John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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It's amazing that those Russian jets got so close...
Why weren't they warned off?

If they were it sure as hell didn't work....
And where is Obama on this?
For a guy who loves to talk so much why is he so quiet on this?....

I guess Putin told his bitch to STFU, so he did
It's amazing that those Russian jets got so close...
Why weren't they warned off?

If they were it sure as hell didn't work....
And where is Obama on this?
For a guy who loves to talk so much why is he so quiet on this?....
Barry is pussy whipped
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
What's wrong with what he said? Yes we could have...I'm sure our weapons systems were locked on....and the Russian pilot's threat warning system was lit
Intelligent world & military leaders don't project their plans through pointless talk or empty threats & red lines.
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
What's wrong with what he said? Yes we could have...I'm sure our weapons systems were locked on....and the Russian pilot's threat warning system was lit
and yet on another thread you said such speech would start world war 3
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
What's wrong with what he said? Yes we could have...I'm sure our weapons systems were locked on....and the Russian pilot's threat warning system was lit
and yet on another thread you said such speech would start world war 3

Yes, her story changes in discussion to discussion based on what helps Democrats
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That was a big giant wet fart from a guy full of shit. I was in the Coast Guard and doubt the Navy is different. It would be a huge international incident, wars have started like that. No captain is stupid enough to take that on his own. They knew they were close to Russia and it's why they were getting buzzed, like we do to them.
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
Kerry is a retard, saying that we could have shot the jet down is meaningless, because the jet could have dropped a torpedo or missile on the ship. If you shoot down a jet, you do not do so while it is over the ship, you do it 5 or so miles away after the warning the jet gets at 10 miles. Putin just kicked Obama and Kerry's asses, as usual.

Will you be enlisting to serve in the war against Russia that you want so badly?
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
What's wrong with what he said? Yes we could have...I'm sure our weapons systems were locked on....and the Russian pilot's threat warning system was lit

Then why haven't they said this? Or if they had said it, why isn't it being widely disseminated?
The Captain of this ship should be arrested immediately.

Rules of Engagement for our Navy for years is you may not fire unless fired upon. The Migs (actually I think they were SU 24's) were "clean" and thus posed no threat. And, as was stated before, had this been a real attack the missiles would have been launched from 60 miles away and the jets would have been nowhere near the ship in the first place. The Captain did exactly what he was supposed to do, which is observe and record.

Kerry's comments though were incredibly moronic.
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat

That is because it already happened...and talk is all he had to do.
If he would have been on the ship, and in charge, he would probably have radioed into the fighters and asked if there is anything he can apologize for since we must have made them justifiably angry...or perhaps they would like him to surrender the boat if they were offended by how mean it looks.
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That was a big giant wet fart from a guy full of shit. I was in the Coast Guard and doubt the Navy is different. It would be a huge international incident, wars have started like that. No captain is stupid enough to take that on his own. They knew they were close to Russia and it's why they were getting buzzed, like we do to them.

I believe the Coast Guard's normal duties and priorities are a bit removed from those of the US Navy. Maybe you Coasties needed permission to take action when you were in, but Navy CO's are permitted a tad more discretion, especially when conducting independent ops.

Now I WAS in the Navy, four years active then seven fleet reserve, active. I DID spend three years on a Fletcher Class destroyer (DD681) with all of it in Ops Dept. I picked up a few bits of information during that time and learned a bit of the SOP! Hell, I've even slept at a Holiday Inn!

Now when we were deployed to SEA and working with the Coast Guard along the coast of Nam down in III Corps in '66 their boats weren't shy about opening fire when needed doing their Market Time duties and not waiting for permission and doing an OUTSTANDING JOB OF IT! OH, but that was different, right?

You really need to know what the fuck you're talking about before you start comparing apples to oranges or the SOP's of the US Coast Guard to those of the US Navy. The scope of the respective responsibilities of the USCG are rather dwarfed by those of the USN and differences in situational responses are necessarily going to be different owing to time and distance and responsibilities. If that is beyond your comprehension then perhaps you can ask others for some assistance to help you understand!
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

So you don't think the ship captain was given rules of engagement? LOL. What a dumb ass.

And you got an opinion, wow, you were horrified and shocked to get one of those on a ... message board ... LOL. At least you have something to talk to your therapist about this week ...
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

So you don't think the ship captain was given rules of engagement? LOL. What a dumb ass.

And you got an opinion, wow, you were horrified and shocked to get one of those on a ... message board ... LOL. At least you have something to talk to your therapist about this week ...
Every captain of every US vessel is aware of the current ROE's, fool, but ROE's aren't the only considerations in certain uncertain situations, idiot! I have an opinion, yes, but I also have US Navy experience, which I can tell you do NOT from your verbiage. A nice little dance you do though to cover your ignorance.
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

So you don't think the ship captain was given rules of engagement? LOL. What a dumb ass.

And you got an opinion, wow, you were horrified and shocked to get one of those on a ... message board ... LOL. At least you have something to talk to your therapist about this week ...
Every captain of every US vessel is aware of the current ROE's, fool, but ROE's aren't the only considerations in certain uncertain situations, idiot! I have an opinion, yes, but I also have US Navy experience, which I can tell you do NOT from your verbiage. A nice little dance you do though to cover your ignorance.

It depends on the ROE. The ROE can be to not shoot, it can be to escalate, it can be to fire under certain circumstances and not under others. Particularly when you're in a theater of operations, the brass think these things through. The military has widely stated that the ROEs used to be a lot more up to the discretion of the on field decision maker with broader limits. The Obama administration is far more like Russian rules, which require an escalation process that has zero chance of making a decision in time.

Don't you know anything about ROEs?
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

So you don't think the ship captain was given rules of engagement? LOL. What a dumb ass.

And you got an opinion, wow, you were horrified and shocked to get one of those on a ... message board ... LOL. At least you have something to talk to your therapist about this week ...
Every captain of every US vessel is aware of the current ROE's, fool, but ROE's aren't the only considerations in certain uncertain situations, idiot! I have an opinion, yes, but I also have US Navy experience, which I can tell you do NOT from your verbiage. A nice little dance you do though to cover your ignorance.

It depends on the ROE. The ROE can be to not shoot, it can be to escalate, it can be to fire under certain circumstances and not under others. Particularly when you're in a theater of operations, the brass think these things through. The military has widely stated that the ROEs used to be a lot more up to the discretion of the on field decision maker with broader limits. The Obama administration is far more like Russian rules, which require an escalation process that has zero chance of making a decision in time.

Don't you know anything about ROEs?
More dance and scattered deprecation to pretend you know what the Hell the limits are of a ship's CO discretion. Were you in the Army or the Air Force?
The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

So you don't think the ship captain was given rules of engagement? LOL. What a dumb ass.

And you got an opinion, wow, you were horrified and shocked to get one of those on a ... message board ... LOL. At least you have something to talk to your therapist about this week ...
Every captain of every US vessel is aware of the current ROE's, fool, but ROE's aren't the only considerations in certain uncertain situations, idiot! I have an opinion, yes, but I also have US Navy experience, which I can tell you do NOT from your verbiage. A nice little dance you do though to cover your ignorance.

It depends on the ROE. The ROE can be to not shoot, it can be to escalate, it can be to fire under certain circumstances and not under others. Particularly when you're in a theater of operations, the brass think these things through. The military has widely stated that the ROEs used to be a lot more up to the discretion of the on field decision maker with broader limits. The Obama administration is far more like Russian rules, which require an escalation process that has zero chance of making a decision in time.

Don't you know anything about ROEs?
More dance and scattered deprecation to pretend you know what the Hell the limits of a ship's CO discretion. Were you in the Army or the Air Force?
You're the one arguing you know what the Rules of Engagement were, I'm saying I don't and you don't either. Try to remember which side you're on ...
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!

The rules of engagement are set by the military, he can't ignore them.

Your criticism should be of the White House. In the past, a huge advantage of the Military is that we set rules and allow our commanders to act in the field. This white house as all authoritarian leftists through history are control freaks.

It's Obama and Kerry that set the policy. Take the criticism where it is due
I note that you have supplied MORE than ample proof of your assertions above... YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION! Laughable!!!

Got Milk, too?

It's not an opinion. There is a whole raft of ROE's that any ships Captain receives upon assuming command. This is well known to those who actually read.
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