John Kerry: Unfit for Service

Kerry didn't lie at all.

kerry's lies are well documented as such. Truth is truth no matter how you try to deny it.

Vietnam and Iraq are huge black marks on America's reputation.

Wrong. Only idiots and assholes think so.

Both are disgusting and despictable war crimes involving the deaths of millions of innocent people.

You are obviously clueless concerning war crimes but in both places vastly more were commited against US troops than by them.

Who gets to make that decision?

Everone is entitled to an opinion

Kerry is a bonafide American War hero.

Not even close. kerry is a bonafide traitor and coward during time of war. He dishonored himself, the US Navy, the USA, and a host of honorable men including some real-deal heroes.
A real hero does not use his status as an officer and VIP to obtain medels he has not earned and does not deserve, or to get special teatment
A real hero does not request and assume command and then abandon his crew when he realizes there might be some actual danger involved with the job.
A real hero does not act as a propaganda mouthpiece for an enemy during time of war nor does he provide aid an comfort to that enemy.

It's absolutely disgusting that conservatives disgrace the honor of our warriors because they don't agree with them.

But you have no problem with kerry doing so on a massive scale. Pathetic.

So you agree that John McCain did not deserve the medals he received, and does not deserve special treatment, acted as a propaganda mouth piece in time of war to aid & abet the enemy as the "Song Bird" of Vietnam? Just checking your ability to be consistent in your judgment of others.
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Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress. - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
From March 13-16, 2008, members of the antiwar group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to "testify" against the US military at a protest event called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. The name "Winter Soldier" is taken from the infamous 1971 event at which members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) related gruesome stories of crimes they claimed to have participated in or witnessed. The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam. Organizers of the new IVAW tribunal, which is supported by several former VVAW leaders, say the 1971 conference was where "a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War." In reality, it was part of a sophisticated, vicious propaganda effort designed to poison public opinion against the US military. Newly discovered records now reveal what happened when Army investigators asked VVAW activists for evidence of the hundreds of crimes they claimed to have seen.

In our book, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry, Tim Ziegler and I trace the course of the anti-US war crimes propaganda campaign, which began in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first US ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. In 1969, leaders of those conferences helped American radicals form the "Citizens Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Indochina" (CCI), which set up a series of so-called investigations where US military actions in Vietnam were compared to those of Nazi Germany during World War II. The CCI soon joined forces with the VVAW, another leftist group created with financing and assistance from members of the Communist Party, USA, the Socialist Workers Party and the communist front Veterans for Peace.

The VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) took place in Detroit from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 1971. Financed primarily by pro-Hanoi actress Jane Fonda, the event's honorary national coordinator, WSI was the largest war crimes tribunal held in the US during the Vietnam War. Several of the discussion panel moderators were radical leaders who had previously met with top North Vietnamese and Vietcong representatives in Hanoi and Paris. Also present were leftist psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinicians, who pressured the witnesses to help end the war by publicly confessing their "crimes." Former VVAW member Steve Pitkin later recalled how the civilians went from man to man, "bombarding them; laying on the guilt." Pitkin signed an affidavit in 2004 charging that John Kerry and other VVAW leaders had coerced him into making a false statement.

WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid.

Investigating the winter soldiers

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

Some of you may object by saying that the military would whitewash any wrongdoing.

Not so.

The military had a very good reason to be thorough: Public relations. They would not want to give the impression that atrocities were officially sanctioned.

The Communist stooges on the left, however, had national attention, and used it. Of course, they had to resort to lies, but they have no compunction against lying.

The Winter Soldiers lied. Kerry lied.

This is undeniable.

Kerry didn't lie at all.

Vietnam and Iraq are huge black marks on America's reputation.

Both are disgusting and despictable war crimes involving the deaths of millions of innocent people.
Yes, Kerry lied, you ignorant buffoon.
kerry is not only unfit to serve, he is unfit to be a US citizen.

Who gets to make that decision?

Kerry is a bonafide American War hero.

It's absolutely disgusting that conservatives disgrace the honor of our warriors because they don't agree with them.

Kerry isn't alone in what conservatives do to troops they don't like.
Kerry disgraced himself by lying before Congress and by meeting with our nation's enemy and encouraging Congress to accept their terms for our surrender, with no legal authority to do so.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
It certainly is to me. I probably know the truth from someone who was there and knows what happened. Can you say the same? You only have speculation on what you want to be the truth.
Was he there at the Winter Soldier testimony? Was he there when Kerry illegally met with people from Hanoi in Paris?

In case you haven't noticed, those are the two issues I've been discussing -- not Kerry's service during his abbreviated second tour in Vietnam. So what your brother's uncle's cousin's wife's sister's dog saw is utterly immaterial.

Understand now?

We were also talking about the swift boaters. Try to keep up.
I haven't been. Keep up.
Kerry didn't lie at all.

kerry's lies are well documented as such. Truth is truth no matter how you try to deny it.

Vietnam and Iraq are huge black marks on America's reputation.

Wrong. Only idiots and assholes think so.

Both are disgusting and despictable war crimes involving the deaths of millions of innocent people.

You are obviously clueless concerning war crimes but in both places vastly more were commited against US troops than by them.

Who gets to make that decision?

Everone is entitled to an opinion

Kerry is a bonafide American War hero.

Not even close. kerry is a bonafide traitor and coward during time of war. He dishonored himself, the US Navy, the USA, and a host of honorable men including some real-deal heroes.
A real hero does not use his status as an officer and VIP to obtain medels he has not earned and does not deserve, or to get special teatment
A real hero does not request and assume command and then abandon his crew when he realizes there might be some actual danger involved with the job.
A real hero does not act as a propaganda mouthpiece for an enemy during time of war nor does he provide aid an comfort to that enemy.

It's absolutely disgusting that conservatives disgrace the honor of our warriors because they don't agree with them.

But you have no problem with kerry doing so on a massive scale. Pathetic.

So you agree that John McCain did not deserve the medals he received, and does not deserve special treatment, acted as a propaganda mouth piece in time of war to aid & abet the enemy as the "Song Bird" of Vietnam? Just checking your ability to be consistent in your judgment of others.

Maybe the last forty years of the union based education system in the US led lefties to think that an argument consists of stupid cliches and unfounded opinion. Listen shinte, you need to back up your slavering worship of Kerry with something we can discuss.
Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress. - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
From March 13-16, 2008, members of the antiwar group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to "testify" against the US military at a protest event called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. The name "Winter Soldier" is taken from the infamous 1971 event at which members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) related gruesome stories of crimes they claimed to have participated in or witnessed. The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam. Organizers of the new IVAW tribunal, which is supported by several former VVAW leaders, say the 1971 conference was where "a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War." In reality, it was part of a sophisticated, vicious propaganda effort designed to poison public opinion against the US military. Newly discovered records now reveal what happened when Army investigators asked VVAW activists for evidence of the hundreds of crimes they claimed to have seen.

In our book, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry, Tim Ziegler and I trace the course of the anti-US war crimes propaganda campaign, which began in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first US ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. In 1969, leaders of those conferences helped American radicals form the "Citizens Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Indochina" (CCI), which set up a series of so-called investigations where US military actions in Vietnam were compared to those of Nazi Germany during World War II. The CCI soon joined forces with the VVAW, another leftist group created with financing and assistance from members of the Communist Party, USA, the Socialist Workers Party and the communist front Veterans for Peace.

The VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) took place in Detroit from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 1971. Financed primarily by pro-Hanoi actress Jane Fonda, the event's honorary national coordinator, WSI was the largest war crimes tribunal held in the US during the Vietnam War. Several of the discussion panel moderators were radical leaders who had previously met with top North Vietnamese and Vietcong representatives in Hanoi and Paris. Also present were leftist psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinicians, who pressured the witnesses to help end the war by publicly confessing their "crimes." Former VVAW member Steve Pitkin later recalled how the civilians went from man to man, "bombarding them; laying on the guilt." Pitkin signed an affidavit in 2004 charging that John Kerry and other VVAW leaders had coerced him into making a false statement.

WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid.

Investigating the winter soldiers

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

Some of you may object by saying that the military would whitewash any wrongdoing.

Not so.

The military had a very good reason to be thorough: Public relations. They would not want to give the impression that atrocities were officially sanctioned.

The Communist stooges on the left, however, had national attention, and used it. Of course, they had to resort to lies, but they have no compunction against lying.

The Winter Soldiers lied. Kerry lied.

This is undeniable.

Kerry didn't lie at all.

Vietnam and Iraq are huge black marks on America's reputation.

Both are disgusting and despictable war crimes involving the deaths of millions of innocent people.
And Allen West is one of those war criminals.
Kerry is a liar, and a traitor to this nation.

No wonder you think he's swell.
kerry is not only unfit to serve, he is unfit to be a US citizen.

Who gets to make that decision?

Kerry is a bonafide American War hero.

It's absolutely disgusting that conservatives disgrace the honor of our warriors because they don't agree with them.

Kerry isn't alone in what conservatives do to troops they don't like.

Wingnuts hate the military when that military member is a Democrat. There's plenty of evidence of this.

Wesley Clark
Eric Shinseki
Adm. Mullen
John Kerry
Tammy Duckworth
Max Cleland
Joe Sestak
Moonbats love the military when that military member is a liar, a traitor, a murderer, or a terrorist.

John Kerry
Bradley Manning
Major Hasan
Jesse Macbeth
Oh come on. Does anyone think Kerry is gonna give up his life of leisure to be Sec of anything??

This guy has it made. His wife is a multi millionairess and he shows up in Congress when he has to.

Get real. He wouldn't take that position if they offered it on a silver platter. Good God. LOL

You're underestimating the hubris of the French looking guy.
Kerry didn't lie at all.

kerry's lies are well documented as such. Truth is truth no matter how you try to deny it.

Vietnam and Iraq are huge black marks on America's reputation.

Wrong. Only idiots and assholes think so.

Both are disgusting and despictable war crimes involving the deaths of millions of innocent people.

You are obviously clueless concerning war crimes but in both places vastly more were commited against US troops than by them.

Who gets to make that decision?

Everone is entitled to an opinion

Kerry is a bonafide American War hero.

Not even close. kerry is a bonafide traitor and coward during time of war. He dishonored himself, the US Navy, the USA, and a host of honorable men including some real-deal heroes.
A real hero does not use his status as an officer and VIP to obtain medels he has not earned and does not deserve, or to get special teatment
A real hero does not request and assume command and then abandon his crew when he realizes there might be some actual danger involved with the job.
A real hero does not act as a propaganda mouthpiece for an enemy during time of war nor does he provide aid an comfort to that enemy.

It's absolutely disgusting that conservatives disgrace the honor of our warriors because they don't agree with them.

But you have no problem with kerry doing so on a massive scale. Pathetic.

You are brainwashed and clueless.
No, that would be the people who claim Kerry is a hero.
Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress.

Hmm, So when Bush brought back the pardoned Iran Contra felons of his daddys era, that was a slap in the face?:eusa_shifty:
Did he give them a job as Secretary of Defense?


Then that was a stupid question, wasn't it?
Kerry's self recommended Purple Heart awards are bogus and an embarasment to real Veterans. He threw a grenade into a pile of rice that was intended for the enemy and shrapnel or rice grains ended up in his butt. He put himself in for a Purple Heart. On another occasion he ended up with a splinter in his finger which did not require even a band aid and he put himself in for a Purple Heart. You have to understand that he was the commanding officer and his reports were rubber stamped. He put himself in for a Silver Star for chasing an unarmed teenager who had fired a RPG at the boat and shooting him in the back. Nobody is interested in researching the justification for every medal ever awarded during the VietNam conflict but when a politician uses his service as a political tool it is reasonable and logical to question his awards.
Another lie about the Silver Star . . . . several lies, actually.

1. He did not put himself in for the Silver Star. His commanding officer did that.

2. The VC he shot was not a teenager. He was 27 years old.

3. Kerry didn't shoot him in the back.

The after-action report for that incident did a good job of accurately detailing what happened that day.

Not a single person of the 25 present that day has a problem with the after-action report, or Kerry receiving that medal . . . . and that includes the one, and only, member of the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth".

Doug Reese
In October of 1983 the navy was asked to verify the validity of Kerry's medals; the navy indicated they were as reported. It is a shame what some Americans will do to cast doubt on a veteran's decorations simply because the veteran is running for a political office and is of the other political party. It also seems mandatory that to receive the purple heart one must lose an arm or a leg. The requrirements for the PH are quite simple.
Kerry's self recommended Purple Heart awards are bogus and an embarasment to real Veterans. He threw a grenade into a pile of rice that was intended for the enemy and shrapnel or rice grains ended up in his butt. He put himself in for a Purple Heart. On another occasion he ended up with a splinter in his finger which did not require even a band aid and he put himself in for a Purple Heart. You have to understand that he was the commanding officer and his reports were rubber stamped. He put himself in for a Silver Star for chasing an unarmed teenager who had fired a RPG at the boat and shooting him in the back. Nobody is interested in researching the justification for every medal ever awarded during the VietNam conflict but when a politician uses his service as a political tool it is reasonable and logical to question his awards.

When the swift boaters supposedly criticized Kerry's medals, they did not think that the commanding officer who approved the medals also approved their medals. If these medals are suspect, so are theirs.
Famous John Kerry Votes

War crimes in Vietnam are the rule, not the exception.

We were sent to Vietnam to kill Communism. But we found instead that we were killing women and children.

What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States.

I think we can reduce the size of Washington. Get rid of the Energy Department. Get rid of the Agriculture Department, or at least render it three-quarters the size it is today; there are more agriculture bureaucrats than there are farmers in this country.

I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.

I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA.

I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.......:wtf:

There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions and all of this is ordered as a matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down.
John Kerry
On Vietnam, April 18, 1971[/COLOR]

John Kerry Quotes, Famous John Kerry Quotes Quotations Kerry Sayings
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