John Sununu says Pelosi and Nadler would be dumb to think they could force Barr to break the law!

What say you?
He's right, not a chance.

Fat Jerry Nadler wanted information about the investigation that Attorney General Barr has commissioned into the spying conducted by the FBI and others involved in the Trump-Russia probe. Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd responded to Nadler yesterday by letter (at the link). Barr has named United States Attorney John Durham to conduct the investigation.

The investigation is “broad in scope and multifaceted[.]” The investigation is to “illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign intelligence services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals.”

As Jerry Dunleavy notes in his story, Barr believes

“there remain open questions relating to the origins of this counter-intelligence investigation and the U.S. and foreign intelligence activities that took place prior to and during that investigation,” the letter states, and the Department of Justice review will look at “the efficacy and propriety“ of the steps that the department, the FBI, the broader intelligence community, and foreign governments and actors took before and during the course of the probe — and to answer those questions “to the satisfaction of the Attorney General.”​

Dear Chairman Nadler

“The Attorney General looks forward to obtaining a better understanding of the critical period leading up to the 2016 presidential election, which to date has not been fully examined.”​

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