John "FUCKING" Kerry to Speak at 12:30 Today on Syria

You "RAN" Nuclear Reactors? What were you - the fucking CHENG - or a Turd Chaser. My guess is the latter. A run of the mill knucklehead hole snipe.

Engineering Officer of the Watch qualified. Meaning I was the guy ultimately responsible for running the reactor for my watch shifts.

See Bodecea -- she's another military failure.

Again, we get it. Spitting on vets is your thing. I think everyone gets that, Jane.

I was a qualified EOOW as well, nutsack. Requirement for an ESWS pin - which you never earned.
And so it begins... Selling the attack on Syria to the American people.

If he doesn't get Congress, he's going to need the American people...

It wasn't okay for Saddam to hurt his people - we had to wage a war, but now it's okay for Syria to do so?

I don't know, I think we should have left both of them to their own doing.

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