John Kerry: Unfit for Service

The man shouldnt even be in the senate! But hey, the state that kept electing Barney Frank what do you expect! He's a disgrace to the uniform and the men who died in Vietnam. Bastard.
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

He had the balls to lie to Congress.

He made it all up. Seriously. You CAN'T be this retarded.

"The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam."

This statement you are saying is a lie? What proof do you have it is a lie and not a cover up? We know that rape, torture and murder occur in every war, so why would you say it didn't happen in Vietnam?:confused:
I don't waste my time on your links, guy, so I'm not sure why you post them.

Oh, that's right -- you're a fucking coward, terrified of anything that might challenge your fragile world-view.

Don't claim you want debate. You want nothing more than immediate and unquestioning agreement.

So, feel free to eat shit -- besides Kerry's and Obama's, that is.

You're not worth another single moment of my time, you fucking coward.
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.

So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?

Nope, no opinion on the winter soldier testimony, it seems Kerry repeated what he had been told.
And as a drooling idiot leftist, he believed it.

Drooling idiot leftists are notoriously gullible.
As for the claim of treason, when was Kerry charged with treason, if charged was there a trial, if so what were the results of that trial?
Since when do drooling idiot leftists care about due process?
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

He had the balls to lie to Congress.

He made it all up. Seriously. You CAN'T be this retarded.

"The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam."

This statement you are saying is a lie? What proof do you have it is a lie and not a cover up? We know that rape, torture and murder occur in every war, so why would you say it didn't happen in Vietnam?:confused:
What proof do you have that it's true?

NOTE: Leftist talking points are not proof. Sorry if that guts your argument, but oh, well.

My point, moron, is not that that didn't happen -- my point is that they didn't happen as a result of spoken or unspoken policy, like those who irrationally hate our military are desperate to believe.

That includes Kerry, in case you didn't know.
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

He had the balls to lie to Congress.

He made it all up. Seriously. You CAN'T be this retarded.

"The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam."

This statement you are saying is a lie? What proof do you have it is a lie and not a cover up? We know that rape, torture and murder occur in every war, so why would you say it didn't happen in Vietnam?:confused:

That statement is not only a lie but is a mortal insult and fine example communist propaganda. I served a tour of duty there '69-'70 and never saw a single instance of any of those commited by a US serviceman. Not one. Not ever. I imagine some of these acts may have happened somewhere sometime but the claim that they were standard practice for us is a monumental lie and insult. They were, however SOP for the NVA and VC.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.


Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
As Joe has said . . . . I am the source/quote. More specifically, what I have said is from what I know to be true from being there and/or talking to guys who were also there -- on that day, and years later.

What I said in my post is 100% factual.

Doug Reese

Great. Then you should be able to tell us and the Navy which of his 3 citations for the silver star lists events correctly.
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John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets?

Newly discovered documents link Vietnam Veterans Against the War to Vietnamese communists
Two recently discovered documents captured from the Vietnamese communists during the Vietnam War strongly support the contention that a close link existed between the Hanoi regime and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) while John Kerry served as the group's leading national spokesman.

The Circular: International Coordination of Antiwar Propaganda

The first document is a 1971 "Circular" distributed by the Vietnamese communists within Vietnam. It discusses strategies to coordinate their national propaganda effort with their orchestration of the activities of sympathetic counterparts in the American anti-war movement. Specifically, the document notes that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese delegations to the Paris Peace talks were being used as the communications link to direct the activities of anti-war activists meeting with them in Paris. To quote from the document:

The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly ((VC/NVN)) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks.

-- Circular on Antiwar Movements in the US. The reference to "VC" indicates the Vietcong; "NVN" is the North Vietnamese government.

This sentence is particularly important in light of John Kerry's admission that he met with leaders of both communist delegations to the Paris Peace Talks in June 1970, including Madame Binh, foreign minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG) of South Vietnam, also known as the Vietcong. FBI files record that Kerry returned to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation in August of 1971, and planned a third trip in November. - John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets?
Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
As Joe has said . . . . I am the source/quote. More specifically, what I have said is from what I know to be true from being there and/or talking to guys who were also there -- on that day, and years later.

What I said in my post is 100% factual.

Doug Reese

Great. Then you should be able to tell us and the Navy which of his 3 citations for the silver star lists events correctly.
The first one came out of Adm Zumwalt's office, I believe, with a clerk who didn't usually write up awards. It is 1.5 pages long, as opposed to the usual one page. It was taken almost word-for-word from the after-action report.

The later two, as I recall, besides being shortened to be the normal one page, had a phrase or two added which were not accurate. I think one of them had "superior enemy force" that Kerry (we?) faced. That was not true, and it was not in the after-action report, and it isn't something that anyone said about that incident.

The total number of VC present that day was estimated by Bill Rood in a piece he wrote up for Stars and Stripes as 20. I spoke to some of the surviving VC a few years ago, and they told me that the actual number was . . . . . 20.

One of these days when I'm up in Chicago (he works for the Tribune) I'm going to tell him how good his estimate was.

Doug Reese
John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets?

Newly discovered documents link Vietnam Veterans Against the War to Vietnamese communists
Two recently discovered documents captured from the Vietnamese communists during the Vietnam War strongly support the contention that a close link existed between the Hanoi regime and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) while John Kerry served as the group's leading national spokesman.

The Circular: International Coordination of Antiwar Propaganda

The first document is a 1971 "Circular" distributed by the Vietnamese communists within Vietnam. It discusses strategies to coordinate their national propaganda effort with their orchestration of the activities of sympathetic counterparts in the American anti-war movement. Specifically, the document notes that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese delegations to the Paris Peace talks were being used as the communications link to direct the activities of anti-war activists meeting with them in Paris. To quote from the document:

The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly ((VC/NVN)) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks.

-- Circular on Antiwar Movements in the US. The reference to "VC" indicates the Vietcong; "NVN" is the North Vietnamese government.

This sentence is particularly important in light of John Kerry's admission that he met with leaders of both communist delegations to the Paris Peace Talks in June 1970, including Madame Binh, foreign minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG) of South Vietnam, also known as the Vietcong. FBI files record that Kerry returned to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation in August of 1971, and planned a third trip in November. - John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets?

Leftists see nothing wrong with being Communist stooges.
I don't waste my time on your links, guy, so I'm not sure why you post them.

Oh, that's right -- you're a fucking coward, terrified of anything that might challenge your fragile world-view.

Don't claim you want debate. You want nothing more than immediate and unquestioning agreement.

So, feel free to eat shit -- besides Kerry's and Obama's, that is.

You're not worth another single moment of my time, you fucking coward.

But you'll keep following me around because you're obsessed, you mutant.

If Kerry was a traitor, so were the 72% of the American people who thought Vietnam was a mistake by 1971.

We threw out two presidents because of their lies about that war. Trying to repaint it as a noble cause or whine "what about the troops" (you know, the poor kids who got drafted while Baby Bush and Romney and Quayle and Cheney found various dodges to avoid the rice paddies) is just sort of sad.

Because as Kerry showed, they knew better than anyone how fucked up that situation was.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.


Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
As Joe has said . . . . I am the source/quote. More specifically, what I have said is from what I know to be true from being there and/or talking to guys who were also there -- on that day, and years later.

What I said in my post is 100% factual.

Doug Reese

Doug, I don't believe you are who you say you are.

You've only made thirty posts, and you only show up when this topic is discussed.

I find that awfully hard to believe that you lurk on this board, have no opinions on any other subject, but then pop in whenever someone says, "Kerry Lied about his Silver Star"...

I do think that a discussion of Kerry's record as a soldier and as a peace activist were grist for the mill in 2004, mostly because like Mitt Romney trying to paint himself as a "Job Creator" when he was in fact a vulture capitalist, it was dishonest for Kerry to paint himself as a "warrior" when he was in fact a peace activist.
Obama doesn't CARE this move would offend a lot of people and our military..

He spits on how WE the PEOPLE feel about anything and if you question it he threatens you
He had the balls to lie to Congress.

He made it all up. Seriously. You CAN'T be this retarded.

"The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam."

This statement you are saying is a lie? What proof do you have it is a lie and not a cover up? We know that rape, torture and murder occur in every war, so why would you say it didn't happen in Vietnam?:confused:

That statement is not only a lie but is a mortual insult and fine example communist propaganda. I served a tour of duty there '69-'70 and never saw a single instance of any of those commited by a US serviceman. Not one. Not ever. I imagine some of these acts may have happened somewhere sometime but the claim that they were standard practice for us is a monumental lie and insult. They were, however SOP for the NVA and VC.

You were wearing blinders.
So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?

No, that's not what he said at all.

Fact was, since we never declared war on North Vietnam, they weren't technically "the enemy"...

And who is not to say that the meeting his group had with the NV's didn't have a positive effect- "Americans want peace with honor."

Jesus, this was "negotiations" that got held up for weeks because they couldn't agree on the shape of the conference table.
Not that you'll acknowledge the truth of Kerry's treason, but here is the 7-point "peace plan" Madame Binh demanded.

This is Kerry's testimony.

On pages 11 and 12, he advocates Binh's plan.

Prediction: You will read neither link, spout some horseshit, and claim you're right.

Again, was Kerry charged with treason, was there a trial, if so what was the outcome of that trial? There is a reason the framers spelled out treason in the Constitution and the courts have have somewhat picky about it?
Was there a My Lai and any other evidence of atrocities in Vietnam. It ended up a shameful episode in our history. Dominos, no less.
No, that's not what he said at all.

Fact was, since we never declared war on North Vietnam, they weren't technically "the enemy"...

And who is not to say that the meeting his group had with the NV's didn't have a positive effect- "Americans want peace with honor."

Jesus, this was "negotiations" that got held up for weeks because they couldn't agree on the shape of the conference table.
Not that you'll acknowledge the truth of Kerry's treason, but here is the 7-point "peace plan" Madame Binh demanded.

This is Kerry's testimony.

On pages 11 and 12, he advocates Binh's plan.

Prediction: You will read neither link, spout some horseshit, and claim you're right.

Again, was Kerry charged with treason, was there a trial, if so what was the outcome of that trial? There is a reason the framers spelled out treason in the Constitution and the courts have have somewhat picky about it?
Was there a My Lai and any other evidence of atrocities in Vietnam. It ended up a shameful episode in our history. Dominos, no less.

NO he wasn't charged, still won't change the minds of the people from that time who believes KERRY was a traitor to the military and the men and women he served FOUR whole months in Vietnam with and came back and testified against
"The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam."

This statement you are saying is a lie? What proof do you have it is a lie and not a cover up? We know that rape, torture and murder occur in every war, so why would you say it didn't happen in Vietnam?:confused:

That statement is not only a lie but is a mortual insult and fine example communist propaganda. I served a tour of duty there '69-'70 and never saw a single instance of any of those commited by a US serviceman. Not one. Not ever. I imagine some of these acts may have happened somewhere sometime but the claim that they were standard practice for us is a monumental lie and insult. They were, however SOP for the NVA and VC.

You were wearing blinders.
Were you there? No? Then you're hardly in a position to speak authoritatively, are you?
No, that's not what he said at all.

Fact was, since we never declared war on North Vietnam, they weren't technically "the enemy"...

And who is not to say that the meeting his group had with the NV's didn't have a positive effect- "Americans want peace with honor."

Jesus, this was "negotiations" that got held up for weeks because they couldn't agree on the shape of the conference table.
Not that you'll acknowledge the truth of Kerry's treason, but here is the 7-point "peace plan" Madame Binh demanded.

This is Kerry's testimony.

On pages 11 and 12, he advocates Binh's plan.

Prediction: You will read neither link, spout some horseshit, and claim you're right.

Again, was Kerry charged with treason, was there a trial, if so what was the outcome of that trial? There is a reason the framers spelled out treason in the Constitution and the courts have have somewhat picky about it?
Was there a My Lai and any other evidence of atrocities in Vietnam. It ended up a shameful episode in our history. Dominos, no less.
Perhaps you can detail for us Kerry's authority to meet with representatives from Hanoi.
The majority of military don't like Obamination, don't trust Panetta but would hate Kerry.

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