John Oliver on health care


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


How many pieces of gold did Jesus require before curing the sick? In the Declaration of Independence the second paragraph describes one founders words - signed off by many others*** - of the spirit which defined our country:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are B, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed
Who would argue that health care is not an unalienable right, other than a callous conservative?

***Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And given the recent town hall meetings of Republican Members of the H. or Rep. the people are speaking loudly and clearly that the ACA's repeal does not have their consent.


"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

Which "left", the fiction which exists between your ears? Suppose you try to define the "left" by reality, not the fiction of the set of Authoritarians who support Donald Trump, and use the word as a pejorative.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

No, not for abortion doctors like Gosnell or insanely wealthy politicians like Nancy Pelosi.

That kind of wealth is OK

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


How many pieces of gold did Jesus require before curing the sick? In the Declaration of Independence the second paragraph describes one founders words - signed off by many others*** - of the spirit which defined our country:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are B, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed
Who would argue that health care is not an unalienable right, other than a callous conservative?

***Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And given the recent town hall meetings of Republican Members of the H. or Rep. the people are speaking loudly and clearly that the ACA's repeal does not have their consent.

Whip the Jesus card out, eh?

Why do you assume that Congress opted out of Obamacare that they forced on the rest of us? Do unto others as you would have them do to you ring a bell?

How about Vets that are under government health care and put on secret death lists? Does that concern you at all?

Now that the Jesus card has failed, it's now time to whip the Hitler card out I think.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


How many pieces of gold did Jesus require before curing the sick? In the Declaration of Independence the second paragraph describes one founders words - signed off by many others*** - of the spirit which defined our country:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are B, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed
Who would argue that health care is not an unalienable right, other than a callous conservative?

***Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And given the recent town hall meetings of Republican Members of the H. or Rep. the people are speaking loudly and clearly that the ACA's repeal does not have their consent.

Progressives quoting Scripture, how can one argue against that?

Matt 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

No, not for abortion doctors like Gosnell or insanely wealthy politicians like Nancy Pelosi.

That kind of wealth is OK

Your opinion are very funny, biased and generally absurd, but still funny.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

No, not for abortion doctors like Gosnell or insanely wealthy politicians like Nancy Pelosi.

That kind of wealth is OK

Your opinion are very funny, biased and generally absurd, but still funny.

My opinions is very funny?

Nice retort.

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


How many pieces of gold did Jesus require before curing the sick? In the Declaration of Independence the second paragraph describes one founders words - signed off by many others*** - of the spirit which defined our country:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are B, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed
Who would argue that health care is not an unalienable right, other than a callous conservative?

***Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And given the recent town hall meetings of Republican Members of the H. or Rep. the people are speaking loudly and clearly that the ACA's repeal does not have their consent.

Whip the Jesus card out, eh?

Why do you assume that Congress opted out of Obamacare that they forced on the rest of us? Do unto others as you would have them do to you ring a bell?

How about Vets that are under government health care and put on secret death lists? Does that concern you at all?

Now that the Jesus card has failed, it's now time to whip the Hitler card out I think.

The Jesus Card? Well, if you insist, why do you always pull out the Joker Card?

Have you ever been to the VA? I doubt it, but the one in SF I'm familiar with is fantastic. Caring staff and clean, great follow up and no long waits.

Secret death lists? Really, if they're secret how would anyone know? LOL, I see, you played the joker. I bet you think its the trump care, its not, its the wild card.

BTW, I can only go by what the Nuns told us about Jesus, as an agnostic I suspect Jesus existed and was a man, not conceive by a holy ghost but by another man, and Mary was no virgin. But the myth(?) has legs, unlike the meme's posted as absolute truths by your side of the aisle.
Liberals send the little children to Jesus by killing them before they are born.

Right wingers allow unwanted pregnancies to occur by denying contraceptives and failing to educate age appropriate children on health care, including human sexuality and means of preventing pregnancy, protecting themselves from disease - STD's and other communicable disease - addictions, obesity and proper nutrition.

Why does anyone with common sense and the ability to turn on a computer argue such polices make any sense whatsoever?

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The morons on the left fail to understand economics...where have prices for healthcare stayed the same or gone down a lot......cosmetic surgery....where the insurance companies won't pay for it, so they actually have to charge lower prices in order to make money.....where have prices sky rocketed....anything covered by the government....
john oliver just bought a huge home using a tax break he would condemn if people knew about it.......he wants other people to pay taxes...while he avoids them...

"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."

I reckon John, like all others on the monolithic left, wants to take all profits out of health care so that the people working at Taco Bell will some day be doing their dialysis.


The left want to do away with ALL profits, period.

No, not for abortion doctors like Gosnell or insanely wealthy politicians like Nancy Pelosi.

That kind of wealth is OK

Your opinion are very funny, biased and generally absurd, but still funny.

My opinions is very funny?

Nice retort.

For want of an "S" the point was lost - to a purveyor of cavil . Do you have anything of substance to report, or do you think being a smart ass is a sign of intelligence?
john oliver just bought a huge home using a tax break he would condemn if people knew about it.......he wants other people to pay taxes...while he avoids them...

What tax break was that?

I started a thread......

But here you go....

So it’s a little surprising to discover that just months before, Oliver had a tax attorney set up two revocable trusts, one for him and one for his wife, to hide the couple’s purchase of a $9.5 million Manhattan penthouse. Then he used a tax loophole created by Donald Trump himself back in the 1970s, when the current president was merely a prominent New York real estate developer and aspiring celebrity author.

The loophole in question is the banally named “421-a” tax dodge, which was recently attacked in a Daily News op-ed written by two New York state Democrats, one a senator and the other an assemblyman. They said that the original 421-a tax exemption was “designed to encourage new development in locations that were vacant or underutilized,” but that Trump wanted to use it in 1980 when he bought Bonwit Teller in midtown Manhattan. The plan was to tear it down and build Trump Tower, which would mix office space and luxury condos.

“Told by Mayor Ed Koch that the Bonwit site could not qualify for a 421-a tax break, Trump and his lawyer — the infamous Roy Cohn — sued the city,” the News op-ed recalls. “In the end, they won a tax exemption worth $50 million for the extravagant Trump Tower. More importantly, Trump’s lawsuit established that all new development, even luxury projects, would be automatically eligible for the 421-a exemption.”

The article said that the 421-a provision, which expired last year in a political impasse but that Albany is considering revising, will rob state coffers of $1.3 billion of revenue “this year alone in foregone property taxes.”

But just four months before Oliver’s July show, he had hired slick New York law firm Proskauer Rose LLP, which, in addition to union-busting and representing BP America, ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil, specializes in helping the rich find tax breaks and buy real estate. Proskauer also has a long-time Private Client Servicesgroup, whose “lawyers handle complex tax and estate planning matters for wealthy multinational families,” as well as “executives, Internet entrepreneurs, art collectors and investors, professionals and real estate developers, among others,” according to its website.

Oliver’s lawyer at the firm was Jay Waxenberg, who “focuses his practice on estate and tax planning and estate and trust administration.” Waxenberg, the website goes on, “represents many families with significant multigenerational wealth, and has assisted them in the structuring of their estate plans so as to minimize gift, estate and generation-skipping taxes in the transmission of their wealth through several generations.”

In other words, Waxenberg is exactly the type of fancy pants attorney who helps his 1 percent clientele get the tax breaks and use the loopholes that Oliver gets such mileage deriding on TV.

In Oliver’s case, Waxenberg set up two revocable trusts — JO, named for John Oliver, and KNO, named for his wife Kate Norley Oliver — with Waxenberg as the trustee and his law firm serving as the trusts’ registered address. The trusts were then used to create a shell company called Hoagie’s Place LLC, named for Oliver’s beloved dog. Incidentally, Kate Norley Oliver’s New York voter registration shows she is a Democrat and lives in the penthouse in question.

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