John Brennan: 'I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days'

I've been embarrassed that he's an American too. So what. The solution to Brennen's problem is to send him to a full emersion, re education camp in Somalia for about 5 years. That should fix him more to his liking.
My computer audio is out, so I could not hear the distinguished gentleman's comments.

I take it that he feels "embarrassed" to be a Caucasian male.

That's his right.

But I think that most Caucasian males are proud of their heritage and the contributions that they have made to the development of this country. (Just think of the "Greatest Generation.")

And, I am confident, that many thinking African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx, & Native Americans worry about the future when Caucasian males are no longer playing a key role in this country's affairs.
He should be embarrassed about his tiny testicles, his little white penis, and the fact he can't shoot hoops. I suggest that he try to dilute his whiteness by drinking a bottle of Wild Irish Rose or Night Train and a number of 40oz bottles of malt liquor daily. Then he should listen to some hard core rap music, get all fired up, buy an unregistered gun off the street and work on a criminal record for some street cred. That should reduce his whiteness and level of embarrassment down enough to be able to live with himself.
I have to admit, that at times, in the past, I was embarrassed to be a male- race had nothing to do with it though-
I've been divorced a long time, (32 years and counting) and have dated a lot of women whose ex spouses made me ashamed to be the same species, never mind gender- now, granted, there are 2 sides to every story and all I was hearing was one side, but still- I was very picky about who I dated- it made me wonder what those guys had that I didn't that made women be attracted to them in the first place, never mind marrying them, or being involved romantically-

I came to a conclusion that perfection in a mate isn't all that easy to obtain- so, me being who I am, (a philosophical kinda guy), I came up with a couple of ideas; 1), men marry a woman hoping she won't change, she changes- a woman marries a man she sees potential in he doesn't change to meet her expectations and they grow apart- 2), I don't domesticate well, I'm too accommodating-

I don't think whats his face had all that in his tiny mind when he said what he feels- he comes across as a phony to me-
John Brennan is a prime example of a political hack. The truth never comes out of his mouth except by accident, and the man has no scruples at all.

" I've been embarrassed that he's an American too. So what. The solution to Brennen's problem is to send him to a full emersion, re education camp in Somalia for about 5 years. That should fix him more to his liking. "

More to our liking too.
He needs to spend some time at the rodeo. Maybe his dick will grow back and he will learn what a man is.

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