and popular student at her school. Nobody was ever charged and there was no evidence that either driver had been drinking.

“In the forthcoming memoir, Spoken from the Heart, Mrs Bush admitted she and her friend were chatting at the time but also blamed various other factors, including the darkness of the road, the small size of the stop sign and even the handling of the victim's model of car.”

Laura Bush speaks about car crash which killed friend

Laura Bush was in an accident, one she had no idea would happen and certainly didn't want to happen. There was no evidence of criminal conduct on her part. On the other hand, credit-card fraud is a crime involving specific intent. In my humble opinion, comparing Laura Bush to Joe Biden's niece is not fair.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.

Could YOU cut a deal like that???????
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.
Well the deal ain't right and you running your neck is not going to change that.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

Laura Bush didn't kill anybody. That's leftist urban legend. Ted Kennedy did kill somebody and had a very successful career as a politician.
The hell she didn't. She killed a high school boy when she was a high school girl.

True, but the death she caused was not intentional. When she was 17 she was involved in an automobile accident which took the life of a 17-year old boy. Here are the details:

“The former Laura Welch, the daughter of a successful Texas property developer, has previously refused to be drawn on the 1963 car crash in her hometown of Midland that claimed the life of a friend when she was only 17.

“She and a girlfriend were hurrying to a drive-in cinema when, driving her father's car, she ran through a stop sign on a dark country road and hit a car being driven by Mike Douglas, also 17, a star sportsman and popular student at her school. Nobody was ever charged and there was no evidence that either driver had been drinking.

“In the forthcoming memoir, Spoken from the Heart, Mrs Bush admitted she and her friend were chatting at the time but also blamed various other factors, including the darkness of the road, the small size of the stop sign and even the handling of the victim's model of car.”

Laura Bush speaks about car crash which killed friend

Laura Bush was in an accident, one she had no idea would happen and certainly didn't want to happen. There was no evidence of criminal conduct on her part. On the other hand, credit-card fraud is a crime involving specific intent. In my humble opinion, comparing Laura Bush to Joe Biden's niece is not fair.
I know the story.

And credit card fraud is worse than killing a kid? Interesting.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.

Could YOU cut a deal like that???????
Fuck yeah, it's done day in and day out here. That's how most cases are resolved.
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.
Well the deal ain't right and you running your neck is not going to change that.
What ain't right about it? She's Biden's niece?

Trump paid out 25 million. Is he in jail or playing golf?
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.

Could YOU cut a deal like that???????
Fuck yeah, it's done day in and day out here. That's how most cases are resolved.

You have enough political clout and enough money to bail you out of a legal jam that others that might be innocent couldn't because they lack the means?????? And that is "justice" to you?????
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

So, according to YOUR logic, just because Laura was an Illuminati puppet with favored status justifies Joe "The Jesuit" Biden's daughter's complete immunity from the "just-us" system?????????

Can't argue with fucked up logic like that.....carrry on.
It's his niece, and deals are cut. If you can kill someone and get away with it society will survive some credit card fraud.

Could YOU cut a deal like that???????
Fuck yeah, it's done day in and day out here. That's how most cases are resolved.

You have enough political clout and enough money to bail you out of a legal jam that others that might be innocent couldn't because they lack the means?????? And that is "justice" to you?????
Justice is is myth. What's the justice for a raped and murdered child? There is none, it's impossible. Forget it, it's a stupid concept when applied that way.
Laura Bush didn't kill anybody. That's leftist urban legend. Ted Kennedy did kill somebody and had a very successful career as a politician.

His success was limited, however, when God intervened and struck him down before The Democrat Party could run him for president. That alone did much toward restoring my withered faith. Albeit not enough....

Now if Hillary..........
The wild-child niece of former Veep Joe Biden stole more than $100,000 in a credit card scam — and quietly cut a plea deal in Manhattan court that spares her any jail time, The Post has learned.

Using a borrowed credit card, the blonde Caroline Biden set up an unauthorized customer account at Bigelow Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village, and racked up the six-figure bill over the course of a year, according to a criminal complaint that does not name the victim card owner.

As part of a plea deal before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Kevin McGrath, Biden, 29, pleaded guilty to one charge of grand larceny and another of petit larceny and agreed to make restitution of $110,810.04.

I understand there are perks to being a government official. But why are those perks now extended to family?

Okay, so any one of us on USMB involves themselves with identity theft, steals over 100K, would we expect to get a slap on the hand and just go home?

As this article points out, this isn't her first run-in with the law. The last time she ran into trouble, she threatened the police by asking them if they knew who she was and what ramifications might be in store for them. Again, she got a break that most of us would never get.
I think identity thieves should be executed. When I hear what their victims go through.

Or better yet. You become your victims slave. You want to steal someone's identity? Now that person owns you
Deals get cut all the time. Most of the time that's how it works out. Laura Bush killed a kid - and walked. That's life in the big city.

Laura Bush didn't kill anybody. That's leftist urban legend. Ted Kennedy did kill somebody and had a very successful career as a politician.

If they cremated Teddy K he would still be burning now.
He wasn't even driving, he was passed out on the beach. That's the best guess. He knew the roads, she didn't. She was killed, he was unharmed. It makes sense.

That's laughable. He left her to die when he could have saved her. There is ample forensic evidence that shows she was alive for a long enough time that had he not been a complete asshole she would have survived.
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