John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

So how does that absolve Trump from his criminal associations??? Why would so many people in the pay of the Russian government, or beholding to Russian oligarchs, volunteering to work for Donald Trump, for free. You never even asked any of these questions. You just swallowed Trump's "Russian Hoax" lie unchallenged.

Manafort's criminal behaviour made him an ideal target of Russian handlers, and Manafort delivered Republican polling data to the Russians. You should read his elocution at his second Trial.

If Manafort, Flynn and Stone had all testified honestly to the FBI and the Mueller Grand Jury, would the conspiracy have been proven??? Mueller said there was "insufficient evidence" to gain a conviction, not that there was "no evidence"

You need to read the links that are posted, instead of parroting Donald Trump's bullshit day in and day out, and then calling people "morons".

The judge and the jury rejected Dunham's claims outright and said the case should never have been brought to court. Just became the prosecution made the claim, doesn't mean it's true. They certainly failed utterly to provide evidence of their claims.
So how does that absolve Trump from his criminal associations???

Prove his criminal associations Dragonlady

Bring proof or admit you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
So how does that absolve Trump from his criminal associations???

Prove his criminal associations Dragonlady

Bring proof or admit you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.

You never prove a single thing you post, but you expect everyone to prove their posts to you. You have to be completely stupid, to think we're going to do anything for a little creep like you.

Just look at his list of year end pardons, A$$hat. All of those ex-employees. Acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt.
You never prove a single thing you post, but you expect everyone to prove their posts to you. You have to be completely stupid, to think we're going to do anything for a little creep like you.

Just look at his list of year end pardons, A$$hat. All of those ex-employees. Acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt.
I accept your admission you are just a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.

Where you're "stuck on stupid" is that the indictment was for lying in the meeting, not lying in the text.

Good Lord you are one stupid person.

The text was a lie. Do you think he went in the next day and said "I was just joking in my text, I'm actually being paid by Hitlery right now to come in here and give these two thumb drives of Russian lies to you"? If so, produce your evidence he said that instead of claiming once again he was just there as a concerned citizen.

Are you really that stupid?
Jeeeeezzzzzz. He wasn't charged with lying in the text. That would have required updating the indictment, which was too late by that point (statute of limitations).

Sussmann could have confessed to murder in that text, and it would have nothing to do with what he was charged with. And as such excluded as prejudicial.
Not when the trial is about events that occurred during the Shillary campaign.

Durham did prove the charges beyond any doubt, dumbass.
And Sussman was found to be not guilty by a jury who heard all the evidence presented by Durham. :heehee:
Really? Define sensible legislation, give us an example, then tell us how other gun laws are not sensible!

Tell us how after all these years with democrats in control that they have not yet passed any sensible legislation?

Then tell us that you will back up that law by paying every crime victim $10,000 when your sensible legislation fails to prevent crime?

Finally, tell us how anything can be "futile" (meaning resistance is pointless) in a democracy unless our society really isn't democratic?
You can bleat impotence and insist that we, as a nation, can do nothing to address the permissiveness and defend ourselves against sick realities such as this:
Gun Violence Quietly Became the Number OneCause
Death in American Children as of 2020

but most Americans agree that no longer indulging teenagers with all the assault weapons they crave is sensible and prudent - But we're far afield from Durham's discrediting Loser's paranoia concerning the FBI.
You can bleat impotence and insist that we, as a nation, can do nothing

You said it yourself: SCHOOL VIOLENCE has become a leading killer of children! Now who in their right mind would not want to investigate what is wrong with our schools to cause this?

DEMOCRATS, because invariably, it will point back to the implementation of progressive agendas like genders, sex change, CRT, socialism, harsh zero tolerance, lockdowns and other things progs are advancing even as it drives children over the edge, so you try to blame the guns.

What will you blame when all the school killers resort to stabbing each other with #2 lead pencils? Blame the lead?
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Oddly enough, PBS didn't mention a single conflict of interest between the judge, the jurors and the defendant nor the defendant's close ties with the deep state which Hillary is a part in their coverage of the trial! :shok:
You said it yourself: SCHOOL VIOLENCE has become a leading killer of children! Now who in their right mind would not want to investigate what is wrong with our schools to cause this?
Investigating innocent victims for being where they belong, while ignoring a homicidal gunster who shouldn't be there?

Your fanaticism is astounding, but what does it have to do with Durham's inability to contrive any evidence for the Cry Baby Loser's paranoia?
Investigating innocent victims for being where they belong,
Who said anything about investigating innocent victims, numbnut?

while ignoring a homicidal gunster who shouldn't be there?
That kid should not be in the school? And had he used a knife, would you then call him a knifster?

Your fanaticism is astounding,
Your stupidity and obvious disingenuousness is totally predictable.

but what does it have to do with Durham's inability to contrive any evidence for the Cry Baby Loser's paranoia?
Nothing since it was all made up by you in your defective brain.
Oddly enough, PBS didn't mention a single conflict of interest between the judge, the jurors and the defendant nor the defendant's close ties with the deep state which Hillary is a part in their coverage of the trial! :shok:
The weird worshipers who threaten the lives of election officials who do their jobs with impartial objectivity and integrity instead of appeasing Trump, or savagely attack police defending democracy to prevent the certification of a democratic election will, naturally, target any judges and juries whose priorities are also based in reality rather than kowtowing to the Cry Baby Loser.

Of course, in every one of the dozens of frivolous Trumpy court challenges to the 2020 election, every one of the judges (including Trump appointees) who threw them all out of court was in cahoots, their prestigious memberships in the Pedophile Pizza of the Month Club courtesy of George Soros.

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The weird worshipers who threaten the lives of election officials who do their jobs with objective integrity
Sure, just like how all you idiots just threatened the Supreme Court for them doing theirs. And it wasn't even an official position, it was LEAKED by one of you sick freaks.

Of course, in every one of the dozens of frivolous Trumpy court challenges to the 2020 election, every judge who threw them all out of court was in cahoots, their prestigious memberships in the Pedophile Pizza of the Month Club courtesy of George Soros.
You said it first.

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