John McCain pays tribute to his former VietNam cellmate


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
McCain on Vietnam cellmate: ?I will see him again? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) – Sen. John McCain paid tribute to his Vietnam cellmate on the Senate floor Monday, emotionally describing retired Col. George E. "Bud" Day as a fierce resistor who showed McCain "how to save my self-respect and my honor," he said. Day died Saturday at the age of 88.

In a statement Sunday commemorating Day, McCain called him the "bravest man I ever knew."

As a prisoner of war in North Vietnam's infamous "Hanoi Hilton," McCain shared a cell with Day and another service member, Major Norris Overly. After McCain, a Naval aviator, was shot down and imprisoned, the two men "wouldn't let me die," the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor.

"They bathed me, fed me, nursed me, encouraged me and ordered me back to life."

For McCain, Day was a friend, a source of inspiration and his commanding officer, the highest ranking of the three men in their prison and thus the authority. From that authority, Day demanded of McCain a constant resistance against their jailors, singing the national anthem even when he had a rifle pointed at his face.
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McCain is glad he's dead. He no longer has to pay him to not talk about what really happened in Nam. Truth is mccain turned traitor and cried his guts out to his captors. Then his daddy th3 admiral covered up the truth.
McCain on Vietnam cellmate: ?I will see him again? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) – Sen. John McCain paid tribute to his Vietnam cellmate on the Senate floor Monday, emotionally describing retired Col. George E. "Bud" Day as a fierce resistor who showed McCain "how to save my self-respect and my honor," he said. Day died Saturday at the age of 88.

In a statement Sunday commemorating Day, McCain called him the "bravest man I ever knew."

As a prisoner of war in North Vietnam's infamous "Hanoi Hilton," McCain shared a cell with Day and another service member, Major Norris Overly. After McCain, a Naval aviator, was shot down and imprisoned, the two men "wouldn't let me die," the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor.

"They bathed me, fed me, nursed me, encouraged me and ordered me back to life."

For McCain, Day was a friend, a source of inspiration and his commanding officer, the highest ranking of the three men in their prison and thus the authority. From that authority, Day demanded of McCain a constant resistance against their jailors, singing the national anthem even when he had a rifle pointed at his face.

The Hanoi Hilton. What is there to say? I have no respect or love for the current McCain who adores power more than his soul, but I will always respect the man that was a POW.

God bless Day. Rest in peace dearheart.
Regardless of what you think of McCains politics, he has always had the character to do the right thing
Regardless of what you think of McCains politics, he has always had the character to do the right thing

Yeah.......I'm not so sure about that. He may have the character.....but he does not always display it.
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[ame=]McCain Counters Obama 'Arab' Question - YouTube[/ame]
McCain is glad he's dead. He no longer has to pay him to not talk about what really happened in Nam. Truth is mccain turned traitor and cried his guts out to his captors. Then his daddy th3 admiral covered up the truth.

Bullshit you sniveling turd.

You have no right to belittle another that went through such torture for his country. I can’t stand McCain’s policies or his politics but he deserves respect for what he endured. You think you would not sing like a songbird if I hooked some electrical probes up to your testicles and turned on the juice? If you really think you have that kind of resilience then you are downright delusional.

McCain never claimed that he did not talk. In fact he stated the exact opposite and wrote about both the things he said and the tapes that were played in the camp to the other POW’s to demoralize them. What you fail to realize is that everyone talks under serious torture. I have no delusions if someone were to capture and torture me. I am well aware that they would eventually get me to talk.

McCain never claimed that he did not talk. In fact he stated the exact opposite and wrote about both the things he said and the tapes that were played in the camp to the other POW’s to demoralize them. What you fail to realize is that everyone talks under serious torture. I have no delusions if someone were to capture and torture me. I am well aware that they would eventually get me to talk.

Of course he talked and he said a lot more than he had to. Nothing heroic about that. McCain has always been a traitor as proven by his support of the 40 million illegal aliens who have INVADED AMERICA!!! No way a patriot can support the invasion of his own country.
McCain is glad he's dead. He no longer has to pay him to not talk about what really happened in Nam. Truth is mccain turned traitor and cried his guts out to his captors. Then his daddy th3 admiral covered up the truth.

Bullshit you sniveling turd.

You have no right to belittle another that went through such torture for his country. I can’t stand McCain’s policies or his politics but he deserves respect for what he endured. You think you would not sing like a songbird if I hooked some electrical probes up to your testicles and turned on the juice? If you really think you have that kind of resilience then you are downright delusional.

McCain never claimed that he did not talk. In fact he stated the exact opposite and wrote about both the things he said and the tapes that were played in the camp to the other POW’s to demoralize them. What you fail to realize is that everyone talks under serious torture. I have no delusions if someone were to capture and torture me. I am well aware that they would eventually get me to talk.


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