Jokes you've pulled at work


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
In high school, I worked at a WalMart for a few months in my senior year. It was a joke. I wanted to work only in one hour photo but they kept pulling me out to do different stuff. One day, they gave me a shitload of these magnetized stickers to attach to new merchandise going out on the floor. These things had to be demagnetized at the checkout or it would set off the loss control alarms at the door.

I finished and still had a couple hundred left. I was bored and got this great idea. I went in the back room and started putting these stickers on random peoples coats (it was winter). Then, why stop there? I went out to the floor and started sticking them (unobtrusively) on every shopping cart I could find.

It was funny as hell. The alarms kept going off for just about anyone who walked through the door. They finally had to turn them off.
In high school, I worked at a WalMart for a few months in my senior year. It was a joke. I wanted to work only in one hour photo but they kept pulling me out to do different stuff. One day, they gave me a shitload of these magnetized stickers to attach to new merchandise going out on the floor. These things had to be demagnetized at the checkout or it would set off the loss control alarms at the door.

I finished and still had a couple hundred left. I was bored and got this great idea. I went in the back room and started putting these stickers on random peoples coats (it was winter). Then, why stop there? I went out to the floor and started sticking them (unobtrusively) on every shopping cart I could find.

It was funny as hell. The alarms kept going off for just about anyone who walked through the door. They finally had to turn them off.
I'd have fired you.
In high school, I worked at a WalMart for a few months in my senior year. It was a joke. I wanted to work only in one hour photo but they kept pulling me out to do different stuff. One day, they gave me a shitload of these magnetized stickers to attach to new merchandise going out on the floor. These things had to be demagnetized at the checkout or it would set off the loss control alarms at the door.

I finished and still had a couple hundred left. I was bored and got this great idea. I went in the back room and started putting these stickers on random peoples coats (it was winter). Then, why stop there? I went out to the floor and started sticking them (unobtrusively) on every shopping cart I could find.

It was funny as hell. The alarms kept going off for just about anyone who walked through the door. They finally had to turn them off.

While on a training rotation to Fort Irwin, CA with the 1st Cavalry Division (US Army) my squad was out in the middle of the Mojave essentially playing a massive division on division-sized game of laser tag. One day our new squad sergeant, who'd just come into our unit from Germany, and who wanted nothing do with training or leading anyone else, as he was about to "take the money and run" went off to do his "business" about a hundred meters from our M113 Armored Personnel Carrier.

So the old sergeant found himself a gully deep enough to hide every part of him but his head and Kevlar helmet and the MILES gear (laser tag) sensor "halo" wrapped around it. So, we had discovered earlier we could activate the laser tag beam without firing a blank from our rifles by tapping on the box a certain way. So while old staff sergeant was doing his business out there in said gully, we kept tapping the MILES laser box while aiming at his head. Every few seconds his laser tag sensor on his Kevlar helmet would chirp loudly, and he would stand up out of that gully and look around, thinking OPFOR enemy forces were sniping at him. He was like a prairie dog popping up out there.

In high school, I worked at a WalMart for a few months in my senior year. It was a joke. I wanted to work only in one hour photo but they kept pulling me out to do different stuff. One day, they gave me a shitload of these magnetized stickers to attach to new merchandise going out on the floor. These things had to be demagnetized at the checkout or it would set off the loss control alarms at the door.

I finished and still had a couple hundred left. I was bored and got this great idea. I went in the back room and started putting these stickers on random peoples coats (it was winter). Then, why stop there? I went out to the floor and started sticking them (unobtrusively) on every shopping cart I could find.

It was funny as hell. The alarms kept going off for just about anyone who walked through the door. They finally had to turn them off.
And people wonder why I think so many of the people around should never be hired?
And people wonder why I think so many of the people around should never be hired?
Yeah. I was a trouble maker. There's the time the yanked me off to automotive to fill up 40 helium balloons. They put the tank in the back room. When I was finished, I waited around to be reassigned. In the meantime, I showed the guys there how to fill up a balloon and inhale it so your voice got squeaky. Soon, I was put back in photo.

The guys in automotive also did oil changes and new tires....while you shopped. They would announce over the PA that a certain customers car was ready. I started cracking up when all their announcements were being done in this donald duck voice, due to the helium.
Back when I was a machinist we'd always mess with the new guys.
At lunch or during a break we'd start talking about how bad the mouse and rat problem was in the building making sure he was within ear shot.
The next day we'd stick a marshmallow in the toe of his boot before he got to work.
The black dudes were hilarious!!! They would absolutely freak out!!!
Another one that was frequently pulled .....
You turn off a guys airline at the main line,then take off the airline and we'd fill it with oil or blueing and reattach it.
In high school, I worked at a WalMart for a few months in my senior year. It was a joke. I wanted to work only in one hour photo but they kept pulling me out to do different stuff. One day, they gave me a shitload of these magnetized stickers to attach to new merchandise going out on the floor. These things had to be demagnetized at the checkout or it would set off the loss control alarms at the door.

I finished and still had a couple hundred left. I was bored and got this great idea. I went in the back room and started putting these stickers on random peoples coats (it was winter). Then, why stop there? I went out to the floor and started sticking them (unobtrusively) on every shopping cart I could find.

It was funny as hell. The alarms kept going off for just about anyone who walked through the door. They finally had to turn them off.

YEah funny NOT

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