Joni Ernst Repub SOTU response

Pretty good speech. I like her. She's charming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.

I turned Morning Joe off this morning.....
Where the fuck is Scarborough these days anyway?
Off on Monday.In yesterday.Off today....

I'm not watching the Morning Mika show...
Howard Dean this morning with Mika....WTF?
well it obvious you haven't been watching very long....Scarborough has that flue thats been going on ... thank goodness with a breath of fresh air ... he's not there ranting his biased ignorant garbage ... I actually watch it today I usually wait until 7:00 Denver time before I go to MSNBC .... I've emailed that show so many times they know me ... get scarborough off the air campaign ... were up to 10,000 people Plus I hope he stays sick more often
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Pretty good speech. I like her. She's charming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.
btards are always ASSuming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.

I turned Morning Joe off this morning.....
Where the fuck is Scarborough these days anyway?
Off on Monday.In yesterday.Off today....

I'm not watching the Morning Mika show...
Howard Dean this morning with Mika....WTF?
well it obvious you haven't been watching very long....Scarborough has that flue thats been going on ... thank goodness with a breath of fresh air ... he's not there ranting his biased ignorant garbage ... I actually watch it today I usually wait until 7:00 Denver time before I go to MSNBC .... I've emailed that show so many times they know me ... get scarborough off the air campaign ... were up to 10,000 people Plus I hope he stays sick more often
Libtarded idiots watching ms lad, no wonder they are delusional.
Pretty good speech. I like her. She's charming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected
Are ashamed of electing the biggest joke in US history Obutthurt?
They should have just played a rerun of a Limbaugh show from sometime in the last 6 years.
She was more truthful than Obutthurt.
she was a joke ... the problem you have is you're to stupid to realize how goo he has done ... stock market through the roof ... health care, affordable health care... many things and people like you are to stupid to see how good we have it because of this president
You are stupid enough to buy all that crap. Obutthurt is a failure.
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.
Obama is a piece of shit you people keep trotting out.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected
Are ashamed of electing the biggest joke in US history Obutthurt?
The liberal's treatment of the first federal elected woman in Iowa is typically vicious And here the fuckin' liberals dare to accuse Republicans of misogyny?

Prepare for Joni to be Palinized by those cowards who are not fit to fill her combat boots.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected
Are ashamed of electing the biggest joke in US history Obutthurt?
The liberal's treatment of the first federal elected woman in Iowa is typically vicious And here the fuckin' liberals dare to accuse Republicans of misogyny?
Libtards are the immoral retards. Go Hawkeyes:)
They should have just played a rerun of a Limbaugh show from sometime in the last 6 years.
She was more truthful than Obutthurt.
she was a joke ... the problem you have is you're to stupid to realize how goo he has done ... stock market through the roof ... health care, affordable health care... many things and people like you are to stupid to see how good we have it because of this president
Obama has nothing yo do with anything good happening in America.
They should have just played a rerun of a Limbaugh show from sometime in the last 6 years.
She was more truthful than Obutthurt.
she was a joke ... the problem you have is you're to stupid to realize how goo he has done ... stock market through the roof ... health care, affordable health care... many things and people like you are to stupid to see how good we have it because of this president
You are stupid enough to buy all that crap. Obutthurt is a failure.
can't stand it when we libs are right !!!!drives ya soooooooooooooo crazy that you can't even spell obama correctly....
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected
Are ashamed of electing the biggest joke in US history Obutthurt?
The liberal's treatment of the first federal elected woman in Iowa is typically vicious And here the fuckin' liberals dare to accuse Republicans of misogyny?
Libtards are the immoral retards. Go Hawkeyes:)
Pretty good speech. I like her. She's charming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected
Are ashamed of electing the biggest joke in US history Obutthurt?
Oh whiney boy, whining about liberals ... can't stand it when you're wrong I'm loving it... we libs did a better job then you and your fellow repub-lie-tards
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.

I turned Morning Joe off this morning.....
Where the fuck is Scarborough these days anyway?
Off on Monday.In yesterday.Off today....

I'm not watching the Morning Mika show...
Howard Dean this morning with Mika....WTF?
well it obvious you haven't been watching very long....Scarborough has that flue thats been going on ... thank goodness with a breath of fresh air ... he's not there ranting his biased ignorant garbage ... I actually watch it today I usually wait until 7:00 Denver time before I go to MSNBC .... I've emailed that show so many times they know me ... get scarborough off the air campaign ... were up to 10,000 people Plus I hope he stays sick more often
Libtarded idiots watching ms lad, no wonder they are delusional.
like a psycho like you can tell ... its nut cases like you whose their own worst enemy ... the delusion is all you
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

Good call on your part.
But what was the woman gonna say? No we don't think taxing the rich more to help the struggling middle class is a good idea. We Republicans actually think that cutting food stamps. eliminating the EIC and leaving the middle class alone along with a reduction in taxes on the ultra wealthy would be the best course of action.

I wish she would have said that.

Funny, under Obama the American middle class in far worse off than it was under George Bush or any other President since the Great Depression. She clearly said anything but the failed crap Obama has been doing for the last 6 years.

Based on the results of the last election I say the American People agree with her. :)
Pretty good speech. I like her. She's charming.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.
btards are always ASSuming.
look at this clown thinks he's clever .... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no thats funny ... wonder if he'll ever pull his head out of his ass ...
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

Good call on your part.
But what was the woman gonna say? No we don't think taxing the rich more to help the struggling middle class is a good idea. We Republicans actually think that cutting food stamps. eliminating the EIC and leaving the middle class alone along with a reduction in taxes on the ultra wealthy would be the best course of action.

I wish she would have said that.

Funny, under Obama the American middle class in far worse off than it was under George Bush or any other President since the Great Depression. She clearly said anything but the failed crap Obama has been doing for the last 6 years.

Based on the results of the last election I say the American People agree with her. :)
actually, they are starting to see they made a huge mistake by electing repub-lie-cans seems you have realized that obama's popularity is not at 50% if it keeps going you guys a toast
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy
“Ernst was supposed to sell the idea of a Republican party that cares about the middle class and has solutions for them. Since they do not have solutions for the middle class, this was a real challenge. But we never even got to real policy, because Ernst delivered a stilted, forced, fake and awkward sounding rebuttal that was so careful and slow, she sounded like a disembodied voice recording of syllables turned into words.”

Another Republican Failure Joni Ernst Crashes and Burns During Bread Bag Infused SOTU Rebuttal

She never got to real policy because republicans have no real policy to offer – save that of 'Obama bad.'

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