Joe & Valerie Plame Wilson: We're for Hillary and Here's Why

So, with that information that is completely relevant to the OP, go fuck yourself, you America hating fascist pig.


You really are a stupid cum-slurping bitch, aren't you?

I SAID that she was assigned to Embassy duties and read newspapers, etc. That might also include such duties as pretending to be a secretary or something else.

Hardly an 'undercover' job that would expose her to bodily harm if she were exposed.


Now go back to the glory hole in the Mall Bathroom.

fucking lying scumbag douchebag dimocrap.

You're just stupid. fucking stupid.

You dumbass. She was a covert officer when she was outed.
So, with that information that is completely relevant to the OP, go fuck yourself, you America hating fascist pig.


You really are a stupid cum-slurping bitch, aren't you?

I SAID that she was assigned to Embassy duties and read newspapers, etc. That might also include such duties as pretending to be a secretary or something else.

Hardly an 'undercover' job that would expose her to bodily harm if she were exposed.


Now go back to the glory hole in the Mall Bathroom.

fucking lying scumbag douchebag dimocrap.

You're just stupid. fucking stupid.

You are not willing to admit that you lied. But I expected that. I expect RWNJs to lie, so this is no surprise at all.

You are used to thinking that you can bully people with your words, you disgusting piece of shit, but you cannot anymore. You are like a little boy who desperately needs attention, but can never get it. Poor disgusting unamerican you.

Now, back to the OP and information on Valerie Plame:

During this time, part of her work concerned the determination of the use of aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq.[31] CIA analysts prior to the Iraq invasion were quoted by the White House as believing that Iraq was trying to acquire nuclear weapons and that these aluminum tubes could be used in a centrifuge for nuclear enrichment.[32][33]David Corn and Michael Isikoff argued that the undercover work being done by Plame and her CIA colleagues in the Directorate of Central Intelligence Nonproliferation Center strongly contradicted such a claim.[31] However, the CIA was concerned enough to send Plame's husband, Joseph C. Wilson, to Niger in 2002 to investigate the potential sale of nuclear materials from Niger to Iraq.[citation needed] The CIA's concerns over nuclear proliferation were bolstered by Niger's main export of uranium ore, ahead of livestock, cowpeas and onions.
We have known Hillary Clinton both professionally and personally for close to 20 years, dating back to before President Bill Clinton's first trip to Africa in 1998 -- a trip that they both acknowledge changed their lives, and gave considerable meaning to their post White House years and to the activities of the Clinton Foundation. Joe, serving as the National Security Council Senior Director for African Affairs, was instrumental in arranging that historic visit.

Our history became entwined with Hillary further after Valerie's identity as a CIA officer was deliberately exposed, ruining her ability to serve our country. That criminal act was taken in retribution for Joe's article in the New York Times in which he explained he had discovered no basis for the Bush administration's justification for the Iraq War that Saddam Hussein was seeking yellowcake uranium to develop a nuclear weapon. When we were subjected to a vicious character assassination campaign orchestrated by senior White House officials and championed by their allies in the right-wing echo chamber, Hillary reached out to us. Her counsel during that tumultuous period was as timely as it was wise. She reminded us that the personal attacks on us were politically designed to deflect attention from the Bush administration's falsehoods to the American public about the threat of Saddam's supposed "smoking gun in the shape of a mushroom cloud." She urged us to remain strong in the face of their tactics of personal destruction. Smear campaigns should not trump the facts in the public square. Few people knew as well as she did how searing these attacks could be, but if we stayed strong, she urged, we would be vindicated. We did, and she was correct. A decade later, all but the most self-deluded ideologues understand that the Bush administration misled the American people into a war of choice that still scars us.

President Barack Obama chose her as his Secretary of State in his first term because he recognized from the relationship they developed during the 2008 campaign for the Democratic nomination that she was smart, tough and indefatigable. Hillary proved herself to be from the very beginning a trusted confidante and extraordinarily capable leader of his foreign policy team. Her commitment to service was once again on display, as it had been in Arkansas as a policy innovator, as the First Lady who bravely put women's rights on the international agenda, and as the hard-working U.S. senator from New York.

More (2 paragraphs): We're for Hillary and Here's Why - Joseph C. Wilson & Valerie Plame Wilson

A very nice endorsement from two great American patriots.

You mean the Valerie who conspired with her husband to undermine the War in Iraq?

Answer this: Why did Joe's report to the CIA say that Sadam Hussein had sent envoys to Africa to try to purchase "yellow cake" uranium, and his leak to the NYC leave that part out?

And just to set the record straight, it was a Democrat who "outed: Valerie
And another thing, it was common knowledge in the 'cocktail circles' around Washington that Joe' wife was with the CIA. Joe used it to get attention at the cocktail parties..

Diary of the Leak Trial - New York Times
We have known Hillary Clinton both professionally and personally for close to 20 years, dating back to before President Bill Clinton's first trip to Africa in 1998 -- a trip that they both acknowledge changed their lives, and gave considerable meaning to their post White House years and to the activities of the Clinton Foundation. Joe, serving as the National Security Council Senior Director for African Affairs, was instrumental in arranging that historic visit.

Our history became entwined with Hillary further after Valerie's identity as a CIA officer was deliberately exposed, ruining her ability to serve our country. That criminal act was taken in retribution for Joe's article in the New York Times in which he explained he had discovered no basis for the Bush administration's justification for the Iraq War that Saddam Hussein was seeking yellowcake uranium to develop a nuclear weapon. When we were subjected to a vicious character assassination campaign orchestrated by senior White House officials and championed by their allies in the right-wing echo chamber, Hillary reached out to us. Her counsel during that tumultuous period was as timely as it was wise. She reminded us that the personal attacks on us were politically designed to deflect attention from the Bush administration's falsehoods to the American public about the threat of Saddam's supposed "smoking gun in the shape of a mushroom cloud." She urged us to remain strong in the face of their tactics of personal destruction. Smear campaigns should not trump the facts in the public square. Few people knew as well as she did how searing these attacks could be, but if we stayed strong, she urged, we would be vindicated. We did, and she was correct. A decade later, all but the most self-deluded ideologues understand that the Bush administration misled the American people into a war of choice that still scars us.

President Barack Obama chose her as his Secretary of State in his first term because he recognized from the relationship they developed during the 2008 campaign for the Democratic nomination that she was smart, tough and indefatigable. Hillary proved herself to be from the very beginning a trusted confidante and extraordinarily capable leader of his foreign policy team. Her commitment to service was once again on display, as it had been in Arkansas as a policy innovator, as the First Lady who bravely put women's rights on the international agenda, and as the hard-working U.S. senator from New York.

More (2 paragraphs): We're for Hillary and Here's Why - Joseph C. Wilson & Valerie Plame Wilson

A very nice endorsement from two great American patriots.

Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson tried to cut George W. Bush off at the knees with their little New York Times op-ed shortly before the Presidential elections only to have Bush win anyways. Then they proceeded to whine about how poor Valerie was "outed" by the Bush Administration. The truth is...Joe Wilson LIED back then as did his wife. Neither is "great". Both are self-serving publicity hounds and this "endorsement" is one more example of that.

Really? Please give us some "credible" proof of your claims.

Really? You want to rehash this shit AGAIN? Joe Wilson was forced to admit that he lied because what he claimed in his report wasn't physically possible.

Really? I've seen no "credible" evidence that Joe Wilson lied. Please provide some...

Ah, he admitted he lied in his book, dude...get your head out of Barry's ass and get a clue!
You dumbass. She was a covert officer when she was outed.
You are a lying scumbag piece of shit.

But it's hard to blame you entirely since you, as a dumbass, get your 'news' from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Wanna know the truth? I doubt it, but if, by some miracle, you do. Here is where you'll find it.


Never there. Not for anything. Ever
You see, if you really want to know what the media think of the Plame case–if you want to discover what a comparative trifle they actually believe it to be–you need to close the paper and turn off the TV. You need, instead, to have a peek at what they write when they’re talking to a court. It’s a mind-bendingly different tale.

Plame was previously compromised by a disclosure from the intelligence community itself–although it may be questionable whether there was anything of her covert status left to salvage at that point, for reasons that will become clear momentarily.


Just four months ago, 36 news organizations confederated to file a friend-of-the-court brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington. At the time, Bush-bashing was (no doubt reluctantly) confined to an unusual backseat. The press had no choice–it was time to close ranks around two of its own, namely, the Times’s Judith Miller and Time’s Matthew Cooper, who were threatened with jail for defying grand jury subpoenas from the special prosecutor.

The media’s brief, fairly short and extremely illuminating, is available here. The Times, which is currently spearheading the campaign against Rove and the Bush administration, encouraged its submission. It was joined by a “who’s who” of the current Plame stokers, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, Newsweek, Reuters America, the Washington Post, the Tribune Company (which publishes the Los Angeles Times and the Baltimore Sun, among other papers), and the White House Correspondents (the organization which represents the White House press corps in its dealings with the executive branch).

The thrust of the brief was that reporters should not be held in contempt or forced to reveal their sources in the Plame investigation. Why? Because, the media organizations confidently asserted, no crime had been committed.

Read more at: National Review

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

The fake CIA Agent and her Idiot Husband

I understand that you hate anything about America that is not facist, I have accepted that a long time ago. But Valerie Plame was a REAL CIA agent and has seen and done stuff that you would NEVER in your life be able to do, things that protected our great country.

Exposing her identity was a cowardly act of vengeance on the part of the Bush administration.

Thank you for playing.

Good luck building your own Third Reich - but not in America.

You are a liar! Dick Armitage (a democrat) outed Valerie Plame. - Armitage admits leaking Plame s identity - Sep 8 2006
So, with that information that is completely relevant to the OP, go fuck yourself, you America hating fascist pig.


You really are a stupid cum-slurping bitch, aren't you?

I SAID that she was assigned to Embassy duties and read newspapers, etc. That might also include such duties as pretending to be a secretary or something else.

Hardly an 'undercover' job that would expose her to bodily harm if she were exposed.


Now go back to the glory hole in the Mall Bathroom.

fucking lying scumbag douchebag dimocrap.

You're just stupid. fucking stupid.

You dumbass. She was a covert officer when she was outed.

She was not a covert officer when she was "outed" and hadn't been one for quite some time. Claiming to be is just one more indication of how credible Joe and Valerie Wilson are.
The fake CIA Agent and her Idiot Husband

I understand that you hate anything about America that is not facist, I have accepted that a long time ago. But Valerie Plame was a REAL CIA agent and has seen and done stuff that you would NEVER in your life be able to do, things that protected our great country.

Exposing her identity was a cowardly act of vengeance on the part of the Bush administration.

Thank you for playing.

Good luck building your own Third Reich - but not in America.

You are a liar! Dick Armitage (a democrat) outed Valerie Plame. - Armitage admits leaking Plame s identity - Sep 8 2006

You funny.

Armitage worked for the BUSH administration.
Interview of the lying whore's boss --

Was Valerie Plame Really A Covert Agent Fox News

HANNITY: You were an agent from 1966 to 1990, and you said that in the Washington Times today she made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee. Her husband was a diplomat. Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

I mean, actually he describes in his book how, after a make-out session on like the third or fourth date, that she told him. But putting that aside, everybody knew?

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

And at the point in time that this all broke, Valerie Plame had been working at headquarters for a long time, several years. She went to work every day to headquarters. She was married to a high-profile former ambassador. She had a couple of kids, she was living around the beltway.


(Alan)COLMES: So she went back into cover. But for example, didn't they expose a front operation that she helped run, Brewster-Jennings & Associates, this made-up company. And wasn't that exposed as a result of all this, and can't this damage intelligence operations and our security?

RUSTMANN: Well, actually, no, because it isn't a big deal. It was a light non-official cover. There was, you know, a phone. There was very little backstopping to that company. It wasn't like she was working for a major multi-national American company or foreign company where there could be some severe blowback if that were to come to...

dimocraps are lying scum

Interview of the lying whore's boss --

Was Valerie Plame Really A Covert Agent Fox News

HANNITY: You were an agent from 1966 to 1990, and you said that in the Washington Times today she made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee. Her husband was a diplomat. Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

I mean, actually he describes in his book how, after a make-out session on like the third or fourth date, that she told him. But putting that aside, everybody knew?

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

And at the point in time that this all broke, Valerie Plame had been working at headquarters for a long time, several years. She went to work every day to headquarters. She was married to a high-profile former ambassador. She had a couple of kids, she was living around the beltway.


(Alan)COLMES: So she went back into cover. But for example, didn't they expose a front operation that she helped run, Brewster-Jennings & Associates, this made-up company. And wasn't that exposed as a result of all this, and can't this damage intelligence operations and our security?

RUSTMANN: Well, actually, no, because it isn't a big deal. It was a light non-official cover. There was, you know, a phone. There was very little backstopping to that company. It wasn't like she was working for a major multi-national American company or foreign company where there could be some severe blowback if that were to come to...

dimocraps are lying scum


Fox News? Hannity? Get fucking real.
The fake CIA Agent and her Idiot Husband

I understand that you hate anything about America that is not facist, I have accepted that a long time ago. But Valerie Plame was a REAL CIA agent and has seen and done stuff that you would NEVER in your life be able to do, things that protected our great country.

Exposing her identity was a cowardly act of vengeance on the part of the Bush administration.

Thank you for playing.

Good luck building your own Third Reich - but not in America.

You are a liar! Dick Armitage (a democrat) outed Valerie Plame. - Armitage admits leaking Plame s identity - Sep 8 2006

You funny.

Armitage worked for the BUSH administration.

And the reason that Armitage wasn't charged with exposing the identity of a "covert" CIA agent is that he had no idea that Plame WAS a covert agent because it was common knowledge in Washington circles that Valarie Plame worked for the CIA. When your hubby tells people at cocktail parties that's what you do...then obviously you're not a "secret agent" anymore!
The fake CIA Agent and her Idiot Husband

I understand that you hate anything about America that is not facist, I have accepted that a long time ago. But Valerie Plame was a REAL CIA agent and has seen and done stuff that you would NEVER in your life be able to do, things that protected our great country.

Exposing her identity was a cowardly act of vengeance on the part of the Bush administration.

Thank you for playing.

Good luck building your own Third Reich - but not in America.

You are a liar! Dick Armitage (a democrat) outed Valerie Plame. - Armitage admits leaking Plame s identity - Sep 8 2006

You funny.

Armitage worked for the BUSH administration.

Who's funny?

Arnold Ahlert, Boca Raton, June 23, 2008
Robert Wexler is a typical victim of the Bush Derangement Syndrome, more than willing to weave his own tissue of lies. Democrats had access to the same intelligence regarding Saddam Hussein that the administration did - and voted by a substantial majority to authorize the use of force. Richard Armitage, a Democrat, was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame. Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee were aware of the waterboarding Wexler would like to condemn as torture, despite the fact that it may have saved thousands of American lives
Bottom line is that Plame and Wilson tried to play partisan politics...misplayed their hand...and then tried to pass themselves off as the injured party "exposed" by a vindictive Bush Administration because that's all they had left.
The fake CIA Agent and her Idiot Husband

I understand that you hate anything about America that is not facist, I have accepted that a long time ago. But Valerie Plame was a REAL CIA agent and has seen and done stuff that you would NEVER in your life be able to do, things that protected our great country.

Exposing her identity was a cowardly act of vengeance on the part of the Bush administration.

Thank you for playing.

Good luck building your own Third Reich - but not in America.

You are a liar! Dick Armitage (a democrat) outed Valerie Plame. - Armitage admits leaking Plame s identity - Sep 8 2006

You funny.

Armitage worked for the BUSH administration.

Who's funny?

Arnold Ahlert, Boca Raton, June 23, 2008
Robert Wexler is a typical victim of the Bush Derangement Syndrome, more than willing to weave his own tissue of lies. Democrats had access to the same intelligence regarding Saddam Hussein that the administration did - and voted by a substantial majority to authorize the use of force. Richard Armitage, a Democrat, was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame. Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee were aware of the waterboarding Wexler would like to condemn as torture, despite the fact that it may have saved thousands of American lives

I believe that Armitage is in fact a Republican, Nat.
Fox News? Hannity? Get fucking real.

Stupid squaw.

HER BOSS SAID SHE WASN'T REALLY 'UNDER COVER' ('light cover' is what I've been telling you all along, moron) and that EVERYBODY KNEW SHE WAS A CIA EMPLOYEE


dimocraps are lying scum.

It's just no more complicated than that

ALL of them

Now go get your car out of the ditch you drove it into last night after you got kicked out of the Bar
None of which changes that Plame and Wilson caught doing so...and then played the victim card.

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