John McCain slams Trump in Italy, recommits to America's role in world

Republicans in 2008: That Kenyan terrorist stole the election from an American war hero!!!! Blaaarrrrghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!!!

Republicans in 2017: McCain is a shitstain traitor because he dared to say mean things about our game show host president!!!! Blaaaarghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!
Republicans in 2008: That Kenyan terrorist stole the election from an American war hero!!!! Blaaarrrrghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!!!

Republicans in 2017: McCain is a shitstain traitor because he dared to say mean things about our game show host president!!!! Blaaaarghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!

Liar. But lies are all the left has.

McCain was a better choice than 0bama, but that didn't change the fact that he's a traitorous douchbag now.
Say what you want in America, criticism of the government is protected by the first amendment. But to go to another country and name the President in that criticism, why isn't that treason?

John McCain slams Trump in Italy, recommits to America's role in world
I don't see anything treasonous in his statements.
There used to be an unwritten rule about disparaging the president while overseas...

But that kind of vanished while Bush was president.
Okay, but I still don't see what McCain said that is "disparaging." Everyone can agree that Trump's statements sometimes SEEM unfriendly to Europe and other trade partners/allies and conflict with careful diplomatic statements.

Without a doubt, what McCain said was disrespectful. He's using his political position to seek revenge on an adversary in front of the world. There is no call for that. How many times has he said in the past we need to get rid of Commie Care? Then when we finally had a chance to get rid of some of it, he voted against it because Trump was leading the charge. He's willing to screw over the entire country for personal reasons.

He needs to retire. He's going to go to his grave with so much anger that he probably will have a miserable eternity.
Republicans in 2008: That Kenyan terrorist stole the election from an American war hero!!!! Blaaarrrrghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!!!

Republicans in 2017: McCain is a shitstain traitor because he dared to say mean things about our game show host president!!!! Blaaaarghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!

Liar. But lies are all the left has.

McCain was a better choice than 0bama, but that didn't change the fact that he's a traitorous douchbag now.
Yeah right :lol:

Trumpists are so predictable
USMB Wingnut Brigade: I always knew McCain was a traitor!!

Me: Didn't you vote for him in 2008?

USMB Wingnut Brigade: Well yeah but....

Trumpists are so predictable:lmao:
We need Americans to go to Europe and show we are not all batshit crazy like Trump supporters
Only a true leftard gives a shit about what Eurotrash thinks.
Says no one who understands the geopolitical issues that face us. All you Trump whores know is nationalism. How'd that work for Stalin?
Mussolini? Hitler?
You're following your
dictator wannabe right off a cliff.
Say what you want in America, criticism of the government is protected by the first amendment. But to go to another country and name the President in that criticism, why isn't that treason?

John McCain slams Trump in Italy, recommits to America's role in world
I don't see anything treasonous in his statements.
Anyone who puts a headline using "slams" "trashes" etc as a verb should have their fingers broken if the operative language (and actual quote) from McCain in the article is:

"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that America is still committed to traditional alliances and values, despite doubts that have emerged due to the "actions and statements of our president."

You have to be a real snowflake to think this is a "slam" or treasonous, for goodness sake.
John McCain is a great American

Well, he used to be. Now he's a Democrat, and I believe brain damaged to boot.

McCain is raging and raving and seething with hate and envy for the fact he lost his bid for the presidency to a clown whose only qualification was one speech, while Trump beat the most qualified candidate in history, in his presidential bid.

Nothing hastens one's expiration date like blind raging hate..
Here is "raving and seething" in the article. An actual quote and stuff:

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that America is still committed to traditional alliances and values, despite doubts that have emerged due to the "actions and statements of our president."

What mad raving and seething. What a thin skin some people have to not even accept this level of statement.
I can't say it's ethical for him. But I will say that kind of behavior does not speak well of our country. But then again, McStain has been trying to spread his brand of hate throughout Europe for some time........
Conservatives are all over the place on this one. The OP says McCain committed treason, and you won't even call it unethical.
Republicans in 2008: That Kenyan terrorist stole the election from an American war hero!!!! Blaaarrrrghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!!!

Republicans in 2017: McCain is a shitstain traitor because he dared to say mean things about our game show host president!!!! Blaaaarghhhh!!!! 'Murica!!!!!!

Liar. But lies are all the left has.

McCain was a better choice than 0bama, but that didn't change the fact that he's a traitorous douchbag now.
Is this statement treason?

"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that America is still committed to traditional alliances and values, despite doubts that have emerged due to the "actions and statements of our president."
Say what you want in America, criticism of the government is protected by the first amendment. But to go to another country and name the President in that criticism, why isn't that treason?

John McCain slams Trump in Italy, recommits to America's role in world
I don't see anything treasonous in his statements.
There used to be an unwritten rule about disparaging the president while overseas...

But that kind of vanished while Bush was president.
Okay, but I still don't see what McCain said that is "disparaging." Everyone can agree that Trump's statements sometimes SEEM unfriendly to Europe and other trade partners/allies and conflict with careful diplomatic statements.

Without a doubt, what McCain said was disrespectful. He's using his political position to seek revenge on an adversary in front of the world. There is no call for that. How many times has he said in the past we need to get rid of Commie Care? Then when we finally had a chance to get rid of some of it, he voted against it because Trump was leading the charge. He's willing to screw over the entire country for personal reasons.

He needs to retire. He's going to go to his grave with so much anger that he probably will have a miserable eternity.
Thank you for this reasonable response. Disrespectful, yes. The thin-skinned posters whining about "treason" are just enforcing their own brand of political correctness. You on the other hand see clear-eyed and modulated on the subject. And I tend to agree with you.
McCain is a progressive shit stain, always has been. No self-respecting conservative would vote for the fucker

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