Joe Biden's political advantages

Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.
The democrat party no longer has any policies.

All they have are strategies for getting elected based upon the appeal to identity.

Exactly. Kamala was nominated because of her racial background, both real and perceived. Not because of her qualifications for high office which are totally lacking.
Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.

So what is tramps Law and Order, he ran on that in 2016 and now you live in Tramp's USA, disarray and thousands dying from covid.
The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Slavery and ignorance is what we now have with tramp while he and his family are enriching themselves.

President Trump isn't "enriching" himself at all.

His net worth is steady or even declining. It was B. Hussein O and the Clinton Cabal who really became tycoons by being elected. Trump was already tremendously wealthy BEFORE disembarking from the Golden Escalator.
I was just looking at House races and there are now 39 seats in play.... Every day another seat is added to the list of potential wins for republicans due to the democrat party being intrinsically tied to ANTIFA and BLM thugs.. The longer the violence goes on the bigger the landslide victory for Trump will be... It is interesting that they haven't figured this one out yet... Even Nancy Pelosie's seat is a toss up today!

Bidens chances of winning grow less and less every day...
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Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.
The democrat party no longer has any policies.

All they have are strategies for getting elected based upon the appeal to identity.

Exactly. Kamala was nominated because of her racial background, both real and perceived. Not because of her qualifications for high office which are totally lacking.

Hariss slept her way to the top. And single digit IQ democrats cant see it for what it is...
Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.
The democrat party no longer has any policies.

All they have are strategies for getting elected based upon the appeal to identity.

Exactly. Kamala was nominated because of her racial background, both real and perceived. Not because of her qualifications for high office which are totally lacking.

Hariss slept her way to the top. And single digit IQ democrats cant see it for what it is...

What's also interesting is how Kamala called Sleepy Joe out for his Racism, including Biden's support for Southern Segregationism and opposition to school bussing, during the campaign. Then admitted it was all a joke to Steve Colbert after getting the nod
EVERY Democrat running for President has HUGE advantages, regardless of anything they say, do, or have done. It's just a fact. They have:
  • The full support of the non-Fox Media, which support includes slanted news coverage, slander of opponents, and ignoring of news that is favorable to Republicans...90% negative coverage of Trump personally, vs. 75% negative for other Republicans in the past,
  • The unwavering support of all of Academe, including the brainwashing that has gone for more than a generation,
  • The militant support of government workers at all levels (except for those in uniform), and especially the teachers' unions,
  • The fawning support of brain-dead "Hollywood" in all of its manifestations,
  • The full support of organized labor (though not necessarily the rank & file),
  • The brainless support of 80% of women (more than half the population) who consider themselves "Feminists,"
  • The near unanimous support of Blacks, "Hispanics," Asians, non-religious Jews, and naturalized citizens.
Accordingly, Sleepy Joe and his faux "Black" running mate can only lose this election; Trump cannot win.

OTOH, Trump would win in a landslide if the election were decided by

  1. White people,
  2. Men,
  3. People who are gainfully employed in the private sector, or
  4. People who pay more than $5k/yr in FIT.
But alas...
Biden's greatest strength lies in the stupidity of his followers. But Biden and the rest of his party has to come to grips with the fact that they no longer own Blacks. Slavery has been over for around 160 years now. Blacks aren't conned by Democrats any more. They know Trump offers a shot at the American dream. Biden only offers chaos, poverty and the opportunity to be lifelong disgruntled victims. MAGA
Kamala was nominated because of her racial background, both real and perceived. Not because of her qualifications for high office which are totally lacking.

Not just that.


Is that an NBA basketball on Biden?
Biden's greatest strength lies in the stupidity of his followers. But Biden and the rest of his party has to come to grips with the fact that they no longer own Blacks. Slavery has been over for around 160 years now. Blacks aren't conned by Democrats any more. They know Trump offers a shot at the American dream. Biden only offers chaos, poverty and the opportunity to be lifelong disgruntled victims. MAGA

Pretty much. He can be summed up by his campaign buttons...

The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Slavery and ignorance is what we now have with tramp while he and his family are enriching themselves.

Isn’t it you Leftists who continue telling us we need wetbacks because they do the shit jobs for shit money?
The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Slavery and ignorance is what we now have with tramp while he and his family are enriching themselves.

President Trump isn't "enriching" himself at all.

His net worth is steady or even declining. It was B. Hussein O and the Clinton Cabal who really became tycoons by being elected. Trump was already tremendously wealthy BEFORE disembarking from the Golden Escalator.
His networth, according to Forbes, is down 1BUSD since he took office.
Now Trump has a record to defend
Trump's record is a very good one. Joe Biden will have his record to defend with Obama, Ukraine, China, the past 48 years, not to mention his health and mental state.

coupled with Trump's (less than) great record of handling COVID 19
How do you know that without Trump, deaths now wouldn't be 250,000? And what would you be saying if deaths were only 12,000 yet he had done all the exact same things? The thing is: NO ONE KNOWS. We have never fought a virus like this before, the USA is a model different from other countries, and the virus is a scourge the world over, so it is total bullshit for Biden to claim how much "better" he would have done since he doesn't know. Hindsight is always 20/20.

but it's not moving the needle with the voting public
Biden got no bump from his DNC, Trump got one, the race has gotten closer, and now they are sending Biden to Minnesota of all places, one of the bluest states the democrats haven't lost in ages. :smoke:
The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Slavery and ignorance is what we now have with tramp while he and his family are enriching themselves.

So Trump is your master?
In 2016 Donald Trump could sit on the sidelines and criticize the Obama administration - No more. Now Trump has a record to defend, and it's Joe Biden that gets to sit on the sidelines and criticize the Trump administration. In addition, Joe Biden (though not liked by the GOP) is not as hated as Hillary Clinton was. These 2 things, coupled with Trump's (less than) great record of handling COVID 19 are what's kept Biden ahead of Trump since Biden entered the race.

Trump supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public, and Trump supporters know it. Biden still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Trump will be a one term President. :bye1:

Bidens only debate advantage is that he can poop in his diaper thus needs no restroom

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