John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.
The Problem With John Kasich's 'Compassion'

Hugs will not solve the problems facing American families.

Toward the end of his concession speech in New Hampshire Tuesday night, John Kasich said some words that underline the unfortunate emptiness of his brand of so-called compassionate conservatism.

The Ohio governor delivered a seemingly heartfelt, even moving, talk, after finishing in second place behind reality TV star Donald Trump in the state's primary.

Hailed as the one reasonable Republican presidential candidate amid a sea of terrifying extremists, Kasich made an earnest plea for all of us to just "slow down" and connect with our families and our neighbors.

"If we would just slow down and heal the divisions within our own families. Be willing to listen to the person that lives next door, when you’re in such a hurry to get out of the driveway or such a hurry to get out of the shopping center," he said. "Just slow down, look ‘em in the eye. Give ‘em a hug."

His words seemed aimed straight at any working adult beset by endless demands, hustling to care for and support loved ones or to simply stay sane in a 24/7 world. At a time when we've all got our heads bent down to stare drone-like at our iPhones, working ever-longer hours to get by and racing from work to home and back again, it struck a chord.

But alas, Kasich kept going. "It doesn’t take government. It takes our hearts. Our hearts to change America," he said.

The trouble is, it absolutely does take more than our hearts to give Americans the space and the time to slow down. And Kasich's policy prescriptions for working families offer little support for his truly laudable goal.

More: The Problem With John Kasich's 'Compassion'

Kasich seems sane - but I'm afraid he's just a religious nut cloaked in secular rhetoric.
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The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.
Nobody is outlawing PP but why should taxpayers be forced to fund an agency that makes a living from the slaughter of human babies and illegally sells body parts from the slaughtered victims? PETA people would be marching in the streets to outlaw any agency that made a living from killing unborn horses or seals or dogs or cats. Why are lefties outraged that elected officials might have a better use for taxpayer funds than funding an organization that makes a living killing babies? Doesn't the 6,000 page Obamacare law include federal funding for abortions without direct funding that buys Lexus cars for baby killers?
So what happened to ObunglesCare, which should pay for those other services???

Oh, that's right... It's an expensive failure that Gruber (who wrote it) told us only passed because of the stupidity of the American voter....
Funny he waited this long. Could it be the liberal Republican is pandering?
Just in time for the South Carolina primary. Yup, he's pandering.
Here's how it works. It's easier to dismiss the issue and call it "pandering" and go back to the Super Bowl and have another Bud Lite even if your gut feeling says it ain't right to fund the killing of the unborn.
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Funny he waited this long. Could it be the liberal Republican is pandering?

Yeah, that's it. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the state of Ohio having a republican system of government with a separation of powers that requires laws to be created by a legislative body which is generally in session from January to April.
Funny he waited this long. Could it be the liberal Republican is pandering?

Yeah, that's it. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the state of Ohio having a republican system of government with a separation of powers that requires laws to be created by a legislative body which is generally in session from January to April.
Nice try but he's pandering.
Pandering? HB 294 was passed by the legislature today, that is 2-10-2016. So how is this pandering, or should we just attribute it to political spin from deflecting from fact?
PP depends a great part on federal and state funding, yes or no? Would it not be then justified that funding come from private sector donors then that of the tax payer?
If liberals and women's rights groups are so passionate about this cause let them fund it themselves.
Regardless, there is no distancing oneself from Margaret Sanger a progressive, socialist, ardent supporter of eugenics, utilizing abortion and sterilization as a means to control population growth of handicapped, lower, black, Asian, mulatto, Mexican.... and poor class of citizens.
Is this really what we have become as a society? The next thing you will hear is abortion is a handy tool in regulating the sex of a child and should be employed to help reduce overcrowding and use of limited resources, it is after all for the better of the whole! Sound familiar?
In closing, it is puzzling in that liberals are so compassionately against the death penalty yet supportive of killing an unborn child.
Pandering? HB 294 was passed by the legislature today, that is 2-10-2016. So how is this pandering, or should we just attribute it to political spin from deflecting from fact?
PP depends a great part on federal and state funding, yes or no? Would it not be then justified that funding come from private sector donors then that of the tax payer?
If liberals and women's rights groups are so passionate about this cause let them fund it themselves.
Regardless, there is no distancing oneself from Margaret Sanger a progressive, socialist, ardent supporter of eugenics, utilizing abortion and sterilization as a means to control population growth of handicapped, lower, black, Asian, mulatto, Mexican.... and poor class of citizens.
Is this really what we have become as a society? The next thing you will hear is abortion is a handy tool in regulating the sex of a child and should be employed to help reduce overcrowding and use of limited resources, it is after all for the better of the whole! Sound familiar?
In closing, it is puzzling in that liberals are so compassionately against the death penalty yet supportive of killing an unborn child.
most all of planned parenthood monies comes from being reimbursed by the State and Fed, for MEDICAID....for medical procedures approved by MEDICAID..... so how exactly can they not be reimbursed for medical procedures all other clinics and doctors offices are reimbursed for....?

I don't get it?
You truly have to be a heartless and evil son of a bitch to be a republican these days. What a piece of shit Kasich is.
oh, and Sanger was PROMOTED by Republican politicians.... like Prescott Bush, and GHW Bush who got the nick name of Rubbers...
The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.

I have a question, and someone needs to answer this.

We have Obamacare today where a poor woman can go to a doctors office and get these examinations.

So basically why do we need Planned Parenthood funding to do the same thing?
The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.

I have a question, and someone needs to answer this.

We have Obamacare today where a poor woman can go to a doctors office and get these examinations.

So basically why do we need Planned Parenthood funding to do the same thing?
they are MEDICAID recipients, that use the nearest health care clinic to their homes, to see a doctor or nurse practitioner....which happens to be planned parenthood. Private Doctor's offices are not a dime a dozen in their neighborhoods.... put another health care clinic near to them, before taking planned parenthood clinics away, then fine and dandy with me....
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So open a private clinic and fund it with donations and fees. Keep the taxpayer out of it.
with obamacare now, the need to fund all of these little clinics is no longer a reality. Since people can now just go to a real doctor and have it paid for by their wonderful insurance, no loss will be noticed, no service done without.
same with medicare and medicaid, get rid of them both, and drop the deduction from paychecks that cover medicare. Now that the world has been saved by obamacare, why should we also pay for these unneeded redundant programs.

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