Joe Scarborough: "Its the Biden Boom in the economy!"

No. Fuck Brandon.

I’m not part of the duopoly like so many here. I don’t vote. Voting merely supports a corrupt system and clearly means nothing. Joe is just like Don on policy.

Yeah, you are. You whine about the "duopoly" but it is, in actuality, a monopoly, and the one guy that came along that wasn't part of it, you attacked, like the good little lemming you are.

You ain't no "free thinker", you are a good little dweeb, doing what your masters tell you.
Pretty sad that he won then, isn't it? I mean if a guy who can barely speak beats the last guy -- the last guy must really suck.
When you have 95% of everything demonizing you every day it can convince a lot of people. And frankly, many are not that smart. The last guy took the venom for his voters. Gave some of it back. Very few rich Prog Socialists gave up their wealth for the cause. None on TV, the media the entertainers and the politicians who speak like warriors but doing the physical was something totally different. Now the swamp is back and the troubles of the world are itching and rearing their ugly heads again. Purposely having riots and releasing a Virus and cheating to win an election says it all.
Yeah, you are. You whine about the "duopoly" but it is, in actuality, a monopoly, and the one guy that came along that wasn't part of it, you attacked, like the good little lemming you are.

You ain't no "free thinker", you are a good little dweeb, doing what your masters tell you.
Except that he was a dumb ass and did nothing to curtail the corrupt establishment. Stop being a dupe. Trump sucked.
Joe Biden is presiding over lowest unemployment since the 50's and great job growth. After record unemployment in 2020 under former President Trump, this is very welcome news. You Go, Joe!

Hell, you could do this every year. Just force lock downs, keep people from going to work, force them on to welfare in November. Then after January 1st let them slowly get back to work. And like fucking magic you’ve created jobs and lowered the welfare rolls. Greatest boom evah!

That’s what happened over the last two years.
Is anyone so shit ass stupid to buy this booming bidumb economy crap? Any of you left wing loons jumping on board with this stupid shit?
Except that he was a dumb ass and did nothing to curtail the corrupt establishment. Stop being a dupe. Trump sucked.

Holy shit, you expect one guy to have a measurable impact in four years to a corrupt organ that has been developed over decades?

You ARE a fucking retard!
Is anyone so shit ass stupid to buy this booming bidumb economy crap? Any of you left wing loons jumping on board with this stupid shit?
Let’s see worst inflation in years. Jobs that were already there opening up. Loss of jobs due to closing down pipelines and border wall. unmitigated disaster pulling out of a war that everyone seemed to want just over a year ago. Higher death toll from Covid. More debt legislation passed and idiots are trying to make this sound good?
You really are misinformed.
Holy shit, you expect one guy to have a measurable impact in four years to a corrupt organ that has been developed over decades?

You ARE a fucking retard!
Don't even try it. You guys swore he was cleaning the swamp when all the time he was just dumping more toxic waste into it.
Don't even try it. You guys swore he was cleaning the swamp when all the time he was just dumping more toxic waste into it.
That toxic waste you’re living with today is the democrat party. Maybe you should have helped clear them out.
Holy shit, you expect one guy to have a measurable impact in four years to a corrupt organ that has been developed over decades?

You ARE a fucking retard!
Yeah a president has no power to change things. After all he’s only the president.
Yeah a president has no power to change things. After all he’s only the president.

Buuuuuuut yiu all said he would be a dictator.

He followed the COTUS more than any POTUS in decades.
Given what we know now, how the Biden admin is meeting with mainstream media sources so they can instruct them how to better spin the current economic situation in a more positive light.. this isn’t surprising to see

however, the disconnect is knowable and observable, you just have to break through the propaganda, which the MSM is spewing for the Biden admin CCP style

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