Joe Scarborough: "Its the Biden Boom in the economy!"

Is anyone so shit ass stupid to buy this booming bidumb economy crap? Any of you left wing loons jumping on board with this stupid shit?
The facts are what they are. You still believe the election was stolen.
Guess you forgot. Trump presided over the lowest UE rate in 50 years. He also had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your post. Good Lord.
This Thanksgiving, I want to say I am thankful for Joe Biden's leadership
So is Russia.

I doubt you will hear the left screaming about Biden snuggling up to Vlad Putin however.
They aren't remotely that honest.
The Biden Boom is basically nothing more than free money from the gov't in the form of stimulus checks and business loans, which obviously gets spent and voila, we have a higher GDP. But it's transitory and does not last; once the stimulus checks and loans are spent we are right back where we were before. It was the same deal when Obama spent some $862 billion back in 2009, remember? You get a temporary boost but then it's over. And this time we've got the inflation problem to deal with. Maybe the inflation problem dies back once the gov't spending declines; I understand the Fed is going to stop it's latest QE program that floods the banks with more liquidity. But the money is already out there and the democrats want to spend even more. So, should I believe that inflation is temporary? Doesn't look like it to me as long as the democrats are in the majority.
And yet everything most people do to live is much more expensive. Print up that currency...yeah....print it up...
It makes no sense to spend deficit dollars to increase demand when there's not enough supply to meet demand (because of the pandemic) esp when we already have "impressive" inflation. And the progs are paying people to not work, which hurts the already insufficient supply.

We are courting disaster here, because we are "assuming" supply will increase despite covid and oil and natl gas prices will not increase.
The Biden Boom is basically nothing more than free money from the gov't in the form of stimulus checks and business loans, which obviously gets spent and voila, we have a higher GDP. But it's transitory and does not last; once the stimulus checks and loans are spent we are right back where we were before. It was the same deal when Obama spent some $862 billion back in 2009, remember? You get a temporary boost but then it's over. And this time we've got the inflation problem to deal with. Maybe the inflation problem dies back once the gov't spending declines; I understand the Fed is going to stop it's latest QE program that floods the banks with more liquidity. But the money is already out there and the democrats want to spend even more. So, should I believe that inflation is temporary? Doesn't look like it to me as long as the democrats are in the majority.
Well the gop also was throwing money at the econ when people were losing jobs. Obama's stimulus was not a failure. What failed was people didn't get the help to pay their mortgages in time to stave off default, so despite the gnp coming back, the workers who lost houses were permanently fucked
It’s seems the same “boom” hasn’t transferred to his approval ratings…

Partially because the OP is a lie and Biden propaganda, similar Biden's facebook page 24-7, where his people are paid to post propaganda for Biden. They, and other interests employ foreigners to sing Biden's praises in response to the propaganda. It's a neat little network, good times.

Good chance the OP is a foreigner.

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