Joe the Plumber says sorry about your kids but

You care more about your so called rights than about saving lives, and that is what makes you a bunch of sick fucks.

My guns ARE what protects my life AND my Rights, Noomi.

Take all of my rights away from me but my Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and I promise you, I'll get all the rest of them back.

I have less than no faith in the Government that claims to represent me, at ANY level; town, state, federal, etc.... I want them to fear me, rather than the other way around. That's how this nation was intended to work.

Really? So if in some some scenario your free speech rights were violated, you would shoot your way out of the problem,

and do so successfully, without consequences?


"Hey, I don't think this search warrant was properly filled out!" Bang-bang-bang!!!

Reality, if someone tries to "protect" his rights with a firearm, he's usually going to be drilled by a SWAT Team Sniper.
And your 'rights' are what? The right to remain armed while innocent people are being murdered every single day?

There are no "innocent" people in the world, Noomi. Not even me. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a foundational principle of this nation, and always has been. It was not an American GOVERNMENT but the American PEOPLE who fought and died to create this nation. It was those same PEOPLE who have ensured this nation remains alive over the last three centuries. We (at least some of us) honored many of those PEOPLE this past Monday. Men and women who gave the greatest sacrifice possible to ensure this nation remained Free.

Maybe those murdered people should have taken their own safety more seriously. I'm sure that sounds horrific and heartless to you, but it's about time that the American people started taking their own personal safety and security more seriously. That doesn't necessarily mean walking around carrying an arsenal at all times, but it does mean understanding what Security and Safety truly are; something that Americans are almost totally oblivious to.
You care more about your so called rights than about saving lives, and that is what makes you a bunch of sick fucks.

My guns ARE what protects my life AND my Rights, Noomi.

Take all of my rights away from me but my Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and I promise you, I'll get all the rest of them back.

I have less than no faith in the Government that claims to represent me, at ANY level; town, state, federal, etc.... I want them to fear me, rather than the other way around. That's how this nation was intended to work.

Um, no, you won't.

You see, the problem with you gun nuts who think you need guns to protect yourself against the "gummit" fail to realize.

The government has tanks. And Planes. And Missiles. And Drones.

And frankly, when one of you idiots pulls a McVeigh, usually the whole world cheers when they are put down like dogs.

It isn't the government that fears you. It's the rest of us.
You care more about your so called rights than about saving lives, and that is what makes you a bunch of sick fucks.

My guns ARE what protects my life AND my Rights, Noomi.

Take all of my rights away from me but my Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and I promise you, I'll get all the rest of them back.

I have less than no faith in the Government that claims to represent me, at ANY level; town, state, federal, etc.... I want them to fear me, rather than the other way around. That's how this nation was intended to work.

And your 'rights' are what? The right to remain armed while innocent people are being murdered every single day?
Yep. Don't like it? So what? I still drive a car while people die everyday from auto misuse. Why don't you turn in your keys and take the bus and leave us alone?
Reality, if someone tries to "protect" his rights with a firearm, he's usually going to be drilled by a SWAT Team Sniper.

1. Better to be DEAD than RED.

2. If the sniper has a clear LOS, then you've already fucked up.

Guy, you really need to learn.

A gun doesn't compensate for your tiny penis.

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You see, the problem with you gun nuts who think you need guns to protect yourself against the "gummit" fail to realize. The government has tanks. And Planes. And Missiles. And Drones.

You make the mistake of believing that death is something that everyone fears. I have a much greater fear of this Government thatn I do of death.

And frankly, when one of you idiots pulls a McVeigh, usually the whole world cheers when they are put down like dogs.

When or where have I ever indicated that I give a fuck what you, the rest of the world, or anyone else thinks about me or my beliefs?

It isn't the government that fears you. It's the rest of us.

Maybe you should. Fear is a wonderful thing. It keeps people from sticking their noses into places it doesn't belong.... like my business.
You see, the problem with you gun nuts who think you need guns to protect yourself against the "gummit" fail to realize. The government has tanks. And Planes. And Missiles. And Drones.

You make the mistake of believing that death is something that everyone fears. I have a much greater fear of this Government thatn I do of death.

Which just proves you are fucking nuts. sorry. You are.

And frankly, when one of you idiots pulls a McVeigh, usually the whole world cheers when they are put down like dogs.

When or where have I ever indicated that I give a fuck what you, the rest of the world, or anyone else thinks about me or my beliefs?

Oh, i'm pretty sure that your neighbors have all written you off as the crazy guy down the street.

It isn't the government that fears you. It's the rest of us.

Maybe you should. Fear is a wonderful thing. It keeps people from sticking their noses into places it doesn't belong.... like my business.

Until we decide to stop living in fear of people like you and do something about it.

Frankly, I don't mind the ATF pulling a Koresh on some of you guys.
Guy, you really need to learn.

A gun doesn't compensate for your tiny penis.

Joe, the fact that you folks think gun ownership is about penis envy just shows how out of touch with REAL American society you people truly are. The fact that you use humor in a conversation just shows you have no actual communications skills, since humor and satire are not appropriate forms of discussion.
Has anyone read the lunatic's manifesto? I did. Where is all the talk about the role World of Warcraft played in his pathetic life and his final actions?

No, let's focus on the tool he used (only one of them, forget the knife).
Which just proves you are fucking nuts. sorry. You are.

In a society based on insanity, it is only the insane who truly see what's going on; so I thank you for the compliment.

Oh, i'm pretty sure that your neighbors have all written you off as the crazy guy down the street.

I live in an 8 unit condo building. Of the seven other tenants, at least 5 of them have never even met me and I've been living there for more than two years.

Until we decide to stop living in fear of people like you and do something about it.

Go ahead and try.

Frankly, I don't mind the ATF pulling a Koresh on some of you guys.

Fine. Just realize there WILL BE collateral damage.
Until we decide to stop living in fear of people like you and do something about it.

Frankly, I don't mind the ATF pulling a Koresh on some of you guys.
We don't live in fear. You do. And you love guns when they get what you want. I'm glad you don't own any firearms, we are all better off.
Hopefully next time it will be his kids shot and killed. Bet he'll change his tune then.

^^Compassionate liberal.

Where is the compassion from the fucking conservatives about this? All they care about is their so called right to bear arms. They don't give a shit about the innocent people who were murdered a few days ago.

We don't make laws or change the constitution for emotional reasons.
The guns were purchased in California which has some of the most stringent background checks in the nation and a 10 day waiting period. What kind of a background check do you want?

There is also a concerted effort to change the stabbing deaths into shooting deaths. Likewise the I
Injured due to being hit by Rodger ' s car have become gunshot injuries. How can you expect to have your complaints taken seriously when this is the crap you come up with?

The problem really isn't "us", it's "you".

You folks aren't reasonable.

At all.

You want guns everywhere..and are failing to see the climate.

Less people have guns. Less people hunt. And more people want controls to assure they can go to church, have a beer, send their kids to school and see a movie without the fear of being shot.

If you don't self will be policed.

It's simple as that.

Then legally change the constitution.
Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns

Joe, no one wants your guns. What we need to better checks on gun purchases. This kid had 400 rounds left. He could have taken out a couple hundred more people.

Shouldn't this give some pause even to the most ardent gun owners? I own multiple guns and enjoy shooting and hunting, when I have time. But I can see that there needs to be changes to a system that is out of control.

Both the mental health system and the firearms purchase system need to be rethought. The police have to be better trained at identifying people who may be on the edge of another massacre. Sadly, it is only a matter of time until something similar happens again. Just pray that the victims are not members of your family or friends.

Name one law that could have been made that would have prevented this event?
alright, they have brought back to life, Joe the Plumber to hate on who has no bearing on our lives

good grief
^^Compassionate liberal.

Where is the compassion from the fucking conservatives about this? All they care about is their so called right to bear arms. They don't give a shit about the innocent people who were murdered a few days ago.

We don't make laws or change the constitution for emotional reasons.

Actually, the only ones operating off of "emotion" are the gun nuts.

The two reasons you guys give for wanting guns.

1) So you can plug that scary negro in a hoody!

2) So you can plug that Gummit Agent.

Reality- guns are almost never used to foil crimes, and if you ever got into a shooting match with the government, they'd win and everyone would pat them on the back for taking you out because you were scaring the children.
Where is the compassion from the fucking conservatives about this? All they care about is their so called right to bear arms. They don't give a shit about the innocent people who were murdered a few days ago.

We don't make laws or change the constitution for emotional reasons.

Actually, the only ones operating off of "emotion" are the gun nuts.

The two reasons you guys give for wanting guns.

1) So you can plug that scary negro in a hoody!

2) So you can plug that Gummit Agent.

Reality- guns are almost never used to foil crimes, and if you ever got into a shooting match with the government, they'd win and everyone would pat them on the back for taking you out because you were scaring the children.

Owning arms is a fundamental right.....period.

That's all the reason I need to own one.
Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns

Joe, no one wants your guns. What we need to better checks on gun purchases. This kid had 400 rounds left. He could have taken out a couple hundred more people.

Shouldn't this give some pause even to the most ardent gun owners? I own multiple guns and enjoy shooting and hunting, when I have time. But I can see that there needs to be changes to a system that is out of control.

Both the mental health system and the firearms purchase system need to be rethought. The police have to be better trained at identifying people who may be on the edge of another massacre. Sadly, it is only a matter of time until something similar happens again. Just pray that the victims are not members of your family or friends.

the manufacturers are flooding their front group lobbyists w/ cash to threaten rw politicians w/ Primary challenges who dare agree to sensible safety measures.

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Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns

Joe, no one wants your guns. What we need to better checks on gun purchases. This kid had 400 rounds left. He could have taken out a couple hundred more people.

Shouldn't this give some pause even to the most ardent gun owners? I own multiple guns and enjoy shooting and hunting, when I have time. But I can see that there needs to be changes to a system that is out of control.

Both the mental health system and the firearms purchase system need to be rethought. The police have to be better trained at identifying people who may be on the edge of another massacre. Sadly, it is only a matter of time until something similar happens again. Just pray that the victims are not members of your family or friends.

the manufacturers are flooding their front group lobbyists w/ cash to threaten rw politicians w/ Primary challenges who dare agree to sensible safety measures.


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