John Santorum, son of Rick Santorum, charged with DWI

Joe Bidens son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine no this is not a reflection on Joe Biden. My question is this why do people feel the need to post about the mistakes of politicans childern? It seems to me a lot of the time it is with the intention either directly or indirectly to portray them as bad parents. Did the mistakes your kids might have made make you a bad parent? Did the mistakes you may have made growing up make your parents bad parents? Even childern with very good parents are going to make mistakes and screw up sometimes.

I agree in the case of most politicians. However, those whose main tactics are attacking other parents for not raising their kids to that politicians standards, have invited judgment of the results of their own child rearing skills.
I can't recall anyone attacking other parents for how they raise their kids.
Rick Santorum s son charged with DWI -

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's son was arrested and charged last month with driving while intoxicated after registering an initial blood-alcohol level almost twice the legal limit.

Richard John Santorum, Jr., known as John, was stopped at a DUI checkpoint in suburban Virginia at about midnight on July 11, according to court papers.

"Upon contact, I detected the odor of alcoholic beverages and the accused had glassy eyes and slurred speech," a police officer wrote in Santorum's criminal complaint.

During his field sobriety tests, the 22-year-old Citadel cadet "showed specific signs of impairment," according to the complaint.

His first breath-test resulted in a reading of .145, almost double the legal limit of .08. At the jail, his blood-alcohol level registered .11, according to the complaint.

John Santorum's lawyer, Christopher Day said, "I don't try my cases in the press and I don't have anything to say about my client."

And Rick Santorum's campaign spokesman Matt Beynon echoed Day saying, "The campaign does not comment on family personal matters."

The news comes at a tough time for Santorum, who has built his political brand on a message of traditional family values. Low poll numbers, poor fundraising and staff changes have dogged his struggling campaign as of late.

I don't think this reflects on former Sen. Santorum at all, but it does seem to come at a bad time for him.
College age kids can screw up, but when you harp about family values all the time and then this happens, it sure doesn't look good.

I'm personally glad that his kid was caught before he could have gotten into a nasty car-wreck and killed someone else, or himself.

Yet you started a thread about his kid?


Not cool man- not cool.

You didn't read my comments.

It's in the news.

And notice how Righties froth and immediately bring up DEM's kids or relatives. They absolutely, completely lack the ability to focus on anything.

So, yeah, the thread is valid. And I didn't rag on Santorum's kid.

Next time, read for content.
Yepp, the piss-poor RWNJ responses on this thread are exactly what I thought would happen.

None of them actually read my comments, quite obviously.
Rick Santorum s son charged with DWI -

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's son was arrested and charged last month with driving while intoxicated after registering an initial blood-alcohol level almost twice the legal limit.

Richard John Santorum, Jr., known as John, was stopped at a DUI checkpoint in suburban Virginia at about midnight on July 11, according to court papers.

"Upon contact, I detected the odor of alcoholic beverages and the accused had glassy eyes and slurred speech," a police officer wrote in Santorum's criminal complaint.

During his field sobriety tests, the 22-year-old Citadel cadet "showed specific signs of impairment," according to the complaint.

His first breath-test resulted in a reading of .145, almost double the legal limit of .08. At the jail, his blood-alcohol level registered .11, according to the complaint.

John Santorum's lawyer, Christopher Day said, "I don't try my cases in the press and I don't have anything to say about my client."

And Rick Santorum's campaign spokesman Matt Beynon echoed Day saying, "The campaign does not comment on family personal matters."

The news comes at a tough time for Santorum, who has built his political brand on a message of traditional family values. Low poll numbers, poor fundraising and staff changes have dogged his struggling campaign as of late.

I don't think this reflects on former Sen. Santorum at all, but it does seem to come at a bad time for him.
College age kids can screw up, but when you harp about family values all the time and then this happens, it sure doesn't look good.

I'm personally glad that his kid was caught before he could have gotten into a nasty car-wreck and killed someone else, or himself.

maybe the kid can ask Teddy for advice on this dui issue- oh wait.......
Rick Santorum s son charged with DWI -

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's son was arrested and charged last month with driving while intoxicated after registering an initial blood-alcohol level almost twice the legal limit.

Richard John Santorum, Jr., known as John, was stopped at a DUI checkpoint in suburban Virginia at about midnight on July 11, according to court papers.

"Upon contact, I detected the odor of alcoholic beverages and the accused had glassy eyes and slurred speech," a police officer wrote in Santorum's criminal complaint.

During his field sobriety tests, the 22-year-old Citadel cadet "showed specific signs of impairment," according to the complaint.

His first breath-test resulted in a reading of .145, almost double the legal limit of .08. At the jail, his blood-alcohol level registered .11, according to the complaint.

John Santorum's lawyer, Christopher Day said, "I don't try my cases in the press and I don't have anything to say about my client."

And Rick Santorum's campaign spokesman Matt Beynon echoed Day saying, "The campaign does not comment on family personal matters."

The news comes at a tough time for Santorum, who has built his political brand on a message of traditional family values. Low poll numbers, poor fundraising and staff changes have dogged his struggling campaign as of late.

I don't think this reflects on former Sen. Santorum at all, but it does seem to come at a bad time for him.
College age kids can screw up, but when you harp about family values all the time and then this happens, it sure doesn't look good.

I'm personally glad that his kid was caught before he could have gotten into a nasty car-wreck and killed someone else, or himself.

WOW Stop the fucking presses.

Who the fuck gives a shit what his son does.
If Obama had a son, he would be dead. What's your point? Remember Treyvon?
Rick Santorum s son charged with DWI -

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's son was arrested and charged last month with driving while intoxicated after registering an initial blood-alcohol level almost twice the legal limit.

Richard John Santorum, Jr., known as John, was stopped at a DUI checkpoint in suburban Virginia at about midnight on July 11, according to court papers.

"Upon contact, I detected the odor of alcoholic beverages and the accused had glassy eyes and slurred speech," a police officer wrote in Santorum's criminal complaint.

During his field sobriety tests, the 22-year-old Citadel cadet "showed specific signs of impairment," according to the complaint.

His first breath-test resulted in a reading of .145, almost double the legal limit of .08. At the jail, his blood-alcohol level registered .11, according to the complaint.

John Santorum's lawyer, Christopher Day said, "I don't try my cases in the press and I don't have anything to say about my client."

And Rick Santorum's campaign spokesman Matt Beynon echoed Day saying, "The campaign does not comment on family personal matters."

The news comes at a tough time for Santorum, who has built his political brand on a message of traditional family values. Low poll numbers, poor fundraising and staff changes have dogged his struggling campaign as of late.

I don't think this reflects on former Sen. Santorum at all, but it does seem to come at a bad time for him.
College age kids can screw up, but when you harp about family values all the time and then this happens, it sure doesn't look good.

I'm personally glad that his kid was caught before he could have gotten into a nasty car-wreck and killed someone else, or himself.

Yet you started a thread about his kid?


Not cool man- not cool.

You didn't read my comments.

It's in the news.

And notice how Righties froth and immediately bring up DEM's kids or relatives. They absolutely, completely lack the ability to focus on anything.

So, yeah, the thread is valid. And I didn't rag on Santorum's kid.

Next time, read for content.

I read it- and of course some Cons bring up the kids/parents/brothers/ whatever of Democrats- the asshole Cons of course.

Perfectly valid to start a thread on this- but starting a thread about a politician's son's legal problems- and then saying it is no reflection on the politician is really weak.

Like I said- not cool.

In my personal opinion- politicians kids/parents/brothers are irrelevant and have no more reason to be in the news- or commented on than any Joe on the street- unless the kids themselves put themselves in the news- and that applies to Obama's dead grandmother and Sarah Palin's youngest kid.

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