John Freshwater, Gay Bashing "Science" Teacher, Burned Crosses into His Students Arms

But his biggest sin -- at least in the eyes of parents -- is burning crosses into the kids' arms. He's admitted to burning the kids, but claims it wasn't a religious statement, just an experiment he's conducted for 21 years.
Id like to know more about the nature and permissions required to participate in the class. Beyond that why isnt he in jail?
I have the right of free speech. Besides, he sounds pretty much in lock step with the Republican Party.

Hates the gays - check

Evolution is a lie - check

Teaches magical creation - check

Shouldn't have burned the kids. Except, it WAS a cross.

This is not the United States, you have a "right" to jack and shit and jack left town. And this has nothing to do with the GOP.
Army of Darkness reference.
you can thank teacher unions for the fact taxpayers are still paying his salary
He should be arrested and tried on all charges that can possibly be brought against him for physically scarring the children. He should be forever barred from teaching...anywhere. He should be branded with a red hot cattle brand to the forehead reading CAUTION-I BURN CHILDREN ON PURPOSE

Regardless of his motives, the man is a nutcase and should go to jail.
What's intriguing is he has a whole support group behind him, who - if you read from their site, seem to be defending him by nickle and diming and semantical games: Accountability in the Media
Honestly, I don't think he is particularly unusual for today's Confederate Republicans. What is the big deal?

Yet one more stupid, pointless comment spews forth from the fingertips of rdone.:cuckoo:

Gunny, I notice you often swoop in like this and make some comment about a poster, but very rarely about the topic at hand. What's your take on this teacher?
The article states: “He's admitted to burning the kids […]”

Freshwater has, in fact, very adamantly stated that he never harmed any students. Take for example the statement he made to the Mount Vernon Board of Education on August 4, 2008: “I have never, never, branded or burned a person.” (Source, YouTube - "John Freshwater August 4th 2008 (part 7 of 7)" )

Although the allegation of the Tesla coil burn resurfaced, it is an issue that was already officially resolved by the school in January 2008. Other teachers at the school also allowed students to touch the spark from the Tesla coil without causing any harm to the students. (See my article "Accountability in the Media: Tesla Coil Matter Was Officially Resolved January 2008")

The allegation regarding talking about the issue of homosexuality in class: This is an allegation made by just one person—Jim Stockdale. Freshwater’s response to it was that he never made the statement that Jim Stockdale credited to him about gays; Stockdale may have overheard a conversation Freshwater had with other teachers regarding a magazine article about the gay gene. (See my article "Accountability in the Media: John Freshwater: Investigation Didn’t Follow Contract")

As far as Freshwater’s teaching abilities go—his students met and exceeded state standards on the OAT test. (See my article "Accountability in the Media: Re-teaching John Freshwater’s Ace Students")

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