John kasich needs to shut the fuck up...

The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post

Kasich is a self identified moderate who will work with the sane moderate Dims who helped create a $20 trillion debt.

Only fighting the extremists conservatives that want to balance budgets is the answer.
Kasichs type is the venereal disease of the political world…

I thought the political world was a venereal disease.
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post

Kasich is a self identified moderate who will work with the sane moderate Dims who helped create a $20 trillion debt.

Only fighting the extremists conservatives that want to balance budgets is the answer.
Kasichs type is the venereal disease of the political world…

I thought the political world was a venereal disease.
Kasich is black syphilis of the political world...
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
The link says practically nothing about what they are proposing. Best wait to see what the Senate bill looks like. On arrival of the House bill in the Senate, McConnell said we're going to rewrite it.
It was irresponsible campaigning. They played off of peoples frustrations and fears, promising them something better when they never really had a plan. I really believe that most people don't care whether its Obamacare or some other plan, they just want lower costs and access to the care that they need. Something that could have used bipartisan efforts over the past 6 years. Think how much better our system would be right now if we have both sides working on it instead of one side doing nothing but obstructing.

You are right though, after years of making big promises it leaves them in a very tough position. Especially with the other side doing everything they can to keep the current law in place. Makes compromise extremely difficult.

Sorry bud, but they were sent to DC to GET RID OF OBAMACARE, not to fix it or replace it, but to REPEAL it. There is no legitimate dorm of government healthcare. Not even Medicare.

They've now been caught ignoring that mandate and if they don't clean up their act, many may not last through the 2018 primary season.
It was irresponsible campaigning. They played off of peoples frustrations and fears, promising them something better when they never really had a plan. I really believe that most people don't care whether its Obamacare or some other plan, they just want lower costs and access to the care that they need. Something that could have used bipartisan efforts over the past 6 years. Think how much better our system would be right now if we have both sides working on it instead of one side doing nothing but obstructing.

You are right though, after years of making big promises it leaves them in a very tough position. Especially with the other side doing everything they can to keep the current law in place. Makes compromise extremely difficult.

Sorry bud, but they were sent to DC to GET RID OF OBAMACARE, not to fix it or replace it, but to REPEAL it. There is no legitimate dorm of government healthcare. Not even Medicare.

They've now been caught ignoring that mandate and if they don't clean up their act, many may not last through the 2018 primary season.
Unless you can get 8 democrats in Senate to agree, there can be no repeal, just changes to budgetary items.
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
The GOP has realized that the alternative would be a catastrophe for them and the country. That's why they won't vote for repeal a 62nd time. The AHCA is going to screw the country and kill the GOP. Kasich is right, but the GOP has been hijacked by emotional nutjobs who don't care.

They are working on it now and plan to have something to vote on before the July 4th recess...
It was irresponsible campaigning. They played off of peoples frustrations and fears, promising them something better when they never really had a plan. I really believe that most people don't care whether its Obamacare or some other plan, they just want lower costs and access to the care that they need. Something that could have used bipartisan efforts over the past 6 years. Think how much better our system would be right now if we have both sides working on it instead of one side doing nothing but obstructing.

You are right though, after years of making big promises it leaves them in a very tough position. Especially with the other side doing everything they can to keep the current law in place. Makes compromise extremely difficult.

Sorry bud, but they were sent to DC to GET RID OF OBAMACARE, not to fix it or replace it, but to REPEAL it. There is no legitimate dorm of government healthcare. Not even Medicare.

They've now been caught ignoring that mandate and if they don't clean up their act, many may not last through the 2018 primary season.
Unless you can get 8 democrats in Senate to agree, there can be no repeal, just changes to budgetary items.

Actually, that is innaccurate......the Senate Parliamentarian...the one who clarifies the rules, stated they can do what they do inside of budget reconicilation.....that means they can get it repealed with 50 votes plus the V.P.
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
The GOP has realized that the alternative would be a catastrophe for them and the country. That's why they won't vote for repeal a 62nd time. The AHCA is going to screw the country and kill the GOP. Kasich is right, but the GOP has been hijacked by emotional nutjobs who don't care.

They are working on it now and plan to have something to vote on before the July 4th recess...
Yeah, they're preparing ACA light, still fully controlled by the government except 10's of millions of people get cut off from healthcare and the rich and pharmaceuticals get tax cuts.

61 times they voted for repeal. All a political stunt. Whatever they scrounge together now is not for the sake of the country, it's to throw a bunch of rabid alt-righties some meat so Trump can keep screwing the nation.
I'm fine with not repealing and replacing Obamacare, let it fail and burn the Democratic party right to the ground. When Dem's come crawling to us on their knees then maybe we will deal with that turd.
I'm fine with not repealing and replacing Obamacare, let it fail and burn the Democratic party right to the ground. When Dem's come crawling to us on their knees then maybe we will deal with that turd.
^ what fantasy world do you live in :cuckoo:
It was irresponsible campaigning. They played off of peoples frustrations and fears, promising them something better when they never really had a plan. I really believe that most people don't care whether its Obamacare or some other plan, they just want lower costs and access to the care that they need. Something that could have used bipartisan efforts over the past 6 years. Think how much better our system would be right now if we have both sides working on it instead of one side doing nothing but obstructing.

You are right though, after years of making big promises it leaves them in a very tough position. Especially with the other side doing everything they can to keep the current law in place. Makes compromise extremely difficult.

Sorry bud, but they were sent to DC to GET RID OF OBAMACARE, not to fix it or replace it, but to REPEAL it. There is no legitimate dorm of government healthcare. Not even Medicare.

They've now been caught ignoring that mandate and if they don't clean up their act, many may not last through the 2018 primary season.
Unless you can get 8 democrats in Senate to agree, there can be no repeal, just changes to budgetary items.

Actually, that is innaccurate......the Senate Parliamentarian...the one who clarifies the rules, stated they can do what they do inside of budget reconicilation.....that means they can get it repealed with 50 votes plus the V.P.
The Senate Parliamentarian will have to rule on the actual bill which is still in committee. Democrats will of course make a case that the bill does not comply with the Byrd rule which requires any provision in the bill to have a budgetary impact to qualify for reconciliation.

The legislation is being shaped around the Bryd rule which means there will be more healthcare legislation once this passes. It's being reported the abortion provisions which would de-fund planned parenthood is being dropped due to the rules. When this bill is passed there will be two healthcare laws on the books, the America Healthcare Act and the gutted Affordable Care Act unless Republicans decide to abandon plans to use reconcialation.
Abortion Provisions Said to be Dropped From Senate Health Bill
Unless you can get 8 democrats in Senate to agree, there can be no repeal, just changes to budgetary items.

Then budget $0.00 for healthcare.
There are many parts of Obamacare that have no measurable impact on the budget and thus can not be changed if budget reconsideration is to be used to pass the bill. So those items will still survive and the ACA will still be on the books.

The problem with using reconciliation is it does not repeal Obamacare. Republicans have adopted the phrase "repeal and replace" which in reality means replace and delete portions of the ACA that meet the requirements for reconciliation.

The only other option is to construct a bill that creates the law republicans really want and repeals the entire ACA, however that will take 60 votes which republicans don't have. Reconciliation is the quick and dirty approach.
I'm fine with not repealing and replacing Obamacare, let it fail and burn the Democratic party right to the ground. When Dem's come crawling to us on their knees then maybe we will deal with that turd.
Republicans have now inherited the American healthcare system with all of it's problems.
The only other option is to construct a bill that creates the law republicans really want and repeals the entire ACA, however that will take 60 votes which republicans don't have. Reconciliation is the quick and dirty approach.

No, there is another option. One I'm favoring more and more these days... Walking into the Capitol, dragging all 500+ of these bastards out onto the National Mall and having a mass execution.

Maybe theiir replacements will figure out hoiw to read the US Constitution and live up to their campaign promises.

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