Jon Stewart Exploring Senate Run with Eye on Presidency

Nope. I'm a THINKING Democrat. In social issues I am very liberal. Whatever you want to do in the privacy of your own home doesn't concern me in the slightest. It is likewise none of your business how I live my life.

Uh huh, so what if I'm making pipe bombs in the privacy of my home? This "social liberal and fiscal conservative" routine is a dodge; an inability to grasp the two things are incompatible. If you believe abortion on demand and non-gender bathrooms are examples of social justice, then you're a yellow dog dem. If not, I will allow you to call yourself a strong defense, personal responsibility, low taxes, right to life, blue-dog dem.

Pipe bombs go off not infrequently when they are being played with. Thus, when the shrapnel penetrates the side of my house you have broken the rule now haven't you. I have no problem with abortion on demand until the third trimester. Then I no longer approve of it. Non gendered bathrooms I likewise have no problem with so long as the people using them are truly transgendered. I DO see a problem with pedophiles using those laws as excuses to perpetrate crimes on children. That needs to be stopped outright.

You see I understand that the healthiest governments are those that have a good mix of socialist AND capitalist policies. Too far in either direction and the middle class gets screwed.

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