John "FUCKING" Kerry to Speak at 12:30 Today on Syria

In my opinion.....

I'm sure he values your fucking opinion. The bottom line is the Warmonger-In-Chump is going to invade - with no allies - with no Congressional or UN approval - much like GWBush did in Iraq, but your mouth is so far down onto Obama's dick - it's absolutely OK with you and people of your "ilk."

I hope the Draft is reinstated and your pansy-ass gets shipped to the Syrian front. You go fight this dipshit's (Black Jimmy's) war dumbass.

Wry Catcher is right about you and I would add that you don't pay much attention to facts. If you did, you would know that President Obama has not gone to war since taking office.


Russia has a military port on the Syrian coast. In their infinite stupidity, I wonder if the 3 stooges plan to Tomahawk that too?

No matter what The President or the Secretary of State say, no matter what is decided - to use force, or not to use force - the decision made will be condemned by the first two assholes above, each will disagree and have always disagreed with The President based on nothing but their animus for the man; neither of these assholes have ever posted anything of substance and in the case of Warrior nothing civil; both being the quintessential partisan hacks - ignorant, dishonest and rigid.

Warbler LOVES Putin. Just ask him.
In a way I hope he does it, because he'll become universally hated over night. The repercussions will cause the price of gas to skyrocket and that place will finally erupt into absolute chaos. Maybe at that point the American sheeple will be more worried about multiply independent re-entry vehicles killing them than a stupid football gang. I always try to make a positive out of a negative.
Wonder what that elitist traitor bumbling idiot is going to tell the world....

Vet-spitting again?

It's classy, the Jane Fonda routine that the conservatives here are pulling.

I take that back. Jane Fonda apologized, so she's a level above them. It's insulting to Jane Fonda to compare her with Warrior.
Wonder what that elitist traitor bumbling idiot is going to tell the world....

Vet-spitting again?

It's classy, the Jane Fonda routine that the conservatives here are pulling.

I take that back. Jane Fonda apologized, so she's a level above them. It's insulting to Jane Fonda to compare her with Warrior.

Speaking of veterans - you served where/when?
In my opinion.....

I'm sure he values your fucking opinion. The bottom line is the Warmonger-In-Chump is going to invade - with no allies - with no Congressional or UN approval - much like GWBush did in Iraq, but your mouth is so far down onto Obama's dick - it's absolutely OK with you and people of your "ilk."

I hope the Draft is reinstated and your pansy-ass gets shipped to the Syrian front. You go fight this dipshit's (Black Jimmy's) war dumbass.

Wry Catcher is right about you and I would add that you don't pay much attention to facts. If you did, you would know that President Obama has not gone to war since taking office.


Yo, (not)Warrior, did you hear what President Obama just said about going to war?

Of course you didn't.

Speaking of veterans - you served where/when?

Navy, ran nuclear reactors on a cruiser, 84-89.

Of course, that means jack for my credibility. I don't bring it up unless asked about it. Only wankstains trying to compensate for their shortcomings will attempt to bully people with the "I'm a vet, so STFU" crap, and anyone putting that kind of assholism on parade deserves mockery for it.
Speaking of veterans - you served where/when?

Navy, ran nuclear reactors on a cruiser, 84-89.

Of course, that means jack for my credibility. I don't bring it up unless asked about it. Only wankstains trying to compensate for their shortcomings will attempt to bully people with the "I'm a vet, so STFU" crap, and anyone putting that kind of assholism on parade deserves mockery for it.

(not)Warrior lies about his own service almost every day.

Actually, is as sad and unhealthy as his inability to accept and deal with his own sexuality.
Speaking of veterans - you served where/when?

Navy, ran nuclear reactors on a cruiser, 84-89.

Of course, that means jack for my credibility. I don't bring it up unless asked about it. Only wankstains trying to compensate for their shortcomings will attempt to bully people with the "I'm a vet, so STFU" crap, and anyone putting that kind of assholism on parade deserves mockery for it.

You "RAN" Nuclear Reactors? What were you - the fucking CHENG - or a Turd Chaser. My guess is the latter. A run of the mill knucklehead hole snipe. See Bodecea -- she's another military failure.
You "RAN" Nuclear Reactors? What were you - the fucking CHENG - or a Turd Chaser. My guess is the latter. A run of the mill knucklehead hole snipe.

Engineering Officer of the Watch qualified. Meaning I was the guy ultimately responsible for running the reactor for my watch shifts.

See Bodecea -- she's another military failure.

Again, we get it. Spitting on vets is your thing. I think everyone gets that, Jane.
As usual, congress is on vacation. There will be a lot of bodies piled up while we wait for them to go back to DC.

President Obama does not want war. That is what he has said and his actions support that.

Won't matter what is said or done - the brain dead traitors will find fault with it and, BET ON THIS: they will side AGAINST their own country.

Will you people with the "Congress is on vacation" memo cut it out? it just illustrates complete ignorance of how our political system is meant to work.

Congress isn't supposed to always be in session. Why? Because they are supposed to actually be with their constituents. Which means they need to be in their home districts rather than socializing in Washington.

Congress cannot just call itself into an emergency session. The President would have to call them back.

As for siding against their own country, I suppose you would be an expert on that.

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