John Cena apologizes for calling Taiwan a Country

Communist China is becoming increasingly more militant over Taiwan and may be getting very close to invasion

Rot in hell bill clinton, george bush and barack obama for allowing china to grow so strong

I am a little surprised that Mac1958 would post a laughing face under that quote

Because even in these bitterly divided times politics should still end at the water’s edge

But not for him I see
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
I was disappointed in him when I saw this headline.

Hey, China: Taiwan is a country. Come and get me.
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.

Wow, tell us how much really hate America.
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.

Wow, tell us how much really hate America.
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The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.
I think the CCP is your master and you say what they tell you at 50 cents a post

Because no American could be as misinformed as your last post suggests

The US invasion of iraq was a mistake of historic proportions but it had UN approval and was not illegal

Nor did the US murder and torture a million Iraqi’s as you claim

However I guess this topic is making the CCP uncomfortable and you are forced to engage in WhatAboutism
Hmm, last I checked, the Chinese civil war in 1949 resulted in the establishment of the ROC (Taiwan) and the PRC as separate sovereignties, complete with Taiwan having its own flag, anthem and seal.

This kind of garbage is where we're heading in this country with the disturbing trend of internet censorship, propoganda news sources, and cowardice/kowtowing to the CCP for financial gain.

So does Taiwan have a seat in the UN? Nope.

Does it call itself the "Republic of Taiwan"? Nope.

It's not an independent country legally. And China would be perfectly within it's rights to invade it as a renegade territory.
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

You mean they toppled a corrupt theocracy that held most of the people of Tibet in bondage? Oh, Gosh, that's horrible.

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

How is what happened at Tiananmen Square any different from what happened at Kent State?

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The Uighers are Muslim terrorists. As for Hong Kong, Hong Kong was set up by the British after the Opium Wars to exploit China's economy.

What you see as "Aggression", they see as asserting their national sovereignty. You should probably immerse yourself in Chinese history, particularly the period between the Opium Wars and the Civil War that brought the Communists to power.

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless

Asserting sovereignty within their own borders is "reckless"? Really?
China got away with invading Tibet

That was long ago and world anger has faded

Ditto for Tiananmen Square

More recently the illegal erasure of civil rights in Hong Kong and genocide of the Uighers

The CCP are very cunning and calculating

They have discovered the western democracies weakness - money and fear of military conflict

Up to now they have known just how far they can push and get away with it

But china has grown too strong and it is becoming reckless
The US got away with illegally invading Irak and is responsible for murdering and torturing more than a million innocent men, women, and children there. The US is a reckless, murderous, rogue nation whose people have not been jailed for their war crimes and crimes against humanity. The "cunning and calculating" CCP is an amateur of treachery in comparison.
It was legal.
You mean they toppled a corrupt theocracy that held most of the people of Tibet in bondage? Oh, Gosh, that's horrible.
If that were true it would not take repression by Red Army to maintain control there

Very few people outside of china would agree that china had a right to invade Tibet
How is what happened at Tiananmen Square any different from what happened at Kent State?
China ordered its military to open fire on civilians

At Kent State raw national guard troops made a horrible mistake under intense pressure

But the killing was not authorized or ordered by the US government
If that were true it would not take repression by Red Army to maintain control there

Very few people outside of china would agree that china had a right to invade Tibet

Oh, I'm sure that Richard Gere is upset when he hangs with the corrupt ass former Child King the Chinese threw out...

But the reality. Tibet was recognized as part of China under the Qing Dynasty, it was recognized as part of China under the Republic of China.

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