Jon Stewart warns of more risks to the political system than just Trump

Ben Shapiro from Daily Wire? LoL - Stewart would leave him crying. :D

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
Daily Wire is a conservative site. They admit as such openly. Watch how he dismantles the Young Turks (openly leftist). Very politely and very well. Post debate Cenk said he would never debate Ben again as debating Ben Shapiro is like debating a robot.

Even leftists like Slade3200 respect Ben Shapiro. I am surprised you have never heard of him.

That's kinda the way we feel about anyone who voted for the Mango Menace. Now did you have something intelligent to say about Stewart's comments?

His comments are meaningless, feckless with little substance. The only comment worth discussion is with regards to social media radicalizing people. He is correct, but not the way he or you likely thinks.

The radicalization is left-wing, labeling anything that doesn’t correspond to their narrative as misinformation. It has created and is creating the massive government takeover that is being pushed by the radical left. The ultra-wealthy that run the social media will benefit as they will be in control. The sad part is that those on the left will not recogize just how much they have been taken for ride until it is far too late. Some will never figure it out. Incrementalism coupled with this type of indoctrination that allows for it will be the death of America. Asking a Democrat to wake up before it is too late is a waste of time.
Daily Wire is a conservative site. They admit as such openly. Watch how he dismantles the Young Turks (openly leftist). Very politely and very well. Post debate Cenk said he would never debate Ben again as debating Ben Shapiro is like debating a robot.

Even leftists like Slade3200 respect Ben Shapiro. I am surprised you have never heard of him.

I dig Shapiro… he gets a little carried away with the Partisan agenda stuff when he is doing his podcasts and radio show but he is great in Q&As and debates. I like the way he engages with others
Daily Wire is a conservative site. They admit as such openly. Watch how he dismantles the Young Turks (openly leftist). Very politely and very well. Post debate Cenk said he would never debate Ben again as debating Ben Shapiro is like debating a robot.

Even leftists like Slade3200 respect Ben Shapiro. I am surprised you have never heard of him.

Nothing wrong with good conservative sites like Red State, Fox News & National Revew. Plenty wrong with Daily Wire

Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

As for the Young Turks dude? UGH - Can’t stand the guy. He’s the very definition of a hack/shill. I’m quite sure that Ben ripped him a new one!
Nothing wrong with good conservative sites like Red State, Fox News & National Revew. Plenty wrong with Daily Wire

Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

As for the Young Turks dude? UGH - Can’t stand the guy. He’s the very definition of a hack/shill. I’m quite sure that Ben ripped him a new one!
Daily Wire doesn’t do conspiracy theories. That’s not true and a false accusation
He makes some great points. Thoughts?

Stewart 2024!
Daily Wire doesn’t do conspiracy theories. That’s not true and a false accusation
Fox news is guilty too

“We tried very hard to get a person who runs a news division now to come on the show, to speak publicly. They all turned us down,” Stewart said. “These are people who run news organizations. People that their business model relies on access and transparency.”

Stewart then said, “it’s all about transparency and the powerful must be held accountable. When you ask them to defend their product and their business model and we even did zoom calls with a couple of them. To explain what we were trying to do and what we wanted to talk about they would all say, ‘let me run it up the chain.’ I’m not sure where that chain ends but I’m sure it’s up somebody’s ass. None of them would appear!”

“It’s fucking crazy. It’s crazy that someone who runs a news organization that goes to people houses when their kid has died. To knock on the door and go ‘Hey, how’s that feel! Come out and talk to us!’ They make it so that you owe them access and yet when you want to put them on camera to talk about the business model that you think is exploitative,” Stewart said. “If you work in an industry where the reason for being is to find out the truth and illuminate the dark corners and to expose corruption and yet you yourself will not come on and allow that same scrutiny to be applied to you. Fucking incredible.”
Fox news is guilty too

“We tried very hard to get a person who runs a news division now to come on the show, to speak publicly. They all turned us down,” Stewart said. “These are people who run news organizations. People that their business model relies on access and transparency.”

Stewart then said, “it’s all about transparency and the powerful must be held accountable. When you ask them to defend their product and their business model and we even did zoom calls with a couple of them. To explain what we were trying to do and what we wanted to talk about they would all say, ‘let me run it up the chain.’ I’m not sure where that chain ends but I’m sure it’s up somebody’s ass. None of them would appear!”

“It’s fucking crazy. It’s crazy that someone who runs a news organization that goes to people houses when their kid has died. To knock on the door and go ‘Hey, how’s that feel! Come out and talk to us!’ They make it so that you owe them access and yet when you want to put them on camera to talk about the business model that you think is exploitative,” Stewart said. “If you work in an industry where the reason for being is to find out the truth and illuminate the dark corners and to expose corruption and yet you yourself will not come on and allow that same scrutiny to be applied to you. Fucking incredible.”
Ben Shapiro will go to any and all shows. I cannot speak for Fox News.
The driving force in US politics is poverty of the working class. Trump rose to popularity with promises to change that and the working class believed him. If he ever regains power he will eventually have to address that.
Unfortunately the American system can make Trump immune to criticism and backlash for not delivering. He gets his 4 years regardless of whether he's totally dedicated to playing to the very wealthy.

Jon Stewart doesn't take into consideration the chance of the working class people finally departing from the American way that has literally destroyed all chances of the American people gaining a piece of the American pie.

It won't be tolerated forever and the Trump popularity is an indication that the people had started to stand up to regaining their rights and freedoms.

However, Trump still holds some aces. His gambit will need to be in separating the white working class from the other ethnicities by informing white middle class and poor that a piece of the pie to them brings a piece of the pie to the dark skin people too.

Will that still work for Trump?
Oh stop it...Under Trump, average household income went up as did wages without the inflation that dipshit Biden has caused.
Were a Republic. Are you going to call a duck a goose because they both have flat bills, webbed feet and swim? Of course you won't

Face it, no matter how bad you want us to be, we aren't a democracy. Laws aren't decided by democratic methods. The only democratic process that exists in this country is the way we choose our elected representatives.
Democracies are mob rule-----
Our founders never meant for idiots and town drunks to vote---
Hence why only land owners---they wanted the successful, more intelligent, contributing people to vote assuming that overall that they would and do make better choices than the mob idiots.
Ben Shapiro will go to any and all shows. I cannot speak for Fox News.
So will Randi Rhodes. MSNBC won't let her on air. Too liberal.

Breitbart News has published a number of falsehoods and conspiracy theories,[11] as well as intentionally misleading stories

It has sometimes published these misleading stories as part of an intentional strategy to manipulate media narratives via disinformation.
Oh stop it...Under Trump, average household income went up as did wages without the inflation that dipshit Biden has caused.
We got a very minor very temporary bump from Trump's tax break

And sure, Obama handed Trump a great economy. No recession, no pandemic, no new war raising gas prices. Of course his massive tax break to guys like him gave us a minor bump. Temporary.

What growth did Trump have in 2019? 2.3%? Pathetic. Trump mocked Obama for having under 3%. And after his tax break we were all expecting at least 3%. Oh yea, he started a trade war with China.
We got a very minor very temporary bump from Trump's tax break

And sure, Obama handed Trump a great economy. No recession, no pandemic, no new war raising gas prices. Of course his massive tax break to guys like him gave us a minor bump. Temporary.

What growth did Trump have in 2019? 2.3%? Pathetic. Trump mocked Obama for having under 3%. And after his tax break we were all expecting at least 3%. Oh yea, he started a trade war with China.
Oh stop with the BS---most recessions only last 2 years before fully bouncing back. Obama never bounced back--not till Trump got in. Under Obama, people remained unemployed that they fell of the unemployment rolls and the average household income WENT DOWN under Obama. Not till Trump got in did the economy recover to the point where household income went back up as the did the average wages. Obama's economy sucked despite the trillions $$$ wasted in it as Obama scammed money. And fyi, that fucking Obama got us into plenty of wars.

It is not Trumps fault that fauci/China/dems unleased the covid virus upon the world. In fact, it was under obama and with Obama's help that Fauci was able to funnel money to the chinese to develope the killer virus.
Jon Stewart!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA..might as well have Mickey Mouse give his opinions
..Mr Trump was trying to HELP get America to not be fkd up
..Bidumb is fking up America--Biduumb is everything you idiots accused Mr Trump of--making you look very silly
Bidumb is a nazi dictator
white hater
open borders!!!!! fking up America
saying FU to the police and kneeling for Criminals
Bidumb can't complete sentences = he's totally incompetent
The hilarious part about an article like this is the fact that using Jon Stewart as a standard information bearer is the ultimate insult to the intelligent mind. When a nation depends on celebrities instead of experienced leadership to make wise decisions for them their extinction has at that point moved from the realm of theory to the realm of certainty.

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