Joe B's take on the Midterms

A million dead from Covid. Riots in the streets. 65 million jobs lost. Religious law coming from SCOTUS. Um, yeah, we have every reason to be scared.

Oh, it's fun to watch Faux News try to spin this AFTER they promised their rabid viewers revenge for a year.
The GOP performance on Tuesday WAS pathetic. They could barely win a rigged game.
Covid was brought to by Fauci and his commie friends, keep the blame where it belongs.

It was definitely a rigged game, and like last time days later no results. Go figure.
Some ruminations on the midterms.

The Red Wave turned into a pink mist. Not since 2002 has an out of power party done so poorly in a midterm. The Republicans have lost governorships, state legislatures, and as it stands now, may only gain a handful of seats in the House. This despite gerrymandering, voter suppression attempts and massive amounts of money spent, this was a poor performance for the GOP despite all the polls.

1) Trump remains a motivator - people just do not like Donald Trump! They never liked him. If the 2022 midterms were a referendum on Trump, this would be the FOURTH time the voters rejected him. (As he lost the popular votes in 2016 and 2020, lost control of the House in 2018, and was the root cause of an underwhelming performance for the GOP this year. Yet the GOP just can't quit the guy. I suspect there will be a very ugly civil war in 2024 as the GOP establishment rallies around DeSantis and the hard core cultist rally around Trump. :popcorn:

2) Fear and Revenge aren't a platform - You guys scared the straights. Unlike past GOP waves like the Contract with America and the Tea Party, which had very specific goals, all the GOP had this year was scaring you and vowing revenge on your enemies. "Oh, noes, BLM is going to get you." Um, BLM largely went home a year ago. "Oh, noes, the Trannies are coming for your children". Not really. "America is this horrid hellscape!" Um, no, not really. Sure, inflation is bad, but the Republicans don't actually have a plan to combat it other than the usual "Let's cut taxes for rich people" which never really helps.

3) SCOTUS really screwed you guys. - Without a doubt, reaction to Dobbs was a factor. Young people, who would be the most seriously effected by compulsory parenthood, came out in droves to protest it, and it showed. It's going to be worse for you in 2024 when some of the horror stories out of Jesusland about young women being seriously maimed when they can't get prompt attention for entoptic pregnancies start emerging.

4) Democrats, can we stop trying to make Stacey Adams a thing? - Seriously, this is the second time this woman has lost, badly, but the Democrats keep trying to promote her. I for the life of me can't figure out why they make her a national spokesperson and even shoehorned her into an episode of Star Trek: Discovery. (I could make the snarky comment that she's not an actor, but you can say the same for most of the cast of that show.) Stop trying to make her a thing.

5) After a nuclear War, all that's going to be left are the Cockroaches and Ron Johnson - How does this guy keep surviving?

6) The big winners - Newsom and Pritzker. - Both won re-election handily... and are probably the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination should Joe Biden decide he doesn't want to be the country's first octogenarian president. (Actually, he will be when he turns 80 a couple of weeks, but you get my point. This is no country for old men!)

7) Crappy celebrity candidates - Can we say we've had enough of them? Dr. Oz and Hershell Walker have no business being in the Senate. Why did you guys nominate them.
Of course you analyzed it all wrong like normal, what is interesting is the battle lines are drawn on the abortion issue among others, it didn't matter that Roe vs Wade was overturned it didn't hurt the Republicans, what did is the Clown Trump still wants to be in the spotlight and endorsed the most ridiculous candidates like OZ and Walker
Republicans lost MD and MA. Democrats will probably lose NV. They retained OR, despite a third party splitting the vote. AZ looks like a probable Democratic pickup. Most of the uncounted votes are in Maricopa and Pima counties, which are the ones that swung the state to Biden in 2020.

Not really. You guys said the same things about Clinton and Obama, and frankly, they ran circles around Newt and Boehner and Ryan. McCarthy is no Newt. He doesn't even have the gavel yet and Republicans are whining about his leadership.

I would argue that losing the house actually HELPS Biden. It certainly helped Clinton and Obama. When Americans realize that Biden is the only thing standing between them and the crazy, he'll be very popular.

Trump never had any mojo. He fell ass-backwards into the presidency, was never up to the job, and has cost his party ever since. But the reason why Trump is so popular is that he's best at saying the quiet part out loud, angry white people who can't articulate their misdirected rage in a declining empire.

Oil is an international commodity. Despoiling our soil to get more of it won't effect costs. All Opec has to do is cut production further to offset anything we produce at inflated prices.

How can it NOT be? Next year, abortion laws in red states will start to go into effect, and people will realize how awful these laws are. You'll get the sob stories of raped teenagers and women maimed by ectopic pregnancies. The smart thing would be for those GOP legislatures to go back, change the laws, and pretend this didn't happen. They won't.

Meh, I'm fine with nearly everyone the Democrats ran this year. You guys ran brain-damaged football players and snake oil salesmen and crazy ex-generals and wondered why you lost.

Yes, the Cuban Refuse we never should have let into the country swung it... so what?
1. MD & MA are very blue states, I'm amazed the GOP had those governorships in the first place, NOT upset wins. If the GOP takes NV and AZ those will be more of upset victories. Net-net the dems didn't win many governorships.

2. The GOP winning the House doesn't help Biden, duh. You may be right that the MSM will continue to demonize the GOP, i.e. don't believe your lying eyes. Inflation is low, gas prices are low, the economy is booming, Biden is a great president, Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation, etc.

3. Trump beat Hillary when she had a 95% probability of winning. Biggest upset in US history, a real accomplishment. But like the dog who caught the car, Trump's glaring personality flaws were his undoing. We aren't angry white people, we're traditionalists fight back against the "woke" and "cancel" cultures the dems are promoting. Keeping the US from declining is our mission , destroying the US is what the democrat socialists', aka "Liberal World Order" goal is.

4. Your take on US oil production is moronic. Yes its an international commodity, No soil is "despoiled" by drilling. More US production means less we have to buy and transport across oceans. When Trump was president the US produced 13m bpd and was an oil exporter. The EU desperately needs energy, keeping recoverable US energy in the ground is criminal. OPEC+ has all the cards if Biden stops US oil production.

5. You may be right that "extreme" Republican Abortion Laws will hurt Republican chances in 2024. I hope the 2022 mid-terms will help Republicans grow brains and model abortion laws like the EU countries have.

6. You're fine with Fetterman? LOL!! Talk about "brain damaged"!!! I could have voted for Conner Lamb, he's a better fit for PA. Hershel is not "brain damaged" we'll see who GA votes for 12/6, Hershel, or the Reverend who ran over his wife's foot. General Bolduc is a distinguished veteran deserving of your respect.

7. Cuban Refuse??? I call them patriotic voters, I hope that the 5,000,000 migrants that Biden let in escaping socialism vote Republican when they eventually get that right. "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up"
A million dead from Covid. Riots in the streets. 65 million jobs lost. Religious law coming from SCOTUS. Um, yeah, we have every reason to be scared.

Oh, it's fun to watch Faux News try to spin this AFTER they promised their rabid viewers revenge for a year.
The GOP performance on Tuesday WAS pathetic. They could barely win a rigged game.
/-----/ "A million dead from Covid." In spite of the Left's nonstop drum beat, President Trump wasn't responsible for Covid. In fact, when he acted, he was attacked by democrats.
" Riots in the streets." BLM and Antifa aren't Republican organizations. Thank democrat mayors for letting them continue.
" 65 million jobs lost. " Governors shut down their state economies, not President Trump.
"Religious law coming from SCOTUS. " Uh, that was Constitutional law. Why didn't democrats codify abortion into law when they had two year with Obama and two with Joe?
"Um, yeah, we have every reason to be scared."
In 1800, each state established its own voting practices, including when its citizens voted. As a result, voting began in April and continued through November of 1800.

Granted that was 222 years ago.

In 1824, four men competed for president: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford. States cast their votes from Oct. 26 to Dec. 1, 1824.

The 1876 election wasn't decided until March 1877.

And then of course the 2000 election.

History Teaches Us Election Delays Are Nothing New
/------/ America’s got talent counts 50 million votes during the commercial break. Funny how Florida has the 3rd most populated state and can count votes and have results in a few hours.
1. What Republican governorships were lost? AZ is still in-play, Sununu won easily in NH. CA & IL are blue, so no surprise there that Newsom and Pritzker won. They are NOT presidential timber, but neither was Biden.

2. The GOP won the House, period. Young motivated voters came out in droves to tip the elections to the dems, congrats on their voting for their priorities. But still, the GOP took the House so Biden's policies are done.

3. Agree Trump lost his mojo. Extremism is not going to win future elections. However, Trump's policies are still popular with middle-America. But the messenger needs to be someone more likable, like Desantis or Nikki Haley. You may be right that the 2024 GOP primaries will be a slug-fest.

4. The GOP plan to reduce inflation was to go back to energy independence. See attached new 10-point contract. The MSM's biased reporting on "the end of democracy", "the end of the world", "a nationwide abortion ban", and other lies if Republicans win was a motivating factor for many low-information voters.

5. Agreed, the USSC Dobbs decision hurt Republicans, but that was a major policy goal for Republicans, call it a Pyrrhic Victory. I'm a pro-choice Republican, so I'm used to seeing Repubs shoot themselves in the feet. Lets hope that in 2024 the abortion issue is not a factor.

6. Agreed that we need better candidates on both sides. Voters in the primaries need more guidance from the RNC/DNC as to the preferred candidates.

7. Have to mention FL "red wave" and that Hispanics are Republican! Miami-Dade went RED!!!

We will also have 2 years to clarify the abortion issue, as most Americans support some time limit on birth control abortions, anywhere from 6-16 weeks.
We have 80% wrong track, and voters voted to stay on the wrong track. WTF??

You ARE on the wrong track. You're headed towards an authoritarian dictatorship. You're one or two elections from losing your democracy, and falling into dictatorship. The GOP has gerrymandered, and passed more than 400 voter suppression laws, and were promising that the GOP will never lose another election again. Then they lost the election.

Republicans have NO solutions for any of the problems. Just hate and fear, and Trump's politics of fear and revenge exhausted the people. They just complain and politicize the problems and then ignore them when they get into office. It's easy to find fault with what others have done, but if you don't have an alternative plan, you're screwed when you get into office - and that's exactly what happened to the Trump Presidency.

Trump had no plan. He just woke up every day and did things to get people to pay attention to HIM. He wanted to "win the news cycle". Nothing to do with helping Americans, just how do I get people to watch ME!!!!

The Republican House will now prove to the people who voted for them, why they wasted their votes. Fear and hate is great when you're out of office. Now the Republican Party has to PRODUCE results for their voters. Impeaching Joe Biden, and harassing Hunter Biden for no good reason is going to backfire BIGLY.
/------/ America’s got talent counts 50 million votes during the commercial break. Funny how Florida has the 3rd most populated state and can count votes and have results in a few hours.

What a stupid analogy. AGT has phone in votes that are tabulated by computer. There are no paper ballots to be certified as correct - by hand, and then counted.

This is an ELECTION, not a talent contest.
You ARE on the wrong track. You're headed towards an authoritarian dictatorship. You're one or two elections from losing your democracy, and falling into dictatorship. The GOP has gerrymandered, and passed more than 400 voter suppression laws, and were promising that the GOP will never lose another election again. Then they lost the election.

Republicans have NO solutions for any of the problems. Just hate and fear, and Trump's politics of fear and revenge exhausted the people. They just complain and politicize the problems and then ignore them when they get into office. It's easy to find fault with what others have done, but if you don't have an alternative plan, you're screwed when you get into office - and that's exactly what happened to the Trump Presidency.

Trump had no plan. He just woke up every day and did things to get people to pay attention to HIM. He wanted to "win the news cycle". Nothing to do with helping Americans, just how do I get people to watch ME!!!!

The Republican House will now prove to the people who voted for them, why they wasted their votes. Fear and hate is great when you're out of office. Now the Republican Party has to PRODUCE results for their voters. Impeaching Joe Biden, and harassing Hunter Biden for no good reason is going to backfire BIGLY.
OMG, you are quite the fiction writer. You type words with no proof, so I can call them LIES.
1. 71% of US voters say Biden is on the wrong track.

2. Your lie about voter suppression was disproven by recent voter turnout, duh. So why lie? You just spout talking points knowing that they are lies.

3. The US Constitution's system of "checks and balances" prevents us from losing our democracy. The MSM's propaganda system of lies, distortion, and bias are more of a threat to our democracy than any potential dictator.

4. Republicans have solutions, basically the reverse of everything Biden and the democrats have done.

5. Biden is president now, not Trump. Your TDS is showing. Trump had a higher approval rating than Joe Biden has, duh.

6. The GOP House will keep the democrat agenda at bay, and show the voters why voting democrats out is a win. Investigating the Biden Crime Family is a MAGA-WIN.
They have never done that so..........................
Newt did that...
The new GOP House can push for that...
What a stupid analogy. AGT has phone in votes that are tabulated by computer. There are no paper ballots to be certified as correct - by hand, and then counted.

This is an ELECTION, not a talent contest.
/——-/ Who has the best talent to run the Gubmint???? Yeah, it is.
Newt did that...
The new GOP House can push for that...

He presented something that was never carried out. Presenting ideas and actually doing them are two very different things.
3. Trump beat Hillary when she had a 95% probability of winning. Biggest upset in US history, a real accomplishment.

More like a profound system failure, given that the majority DID NOT WANT HIM. But the electoral college combined with third parties inflicted this plague on us.

General Bolduc is a distinguished veteran deserving of your respect.
He's like every other pompous officer I met in the service... Complete idiot.
7. Cuban Refuse??? I call them patriotic voters, I hope that the 5,000,000 migrants that Biden let in escaping socialism vote Republican when they eventually get that right.

Patriotic Americans would put America first, not being upset that we haven't invaded Cuba yet.

As for the 5 million refugees... most of them are from countries America fucked up with imperialism. The chickens are coming home to roost.
We will also have 2 years to clarify the abortion issue, as most Americans support some time limit on birth control abortions, anywhere from 6-16 weeks.

Here's the only clarification we need.

Mind your own fucking business.

Most Americans support some limits on guns, too... but I doubt you'd go along with that.

Abortion is a loser issue because for most people, it's not an issue, but for young women of baby-making age, it is. And they came out and voted Tuesday.

The smartest thing the GOP could do is repeal all the dumb laws in the red states and profusely apologize for the misunderstanding.

But you won't. You'll let them fester, some pretty young white girl will die from a botched abortion or an ectopic pregnancy, and we will hang you clowns out to dry for it.
-----/ "A million dead from Covid." In spite of the Left's nonstop drum beat, President Trump wasn't responsible for Covid. In fact, when he acted, he was attacked by democrats.
" Riots in the streets." BLM and Antifa aren't Republican organizations. Thank democrat mayors for letting them continue.
" 65 million jobs lost. " Governors shut down their state economies, not President Trump.
"Religious law coming from SCOTUS. " Uh, that was Constitutional law. Why didn't democrats codify abortion into law when they had two year with Obama and two with Joe?
"Um, yeah, we have every reason to be scared."

Uh, last time I checked, he was president when this shit happened. The buck stops with him.

You guys profoundly fucked up putting that guy in the white house, and for the third election in a row, you've taken a pasting for it.
Uh, last time I checked, he was president when this shit happened. The buck stops with him.

You guys profoundly fucked up putting that guy in the white house, and for the third election in a row, you've taken a pasting for it.
/----/ "Uh, last time I checked, he was president when this shit happened. The buck stops with him."
Well, that's a convenient spin considering democRATs give Joe a 100% pass on everything going wrong today. No buck stopping with him, eh libtard?
Uh, last time I checked, he was president when this shit happened. The buck stops with him.

You guys profoundly fucked up putting that guy in the white house, and for the third election in a row, you've taken a pasting for it.
/------/ Your guy is stuck on failure. And it's CNN so you can't whine FOX NEWS LIES.

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