John Kerry: Unfit for Service

Kerry's self recommended Purple Heart awards are bogus and an embarasment to real Veterans. He threw a grenade into a pile of rice that was intended for the enemy and shrapnel or rice grains ended up in his butt. He put himself in for a Purple Heart. On another occasion he ended up with a splinter in his finger which did not require even a band aid and he put himself in for a Purple Heart. You have to understand that he was the commanding officer and his reports were rubber stamped. He put himself in for a Silver Star for chasing an unarmed teenager who had fired a RPG at the boat and shooting him in the back. Nobody is interested in researching the justification for every medal ever awarded during the VietNam conflict but when a politician uses his service as a political tool it is reasonable and logical to question his awards.
Another lie about the Silver Star . . . . several lies, actually.

1. He did not put himself in for the Silver Star. His commanding officer did that.

2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back.

The after-action report for that incident did a good job of accurately detailing what happened that day.

Not a single person of the 25 present that day has a problem with the after-action report, or Kerry receiving that medal . . . . and that includes the one, and only, member of the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth".

Doug Reese

Oh, look everyone, it's Doug the Sock.. the guy who only show up when Kerry's medals are being discussed, claiming to be someone who knew Kerry personally at that battle.

Hey, Doug the Sock, how are you doing.

When the swift boaters supposedly criticized Kerry's medals, they did not think that the commanding officer who approved the medals also approved their medals. If these medals are suspect, so are theirs.

I think the underlying problem here is that medals are always suspect.

Officers are more likely to get medals than enlisted men. Kerry realized how to game the system and he did. So did a lot of other guys. When I was in, I knew guys who knew how to scour the regs to put themselves in for awards.

The thing is, the Swiftboaters main complaint was really NOT how Kerry got his medals in so much as it was what he did with them after the war.

And frankly, since Kerry was running almost exclusively on his military record, scrutizining that record was fair game. Just as much as scrutizining Romney's record at Bain was fair game. If you are going to talk about Purple Hearts, you should also talk about his Senate Testimony. If you are going to talk about Staples, you also should talk about AmPad.

Kerry's problem was that he really didn't think anyone would dare bring up his anti-war activities, especially running against Bush, who had gamed the system to serve in the National Guard.

He should have been ready with an answer "At the time I made the protests, the country had realized it had been lied to, realized that we were accomplishing nothing good, and public anger over it eventually brought down two presidents. That said, I should have shown better judgement in how I phrased my objections, and if those who served were offended by my characterizations of only what a few did, I apologize."

If he had done that, levelled with people, he could have neutralized this issue.

He didn't do that. He just stood around with a lot of indignation, like, "How dare you peasents question me?" He tried to hide his anti-war history because the zeitgeist demanded a hawkish candidate.

That said, if he gets nominated for State or Defense, the Senate would have a very hard time really objecting to him.
Kerry's self recommended Purple Heart awards are bogus and an embarasment to real Veterans. He threw a grenade into a pile of rice that was intended for the enemy and shrapnel or rice grains ended up in his butt. He put himself in for a Purple Heart. On another occasion he ended up with a splinter in his finger which did not require even a band aid and he put himself in for a Purple Heart. You have to understand that he was the commanding officer and his reports were rubber stamped. He put himself in for a Silver Star for chasing an unarmed teenager who had fired a RPG at the boat and shooting him in the back. Nobody is interested in researching the justification for every medal ever awarded during the VietNam conflict but when a politician uses his service as a political tool it is reasonable and logical to question his awards.
Another lie about the Silver Star . . . . several lies, actually.

1. He did not put himself in for the Silver Star. His commanding officer did that.

2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back.

The after-action report for that incident did a good job of accurately detailing what happened that day.

Not a single person of the 25 present that day has a problem with the after-action report, or Kerry receiving that medal . . . . and that includes the one, and only, member of the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth".

Doug Reese

Oh, look everyone, it's Doug the Sock.. the guy who only show up when Kerry's medals are being discussed, claiming to be someone who knew Kerry personally at that battle.

Hey, Doug the Sock, how are you doing.
Doing well, thank you . . . . . and that's a claim I can back up, by the way.

Doug Reese
2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.

Hannity Hosts Dishonest
Swift Boat Veterans Founder


2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.

2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.

What do you think about Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender?
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.

So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?
2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.


Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.

So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?

No, that's not what he said at all.

Fact was, since we never declared war on North Vietnam, they weren't technically "the enemy"...

And who is not to say that the meeting his group had with the NV's didn't have a positive effect- "Americans want peace with honor."

Jesus, this was "negotiations" that got held up for weeks because they couldn't agree on the shape of the conference table.
2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.


Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?

No, Doug was actually there. And even though he joined years ago, he has less than 50 posts, and only posts when somene brings up this subject.

They have a word for that.


So seriously, he must be waiting in the Doug-Cave waiting for the signal that someone is talking smack about John Kerry somewhere on the internet.
John Kerry's Puzzling Silver Star CitationsBy: Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer | Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Having sowed the wind by carefully crafting his tour of duty in Vietnam as a campaign gimmick, John Kerry is now reaping the whirlwind. He has seen virtually everything about his four months in country challenged with provable eyewitness accounts backed by sworn affidavits: the “wounds” which never required hospitalization or lost time, for which he finagled three Purple Hearts; his Bronze Star with a combat “V” for “heroically” rescuing a special forces soldier who was about to be pulled from the water by a nearby Swift boat, the man in danger, perhaps, of drowning but not under hostile fire; his “gallantry” for back-shooting an enemy soldier, for which he was awarded the Nation’s third-highest decoration, the Silver Star.

Now, on the heels of yet another revelation—that Kerry’s DD 214 (“Report of Transfer or Separation”), displayed on his website, shows his Silver Star embellished with an unauthorized “V” for valor—which makes it facially false and at variance with official government records (see our article, John Kerry’s Mysterious Combat “V”)—it has come to light that his Silver Star award is fraught with other peculiarities.
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.

So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?

No, that's not what he said at all.

Fact was, since we never declared war on North Vietnam, they weren't technically "the enemy"...

And who is not to say that the meeting his group had with the NV's didn't have a positive effect- "Americans want peace with honor."

Jesus, this was "negotiations" that got held up for weeks because they couldn't agree on the shape of the conference table.
Not that you'll acknowledge the truth of Kerry's treason, but here is the 7-point "peace plan" Madame Binh demanded.

This is Kerry's testimony.

On pages 11 and 12, he advocates Binh's plan.

Prediction: You will read neither link, spout some horseshit, and claim you're right.
John Kerry's Puzzling Silver Star CitationsBy: Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer | Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Having sowed the wind by carefully crafting his tour of duty in Vietnam as a campaign gimmick, John Kerry is now reaping the whirlwind. He has seen virtually everything about his four months in country challenged with provable eyewitness accounts backed by sworn affidavits: the “wounds” which never required hospitalization or lost time, for which he finagled three Purple Hearts; his Bronze Star with a combat “V” for “heroically” rescuing a special forces soldier who was about to be pulled from the water by a nearby Swift boat, the man in danger, perhaps, of drowning but not under hostile fire; his “gallantry” for back-shooting an enemy soldier, for which he was awarded the Nation’s third-highest decoration, the Silver Star.

Now, on the heels of yet another revelation—that Kerry’s DD 214 (“Report of Transfer or Separation”), displayed on his website, shows his Silver Star embellished with an unauthorized “V” for valor—which makes it facially false and at variance with official government records (see our article, John Kerry’s Mysterious Combat “V”)—it has come to light that his Silver Star award is fraught with other peculiarities.

Or that his DD214 was filled out by a bored company clerk who was just trying to clean up thousands of forms and didn't give a crap.
Not that you'll acknowledge the truth of Kerry's treason, but here is the 7-point "peace plan" Madame Binh demanded.

This is Kerry's testimony.

On pages 11 and 12, he advocates Binh's plan.

Prediction: You will read neither link, spout some horseshit, and claim you're right.

I don't waste my time on your links, guy, so I'm not sure why you post them.

Fact is, we beat up on a smaller, weaker country, and they beat us. We're like the Football hero that got cock-punched by the Chess Club nerd.

Suck it, loser.
It is best not to go too deep into the atrocities committed by American troops in Vietnam. It was a war with no purpose and we sent young men there with thoughts helping the people of Vietnam and it became a learning experience, a learning experience from which we didn't learn. Well we did learn one thing, we do not draft young men to send to questionable wars. If we draft for a war, the war better be be valid.

So, no opinion on Kerry's lying to Congress during his Winter Soldier testimony, and his treason in meeting with representatives of our nation's enemy when he had no authority to do so and rubber-stamping their terms for a US surrender, other than "America sucks!!"?

Nope, no opinion on the winter soldier testimony, it seems Kerry repeated what he had been told. As for the claim of treason, when was Kerry charged with treason, if charged was there a trial, if so what were the results of that trial?
2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back

Right. He violated standing orders by beaching and abandoning his boat and crew in order to shoot a badly wounded and unarmed enemy that posed no immediate threat. Big hero.
He wasn't "badly wounded", but shot in the leg, and able to run away from the boat with his loaded RPG in-hand. When Kerry shot him, the VC was looking off to his left, towards the boat (at that point he was perhaps 25-30 yards or so from Kerry's boat) . . . . either looking back to see if anyone was following him, or seeing if he had a clear shot at the boat.

We will never know, because Kerry shot him. Kerry's crew credits Kerry with saving their lives.

"Standing orders"? I don't think so. Kerry was credited by his commanders with taking the initiative twice that day -- besides this incident, there was the first ambush, which happened a few minutes before this one -- which ended up in a very successful mission.

Their were two other officers on Kerry's boat, by the way -- LtJg Charles Gibson and LtJg Peter Upton . . . . also, one of the other boats, commanded by LtJg Bill Rood, was nearby in the river, covering Kerry, and his boat.

None of the 25 guys present that day have a problem with what happened. All the problems, complaints, etc, come from people, without exception, who were not there.


Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
As Joe has said . . . . I am the source/quote. More specifically, what I have said is from what I know to be true from being there and/or talking to guys who were also there -- on that day, and years later.

What I said in my post is 100% factual.

Doug Reese

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