Joe B's take on the Midterms

Dude there is nothing impressive about the republicans recapturing the House. Given the dynamics of the number of seats up for re-election and where, it was basically a given republicans would easily take it back. Maybe you’d have a small reason to gloat if you narrowly took back the senate, but there’s a good chance that won’t happen. If you take back the senate, it will come down to one seat in your favor. There is just absolutely nothing impressive about republicans’ performance in this race. Like Joe said, it’s the worse midterm showing since 2002 as far as a party getting its power back.
1. Dude, every two years every House seat is up for election. Republicans won. Young voters were energized by the Dodd decision. Shit happens. A narrow win is still a win.

2. 2022 is a bad year for Republicans as you say, and 2024 will be bad for democrats with more seats to defend. Again, if Repubs take back the Senate in 2022, even by one seat, that's still a big win.
1. Dude, every two years every House seat is up for election. Republicans won. Young voters were energized by the Dodd decision. Shit happens. A narrow win is still a win.

2. 2022 is a bad year for Republicans as you say, and 2024 will be bad for democrats with more seats to defend. Again, if Repubs take back the Senate in 2022, even by one seat, that's still a big win.
Republicans taking back the House was already a given. The odds were already in their favor.

Lol how is a one seat win for the senate a “big” win exactly? Where is there room for a “small” or “normal sized” win in the case of republicans taking it back? Since historically this is how midterm elections play out anyway, there’s no reason to be impressed. You can spin this however you want. Republicans definitely disappointed.
/——-/ I can afford it. It’s the poor and working class that suffer. You know, the people you liberals look down your nose at.
It’s funny how you guys will say this in one breath but in another you accuse liberals of being government free loaders. Do you not
see how these assertions contradict each other?
They just don't want to bake ONE cake, but in your fascist progressive utopia they then can't bake and sell any cakes.

Sure, they can bake all the cakes they want in their house... but if they want to open a business - a public accommodation - then they have to follow the law. Just like they have to follow those pesky sanitation laws.

Same thing with statues... you want to have a statue of the founder of the Klan in your backyard... have at it. You want it in the public square... the public will be having a word.

On the other hand, what a woman chooses to have in her uterus is her own business.

None of them also don't involve another lifeform being killed. Abortion does.

Fetuses aren't people.

Trump did not cause that. The Propaganda scam artists and their willing minions did that on their own. They have not even wavered.
Nor should they. Every country that did this right had nowhere near our damage.

1. We needed a non-politician with steel chones to take on the DC swamp. The MSM/FBI/CIA junta had to be opposed. Trump was the best man for that job. More Clinton was not the answer.

Uh, guy, do you pick a surgeon not based on his experience, but on his swagger? Or do you get on a plane with someone who has never flown before, but you like the cut of his jib.

Sorry, man, I want the people running government to have experience in government. Trump shows what happens when you have someone who doesn't have the experience running things.

3. Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic wasn't Trump's fault. No jobs were lost in Republican states, democrat state shut-downs were not Trump's fault. Democrat riots weren't Trump's fault either.

Actually, jobs were lost across the country.
The riots were completely on Trump. You tell black people their lives don't matter, then they are going to riot.
You folks are idiots living in a fascist hellhole. We are trying to prevent ourselves from following that path.

How strange. The country YOU call a "fascist hellhole" is the World's Best Country. #1 in the world. We're the Best Country to Living In and we're at the top of the list for Fastest Growing Economy, too. 80% of OUR people like the direction that Canada is headed in. We have more personal freedom that Americans, a better education system, smarter voters and we're fully vaxxed.

But by all means, continue to believe the right wing billionaire owned media. They're been wrong about everything else, so at least they're consistent.
And you let them. How pathetic

And you think being honest with the Canadian people about what we were facing; following the best scientific practices as per the Public Heath experts, and the CDC,

Our disease and death rates are 1/3 of what the USA suffered. We didn't spend endless billions of dollars testing 1 billion people, or treating the nearly 100 million who became sick, or dealing with the deaths of over one million of our people.

Our hospitals were never overwhelmed, and we never lacked for PPE, or a testing system. Our federal government, run by Liberals, co-operated with ALL of the provincial leaders, 7 of whom are Conservatives. There was no political infighting at any time throughout the pandemic. COUNTRY over party, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Sure, they can bake all the cakes they want in their house... but if they want to open a business - a public accommodation - then they have to follow the law. Just like they have to follow those pesky sanitation laws.

Same thing with statues... you want to have a statue of the founder of the Klan in your backyard... have at it. You want it in the public square... the public will be having a word.

On the other hand, what a woman chooses to have in her uterus is her own business.

Fetuses aren't people.

Nor should they. Every country that did this right had nowhere near our damage.

Uh, guy, do you pick a surgeon not based on his experience, but on his swagger? Or do you get on a plane with someone who has never flown before, but you like the cut of his jib.

Sorry, man, I want the people running government to have experience in government. Trump shows what happens when you have someone who doesn't have the experience running things.

Actually, jobs were lost across the country.
The riots were completely on Trump. You tell black people their lives don't matter, then they are going to riot.

Show me where the right to a cake overrides free exercise. Here's a hint, it doesn't.

It's a separate life, which is why some people believe it has to be protected. You don't because you are an uncaring atheist ghoul.
/——-/ “If Hillary were a man, you'd have no problem with her.”
It’s not her gender, it’s her politics. We have the same problem with Bill, Obama, and Joe. Even a tool like you should understand that.

Bullshit. If Hillary were a man, you would have voted for her because she cleaned Trump's clock on every single debate. Instead, you called her an "emasculating bitch", because she made Trump look stupid, uninformed, and dishonest on the debate stage.
I have one more post to add to my list.

8. It's good to be an incumbent - The thing about this election is how very few politicians actually lost their jobs. The one shift in the Senate was an open seat. The governorships in MD and MA were open seats where the GOP incumbents retired. The same can be said of most of the Congressional Seats. If you had the job, you kept the job. Nevada we might see the Senator and Governor lose their jobs, but nearly everyone else kept theirs.

It's like the old joke, "Congress sucks, but my Congressman is a good guy!"
Show me where the right to a cake overrides free exercise. Here's a hint, it doesn't.

It's a separate life, which is why some people believe it has to be protected. You don't because you are an uncaring atheist ghoul.

Equal rights under the law. You right to hate me, doesn't include denying me service for things like race, gender, or religious affiliation.
Sure, they can bake all the cakes they want in their house... but if they want to open a business - a public accommodation - then they have to follow the law. Just like they have to follow those pesky sanitation laws.

Same thing with statues... you want to have a statue of the founder of the Klan in your backyard... have at it. You want it in the public square... the public will be having a word.

On the other hand, what a woman chooses to have in her uterus is her own business.

Fetuses aren't people.

Nor should they. Every country that did this right had nowhere near our damage.

Uh, guy, do you pick a surgeon not based on his experience, but on his swagger? Or do you get on a plane with someone who has never flown before, but you like the cut of his jib.

Sorry, man, I want the people running government to have experience in government. Trump shows what happens when you have someone who doesn't have the experience running things.

Actually, jobs were lost across the country.
The riots were completely on Trump. You tell black people their lives don't matter, then they are going to riot.
Our Representatives have lawyers making legislation.
Our Representatives, for the most part, know nothing.
1. What Republican governorships were lost? AZ is still in-play, Sununu won easily in NH. CA & IL are blue, so no surprise there that Newsom and Pritzker won. They are NOT presidential timber, but neither was Biden.

2. The GOP won the House, period. Young motivated voters came out in droves to tip the elections to the dems, congrats on their voting for their priorities. But still, the GOP took the House so Biden's policies are done.

3. Agree Trump lost his mojo. Extremism is not going to win future elections. However, Trump's policies are still popular with middle-America. But the messenger needs to be someone more likable, like Desantis or Nikki Haley. You may be right that the 2024 GOP primaries will be a slug-fest.

4. The GOP plan to reduce inflation was to go back to energy independence. See attached new 10-point contract. The MSM's biased reporting on "the end of democracy", "the end of the world", "a nationwide abortion ban", and other lies if Republicans win was a motivating factor for many low-information voters.

5. Agreed, the USSC Dobbs decision hurt Republicans, but that was a major policy goal for Republicans, call it a Pyrrhic Victory. I'm a pro-choice Republican, so I'm used to seeing Repubs shoot themselves in the feet. Lets hope that in 2024 the abortion issue is not a factor.

6. Agreed that we need better candidates on both sides. Voters in the primaries need more guidance from the RNC/DNC as to the preferred candidates.

7. Have to mention FL "red wave" and that Hispanics are Republican! Miami-Dade went RED!!!
Walker and Oz weren’t handed the nominations they won them. It’s the voters fault they ran not theirs.
Some ruminations on the midterms.

The Red Wave turned into a pink mist. Not since 2002 has an out of power party done so poorly in a midterm. The Republicans have lost governorships, state legislatures, and as it stands now, may only gain a handful of seats in the House. This despite gerrymandering, voter suppression attempts and massive amounts of money spent, this was a poor performance for the GOP despite all the polls.

1) Trump remains a motivator - people just do not like Donald Trump! They never liked him. If the 2022 midterms were a referendum on Trump, this would be the FOURTH time the voters rejected him. (As he lost the popular votes in 2016 and 2020, lost control of the House in 2018, and was the root cause of an underwhelming performance for the GOP this year. Yet the GOP just can't quit the guy. I suspect there will be a very ugly civil war in 2024 as the GOP establishment rallies around DeSantis and the hard core cultist rally around Trump. :popcorn:

2) Fear and Revenge aren't a platform - You guys scared the straights. Unlike past GOP waves like the Contract with America and the Tea Party, which had very specific goals, all the GOP had this year was scaring you and vowing revenge on your enemies. "Oh, noes, BLM is going to get you." Um, BLM largely went home a year ago. "Oh, noes, the Trannies are coming for your children". Not really. "America is this horrid hellscape!" Um, no, not really. Sure, inflation is bad, but the Republicans don't actually have a plan to combat it other than the usual "Let's cut taxes for rich people" which never really helps.

3) SCOTUS really screwed you guys. - Without a doubt, reaction to Dobbs was a factor. Young people, who would be the most seriously effected by compulsory parenthood, came out in droves to protest it, and it showed. It's going to be worse for you in 2024 when some of the horror stories out of Jesusland about young women being seriously maimed when they can't get prompt attention for entoptic pregnancies start emerging.

4) Democrats, can we stop trying to make Stacey Adams a thing? - Seriously, this is the second time this woman has lost, badly, but the Democrats keep trying to promote her. I for the life of me can't figure out why they make her a national spokesperson and even shoehorned her into an episode of Star Trek: Discovery. (I could make the snarky comment that she's not an actor, but you can say the same for most of the cast of that show.) Stop trying to make her a thing.

5) After a nuclear War, all that's going to be left are the Cockroaches and Ron Johnson - How does this guy keep surviving?

6) The big winners - Newsom and Pritzker. - Both won re-election handily... and are probably the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination should Joe Biden decide he doesn't want to be the country's first octogenarian president. (Actually, he will be when he turns 80 a couple of weeks, but you get my point. This is no country for old men!)

7) Crappy celebrity candidates - Can we say we've had enough of them? Dr. Oz and Hershell Walker have no business being in the Senate. Why did you guys nominate them.

Nobody cares, Joe
Show me where the right to a cake overrides free exercise. Here's a hint, it doesn't.

Show me where Wedding Cakes are mentioned anywhere in the bible. In fact, Wedding Cakes are a Pagan Roman tradition. (They were baked in the shape of genitals to encourage fertility).

Free Exercise does not mean "I can break any law I like as long as I come up with a religious excuse for it." Otherwise, I want to be able to cut out the hearts of my enemies to please my God, Quetzalcoatl.

Are you arguing that a religious person has the right to be homophobe in her business, but an atheist who just doesn't like gay people because he thinks the butt sex is icky shouldn't be able to? What about a person who believes race mixing is against God's plan and won't serve me and my Asian girlfriend.
/——-/ “If Hillary were a man, you'd have no problem with her.”
It’s not her gender, it’s her politics. We have the same problem with Bill, Obama, and Joe. Even a tool like you should understand that.
Everything is about race and gender to Joe. Everyone is a victim, this way they can't be at fault for anything.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are prime examples of the fear Republicans use as partisan weapons: fear of minorities and immigrants, fear of gay and transgender Americans, fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion; hence the right’s efforts to demonize and vilify minorities, immigrants, and gay and transgender Americans.

The politics of revenge is mostly the purview of Trump and his supporters, to go after political opponents perceived as ‘enemies,’ to destroy a political opponent because he defeated you in a fair and honest election. Conservatives’ rhetoric of ‘impeaching’ President Biden is the politics of revenge, and in many respects laws ‘banning’ abortion enacted by Republican lawmakers is a form of political revenge.

So, indeed, fear and revenge are all Republicans have.

Everything is about race and gender to Joe. Everyone is a victim, this way they can't be at fault for anything.
You forget that JoeB is a self-serving atheist.
Anything goes as long as Whitey is in chains.
Everything is about race and gender to Joe. Everyone is a victim, this way they can't be at fault for anything.

The victims were everyone who died from TRUMP PLAGUE
Everyone who lost their jobs during TRUMP RECESSION
Everyone who lost property during TRUMP RIOTS.

But you owned the libs... that's the important thing.

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