Joe Scarborough: "Its the Biden Boom in the economy!"

Obviously the Media is now stepping up to the plate and trying to convince us everything is GREAT, GREAT, GREAT.

Tough sell, huh? That's the thing about Biden, he only cares about the optics. Never mind reality, am I looking good or not?
Trump left a growing economy which Biden has bungled. The third quarter 2020 GDP was up 33.4%, the 4th quarter 2020 GDP was up 4.1%, and the 1st quarter 2021 GDP was up 6.4%.

Let’s see worst inflation in years. Jobs that were already there opening up. Loss of jobs due to closing down pipelines and border wall. unmitigated disaster pulling out of a war that everyone seemed to want just over a year ago. Higher death toll from Covid. More debt legislation passed and idiots are trying to make this sound good?

Does Superman's Bizarro World sound good??
Trump left a growing economy which Biden has bungled. The third quarter 2020 GDP was up 33.4%, the 4th quarter 2020 GDP was up 4.1%, and the 1st quarter 2021 GDP was up 6.4%.

2020 had a -3% GDP growth overall. Take your cherry picked annualized Q data and shove it you know where.
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From Tipsy's link:

The polling number is worrisome for the president. More than double the number of people strongly disapprove of Biden’s job performance than strongly approve of it.

Respondents indicated 38 percent strongly disapprove of Biden’s job performance, 22 points greater than those who strongly support Biden’s job performance.

Biden has fallen flat with independents. Only 10 percent of independents strongly approve of the president’s performance, while a whopping 38 percent strongly disapprove — a 28 point difference.

Moreover, more Democrats (5 percent) strongly disapprove of Biden’s job performance than Republicans strongly approve (2 percent).

Among white college graduates, a key voting bloc for Democrats, 35 percent strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance, while just 20 percent strongly approve.

People under the age of 45 also give the president low marks: Only 8 percent strongly approve of his performance, while 33 percent strongly disapprove.

This ain't good news for the Dems.
Joe Biden is presiding over lowest unemployment since the 50's and great job growth. After record unemployment in 2020 under former President Trump, this is very welcome news. You Go, Joe!

Hey! Look! You are in the front row!

The media was an incredibly strong force, wasn't it? The lame are so easily fooled.
certainly the MSM plays a part. They always do. This in no way excuses dumb Don’s ridiculously poor campaign performance.
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That's your opinion, Gipper. I surmise that you thought Brandon's campaign was handled much better.
With the lies from the msm and the pandemic, not sure any campaign would have survived.
No. Fuck Brandon.

I’m not part of the duopoly like so many here. I don’t vote. Voting merely supports a corrupt system and clearly means nothing. Joe is just like Don on policy.
Yes. Gee know trump cultists hate fact based reality. But feel free to lie like a rug
You are the cultists, you allowed Hatians to be ran out of America, but you love the cheap labor of the Spanish. You'll watch Negro Americans ask for reparations, and laugh excuse yourself of any wrongdoing. Yet your willing to pay 1million dollars to thousands you don't even know. I bet you like JAy Z 50 Cent an puffy, know all the lyrics. Makes me sick.
Real Americans are hoping for the best.

The rest can try to dismiss and deny and hope for the worst.

I suspect that who is who in this regard depends on who is in power and who isn't. I'd like to think that not many hope for the worst regardless of their politics, but maybe I am too naive.
Whoa, I go away for 2 hours and come back to 22 notifications about my topic. Thank you for the discussion guys :)

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