JonBenet's case and the DNA evidence


Jun 5, 2015
From the very beginning, people were cleared in the Ramsey case based on the foreign DNA found under her fingernails. (Helgoth and Eustace among others) Later law enforcement told us they had found the same foreign dna mixed with her blood, left in her panties. Even later, they found more of the same dna on the longjohns she was wearing when she died, outside, on the sides. Based on that, and more which will be covered in other threads, the Ramseys were cleared. The DA issued an apology for the Hell the Ramseys had lived through.

The DNA is in CODIS, hopefully there will one day be a hit. But with so MANY rape and assault kits sitting in evidence rooms, unprocessed, don't hold your breath. Still, the locations of the dna tells us a lot.

I believe, along with others, that JonBenet scratched her assailant. He instinctively touched the wound. Then when he broke the paintbrush to make the garrotte, when he put his hands where she should never have been touched, he carried his blood and a minute sliver from the brush to her vaginal area.

We are talking about foreign dna, mixed with her blood. There is no innocent explanation for finding foreign dna where it was found.
Based on what? She had helped raise three stepchildren and the two still living at the time of the murder publicly defended Patsy, as adults the said that Patsy was a wonderful mother. Burke was only 9 so the state went in to see if they needed to remove him, they found no reason to do that. Friends who later turned on her for various reasons (pronounced 'money from tabloid press' or 'they forgot me') started out saying the parents would NEVER have hurt her. If you do a search you may find where Tony Frost of tabloid fame said no one had anything bad to say about the family -no one. That was before they realized the tabloids paid well for negative stories, nothing for positive ones.

Just interested in knowing why you blame Patsy when the DNA as well as her personal history point in a different direction.
patsy ramsey was cleared by the dna evidence....much of what the public believes about this case is wrong
I think it's sad so many don't know the parents were cleared. Or that they KNOW and still accuse the parents. The killer got away with it, and could have other victims.

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