Joe Scarborough: "Its the Biden Boom in the economy!"

They were mail in ballots...

Yeah, and almost all of them were for Biden. I mean, look at it, when the ballots are coming in for a major city and it's running say 67% to 33% for Biden and then all of a sudden 100,000 mail-in ballots show up at 3 am and they're 95% for Biden, doesn't that kinda look suspicious?
Yeah, and almost all of them were for Biden. I mean, look at it, when the ballots are coming in for a major city and it's running say 67% to 33% for Biden and then all of a sudden 100,000 mail-in ballots show up at 3 am and they're 95% for Biden, doesn't that kinda look suspicious?
Democrats vote by mail in a lot.

Its not a conspiracy dude...
Democrats vote by mail in a lot.

Its not a conspiracy dude...

Republicans vote by mail too. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but you say it ain't a duck and I'm supposed to believe you? Around half of the people think something was fishy in that election, but I'm supposed to believe you? Thousands of complaints about mistakes and misconduct, am I supposed to believe they all lied? Let me ask you a question, did you believe the democrats in 2016 when they said Trump and his campaign were guilty of collusion with the Russians? Was there a conspiracy then on your side? Or maybe you think it only them that does it, not us?
Yeah, and almost all of them were for Biden. I mean, look at it, when the ballots are coming in for a major city and it's running say 67% to 33% for Biden and then all of a sudden 100,000 mail-in ballots show up at 3 am and they're 95% for Biden, doesn't that kinda look suspicious?

Even if they were "legit" it proves what a lot of people know and have stated before. They used covid to solicit ballots from the dumbest, laziest & most dependent among us. And clearly, the dumbest, laziest & most dependent among us lean left.

That's evidenced by leftists on this board as well.
Where were you on election night? Trumps was winning until ballots mysteriously appeared after midnight.
I was sitting at home understanding that all the ballots had not been counted when trump decided to claim victory. Trump lost. There was no steal. It's been litigated to death and every case found that trump simply got beat. Teenage Mutant Cyber Ninjas found that Biden got cheated out of votes. Recently, Wisconsin foung nothing. Give up your delusions.
Republicans vote by mail too. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but you say it ain't a duck and I'm supposed to believe you? Around half of the people think something was fishy in that election, but I'm supposed to believe you? Thousands of complaints about mistakes and misconduct, am I supposed to believe they all lied? Let me ask you a question, did you believe the democrats in 2016 when they said Trump and his campaign were guilty of collusion with the Russians? Was there a conspiracy then on your side? Or maybe you think it only them that does it, not us?
There is no equivalence between what was reported by all the American intelligence agencies and trumps 2020 lie. The russians indicted never got to testify and trump obstructed justice. If there was no conspiracy, because collusion is not on the criminal code, trump would not have done all the stonewallling and blocking. On top of all that, Clinton got more votes than trump.
Joe Biden is presiding over lowest unemployment since the 50's and great job growth. After record unemployment in 2020 under former President Trump, this is very welcome news. You Go, Joe!

More boom and bust. All US presidents think about the here and now, stuff the recession that'll inevitably come and enrich the rich.
Joe Biden is presiding over lowest unemployment since the 50's and great job growth. After record unemployment in 2020 under former President Trump, this is very welcome news. You Go, Joe!

How is Biden's 6-10% unemployment over his span
Better then Trumps 3.6-4.5% over his span "excluding lock down numbers" says capt obvious.
Joe Scarborough also said he didn't kill his secretary, did you believe that too?
How is Biden's 6-10% unemployment over his span
Better then Trumps 3.6-4.5% over his span "excluding lock down numbers" says capt obvious.
Joe Scarborough also said he didn't kill his secretary, did you believe that too?
Unemployment was over 15% in 2020 under Trump. Terrible.
Unemployment was over 15% in 2020 under Trump. Terrible.
You mean under the CDC, the Gov't is made up of more then the President, and the State of emergency is not to be used for political propaganda by counting unemployment during the lockdowns, least you show the population what you really feel about them.
If the left has to use the lockdowns to taint the great Trump economy, then you know they knew they could never defeat him without the questionable lockdown tactics.
In other words you give fence sitting dems and independents enough suspicion to ponder if the pandemic was not just used for political gain, but perhaps as much as created by the people who paid for the research (Obama Biden administration) for sake of fending off prosecution for their corruption. Hence the droves swapping parties.
You mean under the CDC, the Gov't is made up of more then the President, and the State of emergency is not to be used for political propaganda by counting unemployment during the lockdowns, least you show the population what you really feel about them.
If the left has to use the lockdowns to taint the great Trump economy, then you know they knew they could never defeat him without the questionable lockdown tactics.
In other words you give fence sitting dems and independents enough suspicion to ponder if the pandemic was not just used for political gain, but perhaps as much as created by the people who paid for the research (Obama Biden administration) for sake of fending off prosecution for their corruption. Hence the droves swapping parties.
Stephen Leeb PHD in economics wrote in the fall that unemployment reached levels not seen since the great depression in the 2 months this fall alone 46 million jobs were erased (great job Brandon!). Over a quarter of small businesses have collapsed under Biden's brilliant -give money to not work socialist plan.
Millions of Americans have missed their housing payments and Biden's treatment of landlords stiffed them as well.

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