John McCain His Past Coming Back to Haunt him re: Obsession w/ Susan Rice

Whatevs Quasi. I don't see a contradictory link and it is obvious that McCain facts set you off on yet another of your foolish diatribes. Don't ever be mistaken that I give a damn about the opinion of a deluded lackey such as yourself. Neither do many other posters here. Your opinion of yourself is overrated.

Regards from Rosie
At least I form my own opinions, based on facts. You just get told what your opinions are without any vetting on your own.

As I said, I have yet to see you get anything accurate. I'll give you credit when I do see something accurate from you. I promise. ;)
Aren't these the same folks who cry foul when people talk about "John I served in Viet Nam Kerry"....
You know..." John reporting for duty Kerry"....
Aren't these the same folks who cry foul when people talk about "John I served in Viet Nam Kerry"....
You know..." John reporting for duty Kerry"....


McCain has to be destroyed now because he questioned the Dear Leader
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The Obama admin should dig up the baseless attacks against McCain that Rove employed for his boss, W, during the primaries that led to W's nomination. You cons wouldn't mind that, right? Afterall, it was ok for W to call McCain's patriotism into question.
The Obama admin should dig up the baseless attacks against McCain that Rove employed for his boss, W, during the primaries that led to W's nomination. You cons wouldn't mind that, right? Afterall, it was ok for W to call McCain's patriotism into question.

It wasn't OK when Bush did it and it's not ok now.
Lets face it this is the best thing McCain ever did.... Rice is a nothing more the a puppet for the admin and he knows it.
Susan Rice being a black democrat doesn't automatically qualify her for anything. Her performance as UN ambassador was abysmal. This is a race to bottom where doing a remarkably bad job is grounds for advancement.
Susan Rice being a black democrat doesn't automatically qualify her for anything. Her performance as UN ambassador was abysmal. This is a race to bottom where doing a remarkably bad job is grounds for advancement.

Seems so, Obama was re-elected with the abysmal record he had..
all this thing with Rice take the attention off Obama and Benghazi..And now they are resorting to digging up dirt and trying to destroy anyone who questions obama, the Democrat-progressive way
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McCain, even if wrong on the particulars, is right about Rice. She is ill-equipped to be the nation's top diplomat, for reasons that have little to do with Libya.

Even in a town that rewards sharp elbows and brusque personalities, Rice has managed to make an impressive array of enemies -- on Capitol Hill, in Foggy Bottom and abroad. Particularly in comparison to the other person often mentioned for the job, Sen. John Kerry, she can be a most undiplomatic diplomat, and there likely aren't enough Republican or Democratic votes in the Senate to confirm her.

Back when she was an assistant secretary of state during the Clinton administration, she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults.

Among those she has insulted is the woman she would replace at the State Department. Rice was one of the first former Clinton administration officials to defect to Obama's primary campaign against Hillary. Rice condemned Clinton's Iraq and Iran positions, asking for an "explanation of how and why she got those critical judgments wrong."

Clinton got a measure of revenge in 2010 after she worked out a deal with the Russian foreign minister on a package of Iran sanctions to be adopted by the U.N. Security Council. The White House wanted Rice to make the announcement (part of a campaign to increase her profile that included high-visibility foreign trips and TV appearances), but a Clinton aide got Kerry to ask Clinton about the matter during an unrelated Senate hearing.

U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has a tarnished résumé for secretary of state |

This is just her lack of qualifications to be a diplomat, period. Her job performance is even worse. But since she's black, that overcomes everything else.
McCain crashed FIVE Navy jets. The Hanoi Hilton Songbird will say anything to feel important and relevant. He cracked in Vietnam.


John McCain seriously violated the Military Code of Conduct by trading "military information" and making numerous public statements that appeared favorable to the communist war effort in exchange for "special treatment."

Much More: John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate - John McCain Is No "Hero POW" - He was a survivor

You truly are a despicable turd. Fates know I am no fan of McCain (I consider his cosponsorship of an illegal-alien amnesty bill to border on being treasonous), but anyone criticizing what he did while being tortured is a subhuman turd.
The Obama admin should dig up the baseless attacks against McCain that Rove employed for his boss, W, during the primaries that led to W's nomination. You cons wouldn't mind that, right? Afterall, it was ok for W to call McCain's patriotism into question.
And thus began McCain's resentment.
"McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. "

Bald faced, provable lie. Among other things, there is film of the entire incident. McCain had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

And as for his time as a POW, guess what -- all the POWs "broke". McCain had a chance to be released early, but he refused, as for the POWs, it was first captured, first released, so McCain refused the offered early-release.

No more lies about McCain, if you don't mind.

Doug Reese
Those who do not learn from the past.....dig up ancient threads to rehash the same old arguments to oblivion.
One of the reasons I posted
Trump right about “Hanoi John McCain was that I was assigned to Letterman Army Hospital when some of the Army prisoners in the Hanoi Hilton came home. Not a single one of them had anything good to say about McCain, many claimed he was coddled by the north security guards

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