John Allen Muhammad is due to die by lethal injection today

When the shootings started, I recall several people on the message board I was on at the time say, "It's probably a Muslim!" Of course they were ridicule and chastised. Even I thought they were wrong. When he was caught, what do you know? Muslim.
He is a piece of shit. I am against the death penalty. On that latter view of mine, that's as far as I will discuss it in this case.

Having lived under siege of these two Moslem terrorist pieces of filth, I don't know how you could do anything *but* support the death penalty for these pigs.

Yet, I don't. I am anti death penalty.

Yet, I don't. I am anti death penalty.

I am anti-death penalty most of the time because of the way juries are selected for capital cases, but not in this case because the evidence is overwhelming. I would be interested in hearing why you're anti-death penalty.
a quote from an old John Valby song says how I think he should be treated.
"They should beat on his balls with a big brass hammer until his asshole whistles the star spangled banner"

Yet, I don't. I am anti death penalty.

I am anti-death penalty most of the time because of the way juries are selected for capital cases, but not in this case because the evidence is overwhelming. I would be interested in hearing why you're anti-death penalty.
I am against it now for three reasons: (1) As mistakes can and do occur in our justice system, this penalty is too final. It cannot be reversed, obviously; (2) Also, with the mandatory appeals (good idea, too) it is often more of a financial strain on our system than a life penalty; (3) And my third reason is more of a punative nature. Life behind bars with no possibility of parole is often more of a unpleasant prospect than having it over with.

Yet, I don't. I am anti death penalty.

I am anti-death penalty most of the time because of the way juries are selected for capital cases, but not in this case because the evidence is overwhelming. I would be interested in hearing why you're anti-death penalty.
I am against it now for three reasons: (1) As mistakes can and do occur in our justice system, this penalty is too final. It cannot be reversed, obviously; (2) Also, with the mandatory appeals (good idea, too) it is often more of a financial strain on our system than a life penalty; (3) And my third reason is more of a punative nature. Life behind bars with no possibility of parole is often more of a unpleasant prospect than having it over with.

All good points. The mandatory appeals, as you pointed out, make the costs prohibitive. Some convicted criminals are given 250 appeals, so it's easy to see why it's such a financial strain on our system. I am one of those people who believe that John Allen Muhammad are too violent to live in our society and should be exterminated. He can ask Allah for forgiveness.
A simple execution simply doesn't seem like enough. But, that is what the law provides, so it will have to be.

I used to be in the corner of, "Kill them all, and let God sort it out."
Through the years I have changed in my opinion, and basically due to the reasons SiModo stated. I have had 2 friends that were murdered in my life, and wanted to see the death penalty imposed on both, but that did not happened, and I was angry. But, through the years and talking to one of the parents of the victim, I have accepted that life without parole is every bit as bad, and maybe even more of a punishment. But, in this case, the man is without any remorse, and never an apology. Him, like McVeigh, deserve the same ending.
a quote from an old John Valby song says how I think he should be treated.
"They should beat on his balls with a big brass hammer until his asshole whistles the star spangled banner"


I absolutely laughed my ass off when I read this. Thank you for the good times. I fully plan on stealing this saying for my personal use in the future. Have a great day.

He is a piece of shit. I am against the death penalty. On that latter view of mine, that's as far as I will discuss it in this case.

Having lived under siege of these two Moslem terrorist pieces of filth, I don't know how you could do anything *but* support the death penalty for these pigs.

Yet, I don't. I am anti death penalty.

Good for you.

I'm not.

When there is clear-cut, incontrovertible evidence that someone has committed the pre-meditated and gruesome murder of at least one human being, I am fine with the death penalty being the consequence for their action(s).

Of course, I am intimately familar with the consequence of a murderer's actions. Read the link in my sig line. That little girl's family and mine are close. Her murderer has been sentenced to death TWICE in 35 years and yet is still alive and well, abusing Lori's family from death row by filing appeal after appeal.

He admits he murdered Lori in cold blood, but doesn't think he should lose his life as a consequence of HIS actions.

Disgusting. :eusa_eh:
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I wish I knew why this DC sniper is going to death so soon, when Lori's killer has been awaiting his death sentence since 1976 and (again) in 1999?

Why are some killers put to death sooner than others? Why are some allowed to stretch their appeals for nearly 40 years, while others are swiftly executed in under a decade?

What gives?
I wish I knew why this DC sniper is going to death so soon, when Lori's killer has been awaiting his death sentence since 1976 and (again) in 1999?

Why are some killers put to death sooner than others? Why are some allowed to stretch their appeals for nearly 40 years, while others are swiftly executed in under a decade?

What gives?

I wish I had an answer for you, this one seems exceptionally fast for any state.
But, 40 years is just wrong, in any state.
Our criminal justice system is a joke. It needs to be torn down and rebuilt. These shitbag murderers need to be hung quickly when there is no doubt of their guilt. Pedophiles need to get death penalties as well, or at the very least life sentences without parole. All these automatic appeals need to stop, it just costs taxpayers an arm and a leg to allow these criminals to linger.
I wish I knew why this DC sniper is going to death so soon, when Lori's killer has been awaiting his death sentence since 1976 and (again) in 1999?

Why are some killers put to death sooner than others? Why are some allowed to stretch their appeals for nearly 40 years, while others are swiftly executed in under a decade?

What gives?

I wish I had an answer for you, this one seems exceptionally fast for any state.
But, 40 years is just wrong, in any state.

Yep, Virgil D. Presnell, Jr. was first sentenced to death in 1976 for Lori's murder. He successfully appealed to the USSC and was awarded a new penalty phase trial, which was held in 1999. Agian he was unanimously sentenced to Death in 1999, and again, he continues to appeal and appeal, even though he clearly admits he killed Lori and all evidence is of his guilt. There is no dispute who killed Lori.

And we are in 2009. Lori is still dead, still buried in her cold dark grave and she will not be home for the holidays again this year. She would have been 43 this year. Her killer is sitting on Death Row, alive and well.

His Mom will be visiting him in prison for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lori's parents will be found at the cemetary.

How is this right? I don't understand. And I am sure they don't either.
I wonder if he will enter the same level of hell that mohammed and the 19, 9-11 hijackers entered
I wonder if he will enter the same level of hell that mohammed and the 19, 9-11 hijackers entered

Well, let's hope he gets 72 VIRGINIANS, rather than virgins, given he targted the VIRGINIANS while staking victims. :D
I wonder if he will enter the same level of hell that mohammed and the 19, 9-11 hijackers entered

Well, let's hope he gets 72 VIRGINIANS, rather than virgins, given he targted the VIRGINIANS while staking victims. :D
Um, he did a hell of a lot of damage in Mongomery County, MD. If you'll recall, it wasn't until later in their spree that they went into NoVA.

Recall this giant of a man:


Chief Moose, Montgomery County Police.
I wish I knew why this DC sniper is going to death so soon, when Lori's killer has been awaiting his death sentence since 1976 and (again) in 1999?

Why are some killers put to death sooner than others? Why are some allowed to stretch their appeals for nearly 40 years, while others are swiftly executed in under a decade?

What gives?

look how quickly they dispatched McVeigh? I think it's the horrendous nature of the crimes, the motives, and the numbers of victims.

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