John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

I hope that our Patriotic President wold have wanted all options explored in protecting our country.
The CIA blows shit up and blames Islam or whatever they decide that day on a routine basis.
I've said for years we should have bought (Russian) uranium on the black market , built a small nuke / dirty bomb, sent a team into Iran, plant it at one of their nuke sites, get out, detonate it, then point to the incident and publicly say:

'We told them not to be messing with that stuff. Now look, they have blown themselves up.'

Thought it was in his book, but not certain on that. Well I doubt the Romulan thing is but the North Korean thing I thought was.
Where we are is that the anti trump lib news media have been attacking him since he announced in 2016

And now any wild thing that some drunken or spaced out fentanyl junkie claims he said is not challenged
Where we are is that the anti trump lib news media have been attacking him since he announced in 2016

And now any wild thing that some drunken or spaced out fentanyl junkie claims he said is not challenged

So JK is some drunken or spaced out fentanyl junkie? Kewl, and of course you can supply a link for any of this!

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