Johnnie Football Thanks Russell Wilson for "Kicking Down The Doors"...


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.

Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


obviously Hug you are not aware of the fact that Johnny went to a pro football stadium once and they had a basketball hoop set up for him to throw into from the nosebleed section and that he made a basket not ONCE,but TWICE on both attempts.

a friend of mine was telling me about this.He said to remember the name johnny football because of that so i never forgot his name cause that would be a nightmare for me if the rams my most hated team, got him.I said back then-I sure hope the rams dont get to draft him.The texans better not let me down and pass him up for the rams to get with their second pick.

accomplishing a feat like that? you cant write the first time off of him making that basket as just a fluke, a lucky one in a million shot but doing it TWICE? thats no fluke. if he gets to where he can read defenses in the NFL.he is a surefire future hall of famer.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


I think you're delusional.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


I think you're delusional.

My meds aren't THAT good.. :lol:

It is just my opinion. His stature is too frail. Wilson has the muscular build to withstand some abuse. Not so with Johnnie Football. He looks like a little kid in a life preserver with his pads on. :lol: He NEVER got hit hard in college... not like he will be in the pros.

I don't doubt that Manziel has skills. He is just TOO small to make it against the NFL defenses.

Imagine him trying to run and he gets smacked by Kam Chancellor like many that have erroneously gone into Kams sights. He knocked Thomas back 5 yards through the air and broke his ribs in the SB. If Manziel gets the same shot he gets carted off the field and straight to a hospital. No Joke. I'm not hoping for such a circumstance .. I just know what he is facing and don't believe he will survive it.
Kid reminds me of Fran Tarkenton. He can make things happen. He's got leadership, moxie, and poise. I hope he makes it to the Vikings pick, but I think he is long gone by then.

Yes ... he had leadership in college. He now obviously has to prove his leadership at a MUCH higher level in the pros. These guys are ALL the cream of the college level. Several thousand HOPE to make it in the pros every year. About 200 make a pro team each year. About 20 make any impact in the pros as a rookie. Only a handfull step up to a level of "leadership" as rookies. Russel Wilson, RGIII, Luck and maybe Foles could be called a team leader in their rookie season. They are extremely rare.

Character separates good players from those with the right stuff to lead a team. I don't think Cam Newton had the right stuff as a rookie to LEAD Carolina. He has yet to put his team on his back and make any dent in the playoffs.

I just can't picture Johnnie Football carrying his team deep into the playoffs. Of course I could be wrong but I don't think so. He has a lot to prove that counters his poor judgement on and off the field in college.
What did Wilson knock the door down on? Short QBs? We have and had those. Maybe he should try and remember that the NFL didn't start a couple of years ago. :tongue:

Wilson opened some eyes about HIS skill set that was overlooked until Seattle took him in a late third round pick. That is about all he did. Obviously he is a better QB than many scouts and GMs had envisioned. BUT his emergence as one of the most capable QBs in the NFL is because of several qualities that have little to do with being only 5' 10 5/8 inches tall. He is a top notch LEADER. He has an amazing ability to extend plays and keep his eyes downfield and target the right recievers at the right time and make clutch plays over and over. Wilson possesses outstanding character. That foundation of work and ethic lends credence to others on the team taking him seriously and compels them to play above what they might with a lesser QB. In short when Russell Wilson speaks his team mates listen. That kind of leadership is earned on and off the field. It isn't a "door" Johnnie football can just walk through because Russell Wilson has been successfull.
What did Wilson knock the door down on? Short QBs? We have and had those. Maybe he should try and remember that the NFL didn't start a couple of years ago. :tongue:

Wilson opened some eyes about HIS skill set that was overlooked until Seattle took him in a late third round pick. That is about all he did. Obviously he is a better QB than many scouts and GMs had envisioned. BUT his emergence as one of the most capable QBs in the NFL is because of several qualities that have little to do with being only 5' 10 5/8 inches tall. He is a top notch LEADER. He has an amazing ability to extend plays and keep his eyes downfield and target the right recievers at the right time and make clutch plays over and over. Wilson possesses outstanding character. That foundation of work and ethic lends credence to others on the team taking him seriously and compels them to play above what they might with a lesser QB. In short when Russell Wilson speaks his team mates listen. That kind of leadership is earned on and off the field. It isn't a "door" Johnnie football can just walk through because Russell Wilson has been successfull.

Manziel will have to earn it.

Houston Texans almost beat Seahawks in the regular season 2013: Would be interesting to see a game played between a Manziel-lead Texan team and Seahawk in 2014
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Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


Wilson is nothing too special. He's a sub par thrower. He has good wheels, but if he were on a less defensive team, he'd get buried. Manziel, I don't pay enough attention to say where he's at exactly. But the bar is not Wilson. If anything, the bar is Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees for smaller QB's; which shows what a Johnny come lately poser Manziel really is, imo.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


Wilson is nothing too special. He's a sub par thrower. He has good wheels, but if he were on a less defensive team, he'd get buried. Manziel, I don't pay enough attention to say where he's at exactly. But the bar is not Wilson. If anything, the bar is Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees for smaller QB's; which shows what a Johnny come lately poser Manziel really is, imo.

Damn you to hell Gatsby !!! Blasphamy !!! "a sub par thrower" ??? The DEFENSE didn't give Wilson the second best all time Superbowl QB Passer rating of 123.1.
Kid reminds me of Fran Tarkenton. He can make things happen. He's got leadership, moxie, and poise. I hope he makes it to the Vikings pick, but I think he is long gone by then.

funny i thought you were talking about wilson whom NFL analysists are always comparing wilson to.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


Wilson is nothing too special. He's a sub par thrower. He has good wheels, but if he were on a less defensive team, he'd get buried. Manziel, I don't pay enough attention to say where he's at exactly. But the bar is not Wilson. If anything, the bar is Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees for smaller QB's; which shows what a Johnny come lately poser Manziel really is, imo.

Damn you to hell Gatsby !!! Blasphamy !!! "a sub par thrower" ??? The DEFENSE didn't give Wilson the second best all time Superbowl QB Passer rating of 123.1.

nor were they the ones that brought the seahawks down 10-0 against the niners in the NFC title game to win and completed a long touchdown pass on a key 4th and 7 call or were they the ones that helped the hawks win against the saints thowing a pass deep down the field on a 3rd and 2 call that set up a touchdown.:lmao:

nor was it the defense that came from behind earlier in the season down by three touchdowns against the tampa bay bucs to win that game.Last time I checked it was wilson making those plays with his arm to win that game for them.:cuckoo:

every kept him saying he could not win against the niners if they got down against them and had to bring them from behind to win.

all he does is prove people wrong time and time over and over again.:cuckoo::lmao:

im so gald the hawks got him.I wouldnt take any other qb in the league right now over him.Not cam newton,not RG3,not whats his name from the colts. that guy threw 3 interceptions in both playoff games.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


Wilson is nothing too special. He's a sub par thrower. He has good wheels, but if he were on a less defensive team, he'd get buried. Manziel, I don't pay enough attention to say where he's at exactly. But the bar is not Wilson. If anything, the bar is Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees for smaller QB's; which shows what a Johnny come lately poser Manziel really is, imo.

Damn you to hell Gatsby !!! Blasphamy !!! "a sub par thrower" ??? The DEFENSE didn't give Wilson the second best all time Superbowl QB Passer rating of 123.1.

Oh, you mean that same Denver defense that made Joe Flacco look like an all-time great? QB rating is possibly one of the most misleading stats in the first place.
Wilson is nothing too special. He's a sub par thrower. He has good wheels, but if he were on a less defensive team, he'd get buried. Manziel, I don't pay enough attention to say where he's at exactly. But the bar is not Wilson. If anything, the bar is Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees for smaller QB's; which shows what a Johnny come lately poser Manziel really is, imo.

Damn you to hell Gatsby !!! Blasphamy !!! "a sub par thrower" ??? The DEFENSE didn't give Wilson the second best all time Superbowl QB Passer rating of 123.1.

Oh, you mean that same Denver defense that made Joe Flacco look like an all-time great? QB rating is possibly one of the most misleading stats in the first place.

How many players on the 2006 Broncos SB team suited up two weeks ago in Jew Jersey? Speaking of lobbing up ducks...

Even YOU should have headed THAT post off at the pass. :lol:

I'm not saying that Wilson is the 2nd best QB in the NFL at this juncture. He IS only entering into his third season. Most sophs have somewhat of a slump. Winning a Superbowl is hardly that. The fact that has eluded many critics of the few that do criticise Wilson is that he DOES in fact throw the ball well. He just doesn't throw it with the frequency some QBs do. He rarely throws the short safe ball that pads the stats of a Manning. The Seahawks feature the run more than the pass. THAT is not because Carroll has a lack of faith in Wilson's abilities. It is because one winning function of the run is that unless your RB is a pussy and goes out of bounds ...the run game eats up the clock. Remember "the clock" ? It is a game played within 60 minutes. Those QBs that hoist the ball into the air 40-50 times also throw 20-25 into the dirt which stops the clock.

Wilson stays the program and when he throws for 16 completions in 22 attempts only six times do his passes stop the clock.. the rest of them usually get first downs.

Not always does the defense win a Seahawk game. Wilson has flat put the team on his back and "on his arm" on many occasions.

You can scoff at Russell Wilson all you want. More likely it is just jealousy. He DID throw the pass to Kearse that put the Seahawks ahead in the National Conference championship. Good times !! He WASN'T the QB that in the fourth qtr threw TWO ints and fumbled away the game like a certain Colin Kaepernick did. More Good Times .. !!

Maybe not jealousy...just ignorance. I wouldn't trade Wilson for any QB on any team for any amount of money. Even though some think he is too short and a "sup par thrower".
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Kid reminds me of Fran Tarkenton. He can make things happen. He's got leadership, moxie, and poise. I hope he makes it to the Vikings pick, but I think he is long gone by then.

funny i thought you were talking about wilson whom NFL analysists are always comparing wilson to.

Actually I like Wilson as a QB more than Tarkenton. Time will tell if he has as long and storied career, but he already accomplished a SB victory, while Tarkenton always disappeared in his. I think Manziel could wind up being something special though.
I hate to say it but OBVIOUSLY the NFL GMs read HUGGY's posts on USMB.

THAT's the onliest way to explain how I was the only person practically on the internets to splain the TRUTH about Johnnie Football and here it is near the end of the first round of the draft and Manzeil hasn't had to reach for the phone.

I hate to say it but when it comes to the NFL football it don't pay to ignore my posts.
Manziel is an idiot.

He is NOTHING like Russell Wilson.

Any team that wastes a top pick on him is a pack of morons.

If he ever makes it into the starting position as QB in the NFL I predict he will be squashed like a grape.


cant wait till the day comes where you have to eat crow Huggy.actually you are ALREADY eating crow with this post NOW sayng Manziel is NOTHING like Wilson.Like wilson,he is a great scrambler and improvises very wilson,he is also 5'11''. the cleveland browns hit a jackpot.He is in a good long as they dont start him this season and wi year,he is in a great postion to succeed.Not confidant about his head coach he has but aving kyle shannahan as a tutor,he is in a great position.they just beter not get stupid and throw him in his first year,he isnt ready for that,they d that,then all bets are off.

the people that are morons are the texans and many other teams in need of a quarterback who passed up on him.texans dont even have a quarterback now.having clowney wont do them a damn bit of good having a great defense but no quarterback that can move the chains.they fucked up royally.they should have drafted derek carr to play on the bench a couple seasons and watch and learn with their second pick.major fuckup.
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QB jersey for Cleveland fans
thats being kinda hypocritical sayng cleveland will bad because of their PAST mistakes,your doingthe same thing that people were saying to you on the seahawks,they were aying the hawks would not win the superbowl based on their PAST failures when all the stuff they did in the past was irrelevent this past year. as long as they dont go and be stupid and keep manziel on the bench for at least one year,their miserys are over.he is that special player like wilson and bradu who makes all the other players on the team better playerst than they are.he is a special talent thatnone of those others were.

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