John McCain His Past Coming Back to Haunt him re: Obsession w/ Susan Rice

Aug 7, 2012
It seems that some are digging into McCain's questionable past and the more he keeps after Susan Rice so unjustifiably, the more he is likely to be exposed.

He also is said to have signed anti-American propaganda while in captivity.

The Navy released John McCain’s military record after a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The record is packed with information on McCain’s medals and commendations but little else. The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. WMR has learned additional details regarding the deadly fire aboard the Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, on July 19, 1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin. The additional details point to then-Lt. Commander John McCain playing more of a role in triggering the fire and explosions than previously reported.

On January 16, 2006, WMR reported that according to a US Navy sailor who was aboard the Forrestal on the fateful day of the fire, “McCain and the Forrestal’s skipper, Capt. John K. Beling, were warned about the danger of using M-65 1000-lb. bombs manufactured in 1935, which were deemed too dangerous to use during World War II and, later, on B-52 bombers. The fire from the Zuni missle misfire resulted in the heavy 1000 pound bombs being knocked loose from the pylons of McCain’s A-4 aircraft, which were only designed to hold 500-pound bombs.”

WMR further reported, “The unstable bombs had a 60-second cook-off threshold in a fire situation and this warning was known to both Beling and McCain prior to the disaster.” WMR also cited the potential that McCain’s Navy records were used against him by the neo-cons in control of the Pentagon, “The neo-cons, who have had five years to examine every file within the Department of Defense, have likely accessed documents that could prove embarrassing to McCain, who was on board the USS Forrestal on July 29, 1967, and whose A-4 Skyhawk was struck by an air-toground Zuni missile that had misfired from an F-4 Phantom.” WMR has been informed that crewmen aboard the Forrestal have provided additional information about the Forrestal incident. It is believed by many crewmen and those who have investigated the case that McCain deliberately “wet-started” his A-4E to shake up the guy in the plane behind his A-4. “Wet-starts”, done either deliberately or accidentally, shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.


Each of these official records of John McCain’s interviews with foreign correspondents, while held captive in Hanoi is reproduced below. Observe that every one of these interviews contains military information — far, far beyond the limits required by the Code of Conduct. Indeed this information is far beyond what nearly all of the POWs were severely tortured to obtain — the insignificant ‘gray area’ information such as nebulous ‘air pirate’ signed statements. Only those few who were turncoats and anti-war sympathizers among our POWs gave up more information to the enemy than did John McCain.

For better or worse McCain went and fought for this country. And yeah, he's way past his expiration date and is largely a joke in the modern political arena. However calling his military service into question is ridiculous.
McCain crashed FIVE Navy jets. The Hanoi Hilton Songbird will say anything to feel important and relevant. He cracked in Vietnam.


John McCain seriously violated the Military Code of Conduct by trading "military information" and making numerous public statements that appeared favorable to the communist war effort in exchange for "special treatment."

Much More: John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate - John McCain Is No "Hero POW" - He was a survivor
must destroy McCain because he had the nerve to question the Dear Leader

this is the kind of people(Obama Progressives) you put in to run our Government..nice going
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the admit/press to get propaganda on McCain under the freedom of information act is a rather interesting paradox...if ya know what I mean.
the admit/press to get propaganda on McCain under the freedom of information act is a rather interesting paradox...if ya know what I mean.

"propaganda" isn't what comes from FOIA requests. Facts are.

i know that whole fact-based thing is a problem for you.
must destroy McCain because he had the nerve to question the Dear Leader

this is the kind of people(Obama Progressives) you put in to run our Government..nice going

we can pretend that's the case.

if it makes you feel better about yourselves.
must destroy McCain because he had the nerve to question the Dear Leader

this is the kind of people(Obama Progressives) you put in to run our Government..nice going

This seems to be more of a Democrat thing. I remember Clinton did the same thing. I think it could be due to the Democrats being tied up with unions who we know are corrupt and have been corrupt since the inception of unions. It's the political philosphy of the end justifies the means. Very Machiavellian.
must destroy McCain because he had the nerve to question the Dear Leader

this is the kind of people(Obama Progressives) you put in to run our Government..nice going

This seems to be more of a Democrat thing. I remember Clinton did the same thing. I think it could be due to the Democrats being tied up with unions who we know are corrupt and have been corrupt since the inception of unions. It's the political philosphy of the end justifies the means. Very Machiavellian.
Yes. Clinton called it "scorched earth" tactic.

Rice is a lying sack of shit, a WILLFUL lying sack of shit and nothing but a puppet...totally DQed for Secretary of State now.
must destroy McCain because he had the nerve to question the Dear Leader

this is the kind of people(Obama Progressives) you put in to run our Government..nice going

This seems to be more of a Democrat thing. I remember Clinton did the same thing. I think it could be due to the Democrats being tied up with unions who we know are corrupt and have been corrupt since the inception of unions. It's the political philosphy of the end justifies the means. Very Machiavellian.
Yes. Clinton called it "scorched earth" tactic.

Rice is a lying sack of shit, a WILLFUL lying sack of shit and nothing but a puppet...totally DQed for Secretary of State now.

It's her payoff for being a good girl. She went out and made an ass out of herself for Obama so she gets the job.
So Susan Rice lies the American people on orders from the White House and somehow it's John McCains problems because he has the audacity to question her about what went wrong with the Benghazi incident and the cover up?

Im all for holding McCain accountable for the crap he is responsible for, but I dont see how him doing his job is a problem or how the spin from the White House is at all legitimate. The administration just needs to be honest and admit the truth. Why be afraid of taking responsibility? He isnt accountable to the people anymore.
and right on cue we have a good little Obama soldier (cult member) to spread this crap around
Susan Rice was a Rhodes Scholar. John McCain was a spoiled Admiral's son who was near the bottom of his Naval Academy class. (894 of 899) In his Navy career from 1958-81 he rose tl the rank of Captain.

Captain. If not for granddaddy and daddy being admirals McCain would never have been able to get 3 more aircraft to crash after the first two.

Yes he acted very well as a POW and was severely injured. But his wife was crippled by an auto accident in 1969. McCain was a celebrity as a returned POW and....shades of Gingrich....cheated on then dumped his disabled wife.

Republicans are anti-intellectual but very willing to beat Dems over the head about morality while
excusing the lack of ability and low moral behavior of their own leaders.

Regards from Rosie
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Susan Rice was a Rhodes Scholar. John McCain was a spoiled Admiral's son who was near the bottom of his Naval Academy class. (894 of 899) In his Navy career from 1958-81 he rose tl the rank of Captain.

Captain. If not for granddaddy and daddy being admirals McCain would never have been able to get 3 more aircrafft to crash after the first two.

Yes he acted very well as a POW and was severely injured. But his wife was crippled by an auto accident in 1969. McCain was a celebrity as a returned POW and....shades of Gingrich....cheated on then dumped his disabled wife.

Republicans are anti-intellectual but very willing to beat Dems over the head about morality while
excusing the lack of ability and low moral behavior of their own leaders.

Regards from Rosie

wow, disgusting...putting Rice above McCain as if being a Rhodes Scholar is above being a Militarty Veteran who served his country more than Rice ever could think of..
Susan Rice was a Rhodes Scholar. John McCain was a spoiled Admiral's son who was near the bottom of his Naval Academy class. (894 of 899) In his Navy career from 1958-81 he rose tl the rank of Captain.

Captain. If not for granddaddy and daddy being admirals McCain would never have been able to get 3 more aircraft to crash after the first two.

Yes he acted very well as a POW and was severely injured. But his wife was crippled by an auto accident in 1969. McCain was a celebrity as a returned POW and....shades of Gingrich....cheated on then dumped his disabled wife.

Republicans are anti-intellectual but very willing to beat Dems over the head about morality while
excusing the lack of ability and low moral behavior of their own leaders.

Regards from Rosie

Like anyone should believe a thing you write. Gunny and your idiocy about Georgetown students not being allowed to buy health insurance independently.

I have yet to see you get a thing correct.

And, irrespective of Rice's CV, she has DQed herself by being a willful lying sack of shit. Nothing but a puppet. Hillary was smart having Rice do the talk show circuit.

But, Hillary can think for herself, not Rice.
Whatevs Quasi. I don't see a contradictory link and it is obvious that McCain facts set you off on yet another of your foolish diatribes. Don't ever be mistaken that I give a damn about the opinion of a deluded lackey such as yourself. Neither do many other posters here. Your opinion of yourself is overrated.

Regards from Rosie

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