John Kerry: Unfit for Service

The majority of military don't like Obamination, don't trust Panetta but would hate Kerry.

Obama doesn't care about anyone else unless they voted for him..
he doesn't care the appointment of the man would OFFEND a hell of a lot of people
and what figgen experience would this CAREER politician have in this field..? He sat on some committee all these years..
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Bullshit. If you want to quote someone who was there give an actual quote and source. Or is this more from your brother's sister's babysitter's BFF who saw a Navy movie once?
As Joe has said . . . . I am the source/quote. More specifically, what I have said is from what I know to be true from being there and/or talking to guys who were also there -- on that day, and years later.

What I said in my post is 100% factual.

Doug Reese

Doug, I don't believe you are who you say you are.

You've only made thirty posts, and you only show up when this topic is discussed.

I find that awfully hard to believe that you lurk on this board, have no opinions on any other subject, but then pop in whenever someone says, "Kerry Lied about his Silver Star"...

I do think that a discussion of Kerry's record as a soldier and as a peace activist were grist for the mill in 2004, mostly because like Mitt Romney trying to paint himself as a "Job Creator" when he was in fact a vulture capitalist, it was dishonest for Kerry to paint himself as a "warrior" when he was in fact a peace activist.
Next time we get up to Chicago I'll drop you a line . . . . and we can meet and I can show you my driver's license . . . . I guess. But we do (will) get up there 1-2 times a year to visit the Vietnamese area over on Argyle.

Doug Reese
The majority of military don't like Obamination, don't trust Panetta but would hate Kerry.

This country, at least until now, has not conducted its policies according to who or what the military likes or dislikes.
Kerry and others heard or saw things that were inappropriate in the Vietnam war and spoke up. Some of us of believe that speaking up against the war and some of the acts took as much courage as pretending they did not happen. For some, the speaking up is where the treason lies.
"Was there a My Lai and any other evidence of atrocities in Vietnam. It ended up a shameful episode in our history."

The great shame of Vietnam was that we had an American civilian population willing to force men into uniform and into combat only to betray them along with the ally we had sworn to help defend itself against foreign aggression.
Speaking of treason....Kerry is guilty of it during Vietnam and during the recent Iraq war where he said the US military was terrorizing women and children in Iraq.

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy during Vietnam and Iraq, yes he is a traitor.

nevermind a scumbag with an arrogant asshole view of military members when he told college kids that people join the military because they are stupid people.

So dumbfuck.....tell us again how Kerry is qualified to run the DoD.

The majority of military don't like Obamination, don't trust Panetta but would hate Kerry.

This country, at least until now, has not conducted its policies according to who or what the military likes or dislikes.
Kerry and others heard or saw things that were inappropriate in the Vietnam war and spoke up. Some of us of believe that speaking up against the war and some of the acts took as much courage as pretending they did not happen. For some, the speaking up is where the treason lies.
"Was there a My Lai and any other evidence of atrocities in Vietnam. It ended up a shameful episode in our history."

The great shame of Vietnam was that we had an American civilian population willing to force men into uniform and into combat only to betray them along with the ally we had sworn to help defend itself against foreign aggression.

You are delusional. And that ally was a corrupt government who we supported against people who were no threat to us.
That statement is not only a lie but is a mortual insult and fine example communist propaganda. I served a tour of duty there '69-'70 and never saw a single instance of any of those commited by a US serviceman. Not one. Not ever. I imagine some of these acts may have happened somewhere sometime but the claim that they were standard practice for us is a monumental lie and insult. They were, however SOP for the NVA and VC.

You were wearing blinders.
Were you there? No? Then you're hardly in a position to speak authoritatively, are you?

I have spoken to too many guys who were there who told me different. In fact, I have never spoken to anyone who was there who told it like your delusional friend here. NO ONE, and I knew a lot of guys who fought there. You are stupid enough to back anyone who argues with a liberal, so you have no credibility.
[ame=]Kerry Belittles U.S. Troops - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]John Kerry calls American troops terrorists - YouTube[/ame]
"You are delusional. And that ally was a corrupt government who we supported against people who were no threat to us."

Speak for yourself. I have found that people that shoot at you tend to pose a threat.
[ame=]John Kerry ad straight up lying - YouTube[/ame]
You were wearing blinders.
Were you there? No? Then you're hardly in a position to speak authoritatively, are you?

I have spoken to too many guys who were there who told me different. In fact, I have never spoken to anyone who was there who told it like your delusional friend here. NO ONE, and I knew a lot of guys who fought there. You are stupid enough to back anyone who argues with a liberal, so you have no credibility.
Keep stamping your feet. Maybe threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.

Kerry's testimony was based on lies. Deal with it.
"You are delusional. And that ally was a corrupt government who we supported against people who were no threat to us."

Speak for yourself. I have found that people that shoot at you tend to pose a threat.

Are you really this stupid? If I enter your home and threaten you, do you, do you not have the right to defend yourself.
Were you there? No? Then you're hardly in a position to speak authoritatively, are you?

I have spoken to too many guys who were there who told me different. In fact, I have never spoken to anyone who was there who told it like your delusional friend here. NO ONE, and I knew a lot of guys who fought there. You are stupid enough to back anyone who argues with a liberal, so you have no credibility.
Keep stamping your feet. Maybe threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.

Kerry's testimony was based on lies. Deal with it.

You are avoiding the issue, as usual. You two stay here and have a good kissing session.

I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.
John Kerry

..and there's more, He was for (voted for & talked of weapons of mass destruction) the War in Iraq before he was against it..(turned his back on the soldiers in the field of battle, yet again)

John Kerry Quotes, Famous John Kerry Quotes Quotations Kerry Sayings
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Can any of you Obama boot-licking morons REALLY insist the troops will respect Kerry as SecDef?
I have spoken to too many guys who were there who told me different. In fact, I have never spoken to anyone who was there who told it like your delusional friend here. NO ONE, and I knew a lot of guys who fought there. You are stupid enough to back anyone who argues with a liberal, so you have no credibility.
Keep stamping your feet. Maybe threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.

Kerry's testimony was based on lies. Deal with it.

You are avoiding the issue, as usual. You two stay here and have a good kissing session.
The issue being, of course, your butthurt that everything you say isn't immediately and unquestioningly accepted and endorsed.

Tough shit, boy.
NO he wasn't charged, still won't change the minds of the people from that time who believes KERRY was a traitor to the military and the men and women he served FOUR whole months in Vietnam with and came back and testified against

Kerry never personally testified to seeing any attrocities, merely said he collected stories from others.

Of course, there were attrocities, there were attrocities in every war ever fought.


Can any of you Obama boot-licking morons REALLY insist the troops will respect Kerry as SecDef?

I thought they had to respect the chain of command. At least that's what it was about when I was in.

For the record, I don't think Kerry belongs at Defense for a better reason... he's just not that great an organizer, and his past with the DoD on other issues has been acrimonious. He would be a far better fit at the State Department.
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