John kasich needs to shut the fuck up...

Kasich is a spineless piece of shit…
If he can improve things then more power to him.
You can't improve Obamacare, because it requires people that cannot afford to pay for deadbeats to have insurance...
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…
John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
Of course the exchanges can be improved... It just takes some effort. Keep what works, fix whats broken, improve areas that need improvement. It isn't a hard approach to take... Too bad we have so many full of shit posturing Republicans out there making promises to "repeal and replace" when they have no clue how to follow through. These guys are so caught up on trying to stick it to Obama or the dems that they've lost sight on whats best for the country. SAD
Kasich has no intelligence, The fucker thinks it can be fixed. It can't be fixed because the people that are paying for dead beats are going broke…
It's pretty simple we either boot a bunch of people off insurance and watch them die and pay for their emergency room visits... or we find a way to lower costs and care for them
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…
John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
Of course the exchanges can be improved... It just takes some effort. Keep what works, fix whats broken, improve areas that need improvement. It isn't a hard approach to take... Too bad we have so many full of shit posturing Republicans out there making promises to "repeal and replace" when they have no clue how to follow through. These guys are so caught up on trying to stick it to Obama or the dems that they've lost sight on whats best for the country. SAD
Kasich has no intelligence, The fucker thinks it can be fixed. It can't be fixed because the people that are paying for dead beats are going broke…
It's pretty simple we either boot a bunch of people off insurance and watch them die and pay for their emergency room visits... or we find a way to lower costs and care for them
The problem is that those people have to be subsidized by people that cannot afford Obamacare. Motherfuckers forcing people on something they will never use and do not want. Fucking assholes
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
The GOP has realized that the alternative would be a catastrophe for them and the country. That's why they won't vote for repeal a 62nd time. The AHCA is going to screw the country and kill the GOP. Kasich is right, but the GOP has been hijacked by emotional nutjobs who don't care.
Kasich is a corrupt nutjob, and should be treated as such…
You are a mentally ill nutjob, and should be treated with contempt. Kasich was the only GOP candidate in the primary that was any where near competent.
There is no fixing what was designed to fail from the start. If shitbitch had been elected and the dimshits had the congress we would have single payor die quick socialized medicine right now. The exchanges are failing because there is no way that the few will support the many freeloading shit while getting nothing in return .Oshitscum care CANT be fixed, as far as the house draft, you lying liberal shitpiles haven't even read it, you don't know what is in it, you are just spouting the shit your bitch cuntholsi vomited out.
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post
The GOP has realized that the alternative would be a catastrophe for them and the country. That's why they won't vote for repeal a 62nd time. The AHCA is going to screw the country and kill the GOP. Kasich is right, but the GOP has been hijacked by emotional nutjobs who don't care.
Kasich is a corrupt nutjob, and should be treated as such…
You are a mentally ill nutjob, and should be treated with contempt. Kasich was the only GOP candidate in the primary that was any where near competent.
He is he is not a conservative, he's a pussy whipped bitch progressive...
throughout the campaign he acted like a two-faced kunt
Single payer will be the death of millions, because it only works for progressives....
Single payer universal works in every other first world nation on this planet. And they all pay less per citizen, and get better results, than we do. Rustic, you are a dumb shit that cannot face reality.
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post

Kasich is a self identified moderate who will work with the sane moderate Dims who helped create a $20 trillion debt.

Only fighting the extremists conservatives that want to balance budgets is the answer.
Single payer universal works in every other first world nation on this planet. And they all pay less per citizen, and get better results, than we do. Rustic, you are a dumb shit that cannot face reality.
Well, keep your single payer, don't force other people into the fucking shit. Especially those that will never use it and want nothing to do with it.
It does not require our participation and stay the fuck out of other peoples lives
The Stupid fucker thinks the exchanges can be fixed... he wants to work with that dumbass Colorado governor on the subject. Traitorous piece of fucking shit…

John Hickenlooper and John Kasich set to talk on CNN about their health care bill concerns – The Denver Post

Kasich is a self identified moderate who will work with the sane moderate Dims who helped create a $20 trillion debt.

Only fighting the extremists conservatives that want to balance budgets is the answer.
Kasichs type is the venereal disease of the political world…
Single payer universal works in every other first world nation on this planet. And they all pay less per citizen, and get better results, than we do. Rustic, you are a dumb shit that cannot face reality.
Single payer only works for progressives…
Single payer universal works in every other first world nation on this planet. And they all pay less per citizen, and get better results, than we do. Rustic, you are a dumb shit that cannot face reality.
Single payer only works for progressives…

It works great in the VA.

If they get too sick, they simply are put on secret death lists cuz they are too expensive to treat.

It save billions of dollars.

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