John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Turley voted for Hitlery, you raving dumbass.

You are the raving dumbass. It was Turley who suggested that Republicans could impeach Obama even though he committed no crime. He then insisted that Trump could not be impeached because he committed no crime. Turley has been very pro-Republicans over the years.
Oh spare us dementedoofus......Clinton is sooo guilty of sooo many proven crimes bringing them out one by one with a good prosecutor will work out so well timing wise....right up to the mid term elections when Congress is fumigated. Trump has done nothing, yet your felon has multiple hashmarks on her prison uniform denoting a senior and experienced crook.

Any day now huh? You will be saying that on your grave.
It was a slam dunk case, Dumbass.

He had overwhelming evidence Sussman lied to the FBI. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

One person's word against another person's word is not overwhelming. You are the stupid opne.
Judge should have recused for obvious conflict of interest. That was exhibited in his rulings.

3 Hitlery donors, one AOC donef, and a juror whose daughter is a friend of, and plays high school sports with the defendant’s daughter = fixed jury.

The judge had no reason to recuse himself. Hillary Clinton was not on trial. Every person on the jury took a oath to base their judgement only on the evidence. Your side had no evidence.
He attempted to pressure the Georgia Secretary of State to find enough votes for him to win the state. That is criminal.
Yep. And if his co-conspirators get charged, but he does not, then we might as well just call ourselves a banana republic and move on with life...
Jeeeeezzzzzz. He wasn't charged with lying in the text. That would have required updating the indictment, which was too late by that point (statute of limitations).

Sussmann could have confessed to murder in that text, and it would have nothing to do with what he was charged with. And as such excluded as prejudicial.
He was charged with lying to the FBI. The text confirms the lie you raving lunatic.

Good lord you are one stupid mother fucker.
And when Republican white-wingers have nothing but desperation, they slither into personal attacks.
Dragonlady is free to prove me wrong. She won't because she can't.

Wanna know why? Because she is, always has been, and always will be a KKKanadian lying sack of dogshit.
You are the raving dumbass. It was Turley who suggested that Republicans could impeach Obama even though he committed no crime. He then insisted that Trump could not be impeached because he committed no crime. Turley has been very pro-Republicans over the years.
He has stated he voted for Hitlery.
One person's word against another person's word is not overwhelming. You are the stupid opne.
Sussman's emails and billing records are not "one person's word against another person's word", Peabrain.

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