John Cena apologizes for calling Taiwan a Country

China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

You mean they toppled a corrupt theocracy that held most of the people of Tibet in bondage? Oh, Gosh, that's horrible.

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

How is what happened at Tiananmen Square any different from what happened at Kent State?

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The Uighers are Muslim terrorists. As for Hong Kong, Hong Kong was set up by the British after the Opium Wars to exploit China's economy.

What you see as "Aggression", they see as asserting their national sovereignty. You should probably immerse yourself in Chinese history, particularly the period between the Opium Wars and the Civil War that brought the Communists to power.

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless

Asserting sovereignty within their own borders is "reckless"? Really?
Toppling a corrupt theology and replacing it with an evil communist regime is not a beneficial trade.
If left undisturbed Tibet would be more or less a theocracy

Some people might not approve of that

But the Dali Lama is a popular leader with the consent of the people

He does not an army to rule
The lama theocracy was pretty brutal and despotic. But communism under the chinese is far worse.

This issue always arises when communists takeover a nation. The excuse is the old regime was weak and corrupt and it is often very true. But that is no justification for replacing it with communism which is uniuversally evil and worse than what they replace.

The Romanovs, Batiasta , Diem etc etc. All corrupt brutal regimes and all replaced by something far worse.
The people of Tibet wete quite content with the Dali Lama and would reject chinese rule and welcome him back if they could
They were content in the way that people who know nothing else adapt to their circumstances. Since the communist take over their literacy rate has improved and they have educattion and health care under communism , which is of course worse than any free nation but still an improvement. These reforms and changes come at the price of communist enslavement.

Itys very unlikely they would welcome back the lama class but of course China will not allow them to express how much it sucks under their rule either.
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

You mean they toppled a corrupt theocracy that held most of the people of Tibet in bondage? Oh, Gosh, that's horrible.

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

How is what happened at Tiananmen Square any different from what happened at Kent State?

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The Uighers are Muslim terrorists. As for Hong Kong, Hong Kong was set up by the British after the Opium Wars to exploit China's economy.

What you see as "Aggression", they see as asserting their national sovereignty. You should probably immerse yourself in Chinese history, particularly the period between the Opium Wars and the Civil War that brought the Communists to power.

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless

Asserting sovereignty within their own borders is "reckless"? Really?
Toppling a corrupt theology and replacing it with an evil communist regime is not a beneficial trade.
If left undisturbed Tibet would be more or less a theocracy

Some people might not approve of that

But the Dali Lama is a popular leader with the consent of the people

He does not an army to rule
The lama theocracy was pretty brutal and despotic. But communism under the chinese is far worse.

This issue always arises when communists takeover a nation. The excuse is the old regime was weak and corrupt and it is often very true. But that is no justification for replacing it with communism which is uniuversally evil and worse than what they replace.

The Romanovs, Batiasta , Diem etc etc. All corrupt brutal regimes and all replaced by something far worse.
The people of Tibet wete quite content with the Dali Lama and would reject chinese rule and welcome him back if they could
They were content in the way that people who know nothing else adapt to their circumstances. Since the communist take over their literacy rate has improved and they have educattion and health care under communism , which is of course worse than any free nation but still an improvement. These reforms and changes come at the price of communist enslavement.

Itys very unlikely they would welcome back the lama class but of course China will not allow them to express how much it sucks under their rule either.
The people of Tibet would be thrilled beyond words to welcome the llama back. What is wrong with you ignorant apologists?
I think the CCP is your master and you say what they tell you at 50 cents a post .
Because no American could be as misinformed as your last post suggests

The US invasion of iraq was a mistake of historic proportions but it had UN approval and was not illegal

Nor did the US murder and torture a million Iraqi’s as you claim

However I guess this topic is making the CCP uncomfortable and you are forced to engage in WhatAboutism

You must have been awake until midnight finding so much BS to pack into a single post.

1). "My master"? I'll bet you think you can tell someone's political affiliation just by how high off the ground their trousers hang.

2). The US invasion of Irak was NOT a mistake. It was a bald-faced lie.

3). The UN DID NOT give the US approval to invade Irak ... but if Dick & Jane said otherwise I guess you'll blieve that instead.

4). A million innocent men, women, and children lost their lives during the US illegal invasion and occupation of Irak.

5). And as far as torture goes I suppose you've never heard of Abu Graib and Guantanamo.

You are relying on the wrong literature for your knowledge of the world. This
source ain't gonna' learn you nuthin'!

Dick and Jane.jpg
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.
It was legal.
I think the CCP is your master and you say what they tell you at 50 cents a post .
Because no American could be as misinformed as your last post suggests

The US invasion of iraq was a mistake of historic proportions but it had UN approval and was not illegal

Nor did the US murder and torture a million Iraqi’s as you claim

However I guess this topic is making the CCP uncomfortable and you are forced to engage in WhatAboutism

You must have been awake until midnight finding so much BS to pack into a single post.

1). "My master"? I'll bet you think you can tell someone's political affiliation just by how high off the ground their trousers hang.

2). The US invasion of Irak was NOT a mistake. It was a bald-faced lie.

3). The UN DID NOT give the US approval to invade Irak ... but if Dick & Jane said otherwise I guess you'll blieve that instead.

4). A million innocent men, women, and children lost their lives during the US illegal invasion and occupation of Irak.

5). And as far as torture goes I suppose you've never heard of Abu Graib and Guantanamo.

You are relying on the wrong literature for your knowledge of the world. This
source ain't gonna' learn you nuthin'!

View attachment 493867
The topic is communist chinese genocide

Your game of WhatAboutism is not working
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.
It was legal.
It was legal, deal with it.
I think this is all a form of your usual hate for trump and ignorance about the CCP rather than actual love for communist china

Or as the Arabs used to say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend

And your enemy trump was no friend of china

China is practicing genocide on tje Uhigers and its not just America who says so

Okay, um, so what? Not that they are, because the Chinese have been fighting the Uhigers for hundreds of years, so it's the most innefficient genocide ever.

The Chinese aren't our enemy. No Chinese person has ever bothered me. (If fact, I do a lot of business with companies in China).

We might not like their form of government, but it works for THEM. When it doesn't, they'll get rid of it themselves.
We all have things to apologize for. I apologize to today to drooling perverts. I insulted them by calling Joe Biden one.
The lama theocracy was pretty brutal and despotic. But communism under the chinese is far worse.

This issue always arises when communists takeover a nation. The excuse is the old regime was weak and corrupt and it is often very true. But that is no justification for replacing it with communism which is uniuversally evil and worse than what they replace.

The Romanovs, Batiasta , Diem etc etc. All corrupt brutal regimes and all replaced by something far worse.

By whose measure.

Let's take Batista. Yes, when Castro toppled him, it kind of sucked to be one of Cuba's well-off or elite. But for the vast majority of Cubans, education improved, health care improved, etc. All this despite the US waging 60 years of economic warfare on the country.

The people of Tibet wete quite content with the Dali Lama and would reject chinese rule and welcome him back if they could

If they were quite content, they'd have fought a lot harder to keep him.

The reality- the Lama's were cruel, often engaging in sadistic punishments, and the people were kind of happy to see them go.
Yes they are you idiot. They have been doing exactly that for decades. You ignorant apologist schmuck.

Well, given China has about a billion Han Chinese and only a few million native Tibetans... they're doing a pretty awful job of it.

With an average of only two people per square kilometer, Tibet has the lowest population density among any of the Chinese province-level administrative regions, mostly due to its harsh and rugged terrain.[32]

In 2011 the Tibetan population was three million.[33] The ethnic Tibetans, comprising 90.48% of the population,[34] mainly adhere to Tibetan Buddhism and Bön, although there is an ethnic Tibetan Muslim community.[35] Other Muslim ethnic groups such as the Hui and the Salar have inhabited the region. There is also a tiny Tibetan Christian community in eastern Tibet. Smaller tribal groups such as the Monpa and Lhoba, who follow a combination of Tibetan Buddhism and spirit worship, are found mainly in the southeastern parts of the region.

The people of Tibet would be thrilled beyond words to welcome the llama back. What is wrong with you ignorant apologists?

Would they?

Traditional Tibetan society consisted of a feudal class structure, which was one of the reasons the Chinese Communist Party claims that it had to liberate Tibet and reform its government.[92]

Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan studies Donald S. Lopez stated that at the time:

Traditional Tibet, like any complex society, had great inequalities, with power monopolized by an elite composed of a small aristocracy, the hierarchs of various sects . . and the great Geluk monasteries.[93]
These institutional groups retained great power down to 1959.[94]

The thirteenth Dalai Lama had reformed the pre-existing serf system in the first decade of the 20th century, and by 1950, slavery itself had probably ceased to exist in central Tibet, though perhaps persisting in certain border areas.[95] Slavery did exist, for example, in places like the Chumbi Valley, though British observers like Charles Bell called it 'mild',[96] and beggars (ragyabas) were endemic. The pre-Chinese social system however was rather complex.
Okay, um, so what? Not that they are, because the Chinese have been fighting the Uhigers for hundreds of years, so it's the most innefficient genocide ever.
there would be no reason for conflict except that imperial china invaded the Uhigers territory and incorporated it into china

and as for the efficiency of the chinese genocide program the CCP is perfecting the process and making up for lost time

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