Joe B's review of "The Rise of Skywalker"


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Warning- Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen this movie and can't see tried cliches coming a mile off.

Star Wars, the Rise of Skywalker. Hopefully the last Star Wars Movie.

How did Disneyā€™s Billion Dollar investment go so horribly wrong?

So really, you have to start with how the first two "Sequel" movies messed everything up. The Force Awakens decided to essentially undo all the happy ending aspects of the Original Trilogy to set up the new Trilogy. This is really where it all went wrong because it rendered the OT meaningless. Luke gives up, Leia and Han don't stick together and their Emo kid goes bad. The Empire comes back in the form of the "New Order" and heck, they're even building a new Death Star because the first two worked out so well.

Then you get The Last Jedi, where Rian Johnson decided to stick a big old thumb in the eye of the hardcore fan base. They decide to tell us the force is nothing special, and engage in an absolutely silly plan that gets most of the rebels killed. And they waste about half the film with Fin hanging out with the human equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, Rose Tico. Oh, were you waiting for Snoke to be a big deal? Nope, they kill him off without telling us anything about him and where he came from. Fans hated it, complained about it and even organized a boycott of the next Stand-alone film, Solo.

JJ Abrams was brought back to fix the mess, and just ended up making a bigger messā€¦ kind of like the third car in a three-car pileup.

So, letā€™s start with the silliness of it all. Turns out Emperor Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sideous isnā€™t quite as dead as we thought he was. (Monty Python voice ā€œIā€™m not quite dead. Iā€™m getting better!ā€) Yes, despite being thrown down a ten-mile chasm into a reactor on a station that then blew up, he's apparently alive and well on the Sith Planet, where heā€™s building a new fleet that he wants to give Darth Emoā€¦. Iā€™m sorry, Kylo Ren. All he has to do is find Rey. Maybe he cloned himself. Maybe Snoke was something he grew in a lab. Whatever.

What we get is a convoluted chase sequence to find a dagger to find a Wayfinder to find the lost planet of the Sith that heā€™s hiding on. Except they have to go on another couple of side quests to reprogram C3PO and rescue Chewbacca. This leads to a massive reveal at the end where Kylo and Rey fight a resurrected Palpatine and Kylo redeems himself before dyingā€¦ um, wait, isnā€™t this all terribly familiar? Donā€™t worry about spoilers, kids, if youā€™ve seen past Star Wars movies, youā€™ve seen this one.

And this is the problem, I think with a franchise like this. Whether it be Doctor Who, Star Trek or Star Wars, you have to strike this fine balance between Fan Service and innovation. To much fan service, and you just get something that looks retreaded. Too much innovation, you risk making the fans upset that you are marring up their childhood memories.

Johnson went too far in ā€œinnovationā€ with Jedi. Abrams is going too far with "Fan Service, trying his very best to erase everything Johnson did to cheese off the fans. In the process, he made a movie where every story beat was kind of predictable.

All that said, letā€™s look at some of the characters, and how they messed them up. It's a pity, most of the actors are likable enough, and they are reading the awful dialog as best they can.

First, Princess/General Leia Organaā€¦ which has a problem in that Carrie Fisher died before filming started. Invoking the spirit of Ed Wood, they took some clips off the cutting room floor, used the Dark Arts and CGI and inserted her into parts of the movie. While not as unsettling as the insertion of the late Peter Cushing into Rogue one, they really donā€™t work that well.

Landoā€™s backā€¦ because they ran out of other characters that they havenā€™t killed off yet. Luke and Hanā€™s ghosts show up to tell our heroes to not be as tired of this stuff as we are.

Then we have Rey. This is her story, mostly. The complaint about her is that sheā€™s a Mary Sue, being perfect in every way. We have a montage of her Jedi-Training at the beginning of this one, which really should have happened two movies ago. Why does she need to train, she can do stuff we never saw other Jedis do? Literally. Like the new Jedi Healing Power- Nothing like pulling new powers out of your backside to make a story work. (Oddly, this magic power also appears in the Mandolorian.)

Oh, yeah (Spoilers), and we find out that Rey is Palpatineā€™s Granddaughter. Didnā€™t even know Palpy had a son or was even into chicks, but apparently, he was.

Kylo Ren/AKA Ben Solo/ Aka Darth Emo. ā€“ Well, wow, big surprise, this movie is about how he redeems himself, even getting a visit from Ghost Dad to say that he forgives him for the whole murder thing. Ugh.

Fans will be happy to see much, much less of Rose Tico. Itā€™s like they realized the fans hated her with Jar-Jar Binks levels of contempt and decided to not use her that much. They did introduce two new female characters so we know that Fin and Poe have a case of the Not-Gays. Iā€™m so bored with it Iā€™m not even going to bother looking up the names of these characters.

The whole ending involves them leading an attack on Palpatineā€™s new fleet of Star Destroyers all equipped with Planet Killing Weapons because you can't have a Star Wars movie without planet-killing weapons. How these ships got built, who was crewing themā€¦ ah, who cares, it just means the First Order will have 100 times more ships and can conquer all the free people of the Galaxy who couldn't be bothered fighting them up until this point.
I wanted to add one more thing. A major plot line involves going to a planet to find someone who will reprogram C3PO so he can read Sith writing on a dagger. Somehow, it is against his programming to read Sith. A bunch of problems with this.

The first one being, he was built by Anikan Skywalker out of parts. So where would this program come from if the Sith had been gone for 1000 years at that point. Second- they say this reprogramming would completely erase his memory. This is essentially erasing him as a person, and it leads to some silly comedy where he's wandering around battles not knowing who anyone is or what is going on.

This has kind of always been one of my complaints about the Star Wars universe. Droids are obviously self-aware. They have personalities, make decisions, form friendships, but they can STILL be treated like, well, machines.
Warning- Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen this movie and can't see tried cliches coming a mile off.

Star Wars, the Rise of Skywalker. Hopefully the last Star Wars Movie.

How did Disneyā€™s Billion Dollar investment go so horribly wrong?

So really, you have to start with how the first two "Sequel" movies messed everything up. The Force Awakens decided to essentially undo all the happy ending aspects of the Original Trilogy to set up the new Trilogy. This is really where it all went wrong because it rendered the OT meaningless. Luke gives up, Leia and Han don't stick together and their Emo kid goes bad. The Empire comes back in the form of the "New Order" and heck, they're even building a new Death Star because the first two worked out so well.

Then you get The Last Jedi, where Rian Johnson decided to stick a big old thumb in the eye of the hardcore fan base. They decide to tell us the force is nothing special, and engage in an absolutely silly plan that gets most of the rebels killed. And they waste about half the film with Fin hanging out with the human equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, Rose Tico. Oh, were you waiting for Snoke to be a big deal? Nope, they kill him off without telling us anything about him and where he came from. Fans hated it, complained about it and even organized a boycott of the next Stand-alone film, Solo.

JJ Abrams was brought back to fix the mess, and just ended up making a bigger messā€¦ kind of like the third car in a three-car pileup.

So, letā€™s start with the silliness of it all. Turns out Emperor Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sideous isnā€™t quite as dead as we thought he was. (Monty Python voice ā€œIā€™m not quite dead. Iā€™m getting better!ā€) Yes, despite being thrown down a ten-mile chasm into a reactor on a station that then blew up, he's apparently alive and well on the Sith Planet, where heā€™s building a new fleet that he wants to give Darth Emoā€¦. Iā€™m sorry, Kylo Ren. All he has to do is find Rey. Maybe he cloned himself. Maybe Snoke was something he grew in a lab. Whatever.

What we get is a convoluted chase sequence to find a dagger to find a Wayfinder to find the lost planet of the Sith that heā€™s hiding on. Except they have to go on another couple of side quests to reprogram C3PO and rescue Chewbacca. This leads to a massive reveal at the end where Kylo and Rey fight a resurrected Palpatine and Kylo redeems himself before dyingā€¦ um, wait, isnā€™t this all terribly familiar? Donā€™t worry about spoilers, kids, if youā€™ve seen past Star Wars movies, youā€™ve seen this one.

And this is the problem, I think with a franchise like this. Whether it be Doctor Who, Star Trek or Star Wars, you have to strike this fine balance between Fan Service and innovation. To much fan service, and you just get something that looks retreaded. Too much innovation, you risk making the fans upset that you are marring up their childhood memories.

Johnson went too far in ā€œinnovationā€ with Jedi. Abrams is going too far with "Fan Service, trying his very best to erase everything Johnson did to cheese off the fans. In the process, he made a movie where every story beat was kind of predictable.

All that said, letā€™s look at some of the characters, and how they messed them up. It's a pity, most of the actors are likable enough, and they are reading the awful dialog as best they can.

First, Princess/General Leia Organaā€¦ which has a problem in that Carrie Fisher died before filming started. Invoking the spirit of Ed Wood, they took some clips off the cutting room floor, used the Dark Arts and CGI and inserted her into parts of the movie. While not as unsettling as the insertion of the late Peter Cushing into Rogue one, they really donā€™t work that well.

Landoā€™s backā€¦ because they ran out of other characters that they havenā€™t killed off yet. Luke and Hanā€™s ghosts show up to tell our heroes to not be as tired of this stuff as we are.

Then we have Rey. This is her story, mostly. The complaint about her is that sheā€™s a Mary Sue, being perfect in every way. We have a montage of her Jedi-Training at the beginning of this one, which really should have happened two movies ago. Why does she need to train, she can do stuff we never saw other Jedis do? Literally. Like the new Jedi Healing Power- Nothing like pulling new powers out of your backside to make a story work. (Oddly, this magic power also appears in the Mandolorian.)

Oh, yeah (Spoilers), and we find out that Rey is Palpatineā€™s Granddaughter. Didnā€™t even know Palpy had a son or was even into chicks, but apparently, he was.

Kylo Ren/AKA Ben Solo/ Aka Darth Emo. ā€“ Well, wow, big surprise, this movie is about how he redeems himself, even getting a visit from Ghost Dad to say that he forgives him for the whole murder thing. Ugh.

Fans will be happy to see much, much less of Rose Tico. Itā€™s like they realized the fans hated her with Jar-Jar Binks levels of contempt and decided to not use her that much. They did introduce two new female characters so we know that Fin and Poe have a case of the Not-Gays. Iā€™m so bored with it Iā€™m not even going to bother looking up the names of these characters.

The whole ending involves them leading an attack on Palpatineā€™s new fleet of Star Destroyers all equipped with Planet Killing Weapons because you can't have a Star Wars movie without planet-killing weapons. How these ships got built, who was crewing themā€¦ ah, who cares, it just means the First Order will have 100 times more ships and can conquer all the free people of the Galaxy who couldn't be bothered fighting them up until this point.
Joe, thank you for that.
My biggest problem with Star Wars is that it just sucks
It exists to sell toys.

Iā€™m no expert, but the writing and acting is noticeably bad. They have gotten some fantastic actors in Star Wars, but they are given childish dialogue and show no emotion.
My biggest problem with Star Wars is that it just sucks
It exists to sell toys.

Iā€™m no expert, but the writing and acting is noticeably bad. They have gotten some fantastic actors in Star Wars, but they are given childish dialogue and show no emotion.

I have to disagree. The original Trilogy were great movies. They revolutionized movies in not only how they were made, but how they were marketed and produced.

I have some kind words for the Prequels as well. They aren't as bad as everyone says.

The Sequels and Stand alone movies are garbage, though, made by Corporate Committee.
My biggest problem with Star Wars is that it just sucks
It exists to sell toys.

Iā€™m no expert, but the writing and acting is noticeably bad. They have gotten some fantastic actors in Star Wars, but they are given childish dialogue and show no emotion.

I have to disagree. The original Trilogy were great movies. They revolutionized movies in not only how they were made, but how they were marketed and produced.

I have some kind words for the Prequels as well. They aren't as bad as everyone says.

The Sequels and Stand alone movies are garbage, though, made by Corporate Committee.
One of our greatest actors of all time, Alec Guinness was humiliated at what he had to do in Star Wars.
Natalie Portman is an exceptional actress who was laughable in Star Wars
And the guy they got to play Anakin Skywalker may be the worst actor of all time.
Ewoks? Yuk

Alec Guinness thought Star Wars dialogue was 'rubbish'
One of our greatest actors of all time, Alec Guinness was humiliated at what he had to do in Star Wars.
Natalie Portman is an exceptional actress who was laughable in Star Wars
And the guy they got to play Anakin Skywalker may be the worst actor of all time.

Yes, Alec Guinness was so humiliated, he showed up for two sequels... and a big fat paycheck. And he was kind of a dick to fans.

While he did get an Oscar for "The River Kwai" he was also in some real crap, like "Murder by Death", a kind of unfunny comedy.

We'd have never heard of Natalie Portman if it wasn't for the Prequels.
One of our greatest actors of all time, Alec Guinness was humiliated at what he had to do in Star Wars.
Natalie Portman is an exceptional actress who was laughable in Star Wars
And the guy they got to play Anakin Skywalker may be the worst actor of all time.

Yes, Alec Guinness was so humiliated, he showed up for two sequels... and a big fat paycheck. And he was kind of a dick to fans.

While he did get an Oscar for "The River Kwai" he was also in some real crap, like "Murder by Death", a kind of unfunny comedy.

We'd have never heard of Natalie Portman if it wasn't for the Prequels.
Natalie Portman turned out to be a pretty good actress
Didnā€™t show it in Star Wars

A franchise where your acting skills go to die. A space version of Rocky movies

I think most of the quality actors in Star Wars go just for the paycheck
The diologue they are given makes them look like Soap Opera stars
I havent seen it yet but I am a life long Star Wars fan. I loved all the movies and thought the last jedi was really good as the others. I dont nit pik every scene or flaw. To me those who do that are not true Star Wars fans.
Natalie Portman turned out to be a pretty good actress
Didnā€™t show it in Star Wars

A franchise where your acting skills go to die. A space version of Rocky movies

Really? Hmmm... Seems like Harrison Ford had a pretty darned good career after Star Wars put him on the map.
Natalie Portman... Again, Star Wars put her on the map.
Adam Driver seems to be in a lot of other stuff these days. And honestly, that's impressive because the man looks like someone hit him with an ugly stick.
barely stayed awake thru it.....

same 'effin plot line for 40 forkin' years......

talk about beating the dead equestrian w/ recycled characters just KNOW Hamill & Ford said "alright, but you gotta kill my character off this time JJ"

Which Fischer apparently didn't get a say in


I will watch it out of curiosity.
This all really could have been wrapped up about 20 years ago, and maybe some of us who saw episodes 4-6 as teenagers would still be excited about it. While visually stunning, the actors seem to deliver the dialog with less emotion than the droids. Chewy seems to have to most emotional range.
Of all the newer movies, the only one to impress me was Rouge 1.
barely stayed awake thru it.....

same 'effin plot line for 40 forkin' years......

talk about beating the dead equestrian w/ recycled characters just KNOW Hamill & Ford said "alright, but you gotta kill my character off this time JJ"

Which Fischer apparently didn't get a say in

I think it did run too long and had too many "side missions".

I do find it interesting that Ford Came back for that one scene. he clearly wasn't a force ghost, so I'm not sure what he was supposed to be there. I suspect they both came back because they knew this was going to be Carrie Fishers last appearance, and they wanted her to go out with some dignity.

The movie is still a mess, though.
I will watch it out of curiosity.
This all really could have been wrapped up about 20 years ago, and maybe some of us who saw episodes 4-6 as teenagers would still be excited about it. While visually stunning, the actors seem to deliver the dialog with less emotion than the droids. Chewy seems to have to most emotional range.
Of all the newer movies, the only one to impress me was Rouge 1.

Are you kidding? Rogue One is an awful movie. It if wasn't connected to Star Wars, if it was just "Generic Evil Bad Guys" instead of "The Empire", it would be kind of a downer. Everyone dies just to get some plans to someone?
I'd still like to see a series of movies dedicated to "The Old Republic". At least that has a decent story arc.
Everyone dies just to get some plans to someone?
Found that more believable than the usual everyone lives despite running against all odds. It also showed how far the Empire was willing to go, by killing many of their own.
I also preferred the smartassed reprogrammed droid over our usual heroes. He warned them constantly about their chances of surviving. He was right.
Found that more believable than the usual everyone lives despite running against all odds.
I also preferred the smartassed reprogrammed droid over our usual heroes. He warned them constantly about their chances of surviving. He was right.

If a droid is your most interesting character, it's a bad movie.
Found that more believable than the usual everyone lives despite running against all odds.
I also preferred the smartassed reprogrammed droid over our usual heroes. He warned them constantly about their chances of surviving. He was right.

If a droid is your most interesting character, it's a bad movie.
The best of all the bad. Although the Wookie has the best acting in the rest.
Thing is, it impressed me as a kid. Not so much anymore as there is far better sci fi being done.
Like I said, they should have wrapped it up years ago when the franchise was fresh.

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