Joni Ernst Repub SOTU response

Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.
We Iowans are proud of Joni

You all should be. She was great !
I could not believe it but even Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe had nice things to say about her today.
she was a joke and all the news channels are saying what a joke she is ... Iowa should be ashamed she was elected

You obviously did not watch Morning Joe.
btards are always ASSuming.
look at this clown thinks he's clever .... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no thats funny ... wonder if he'll ever pull his head out of his ass ...
You are the clown, idiot.
You know what is happening...all was lost the GOP won midterms big the Black Quarterback Obama Wilson looked lost and past all was then OSOTU[Operating System Of the Universe] said enough... start slinging it Black QB "you'll get TD"....throw up any kind of pop fly ball on that 2 point conversion "I got your back"...
Well during the SOTU President Wilson Obama scored 3 TDs in a few minutes of speech leaving the GOP staring at camouflage shoes on the feet of a castratix while Obama moves on to the "Big Dance"
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.
Didn't see either speech. Went to the movies and saw American Sniper instead.

I am amused that the GOP trotted her out to do if the women of America are so silly as to be so easily fooled by this.

How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller
How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

Never denied it was true.
The anecdote is true just as it is true that the GOP opposed the LLFPA.
How exactly were women being fooled? And please be specific. :)
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.

LOL, you mean like this?

"Yuen, Jessica",Detailee,"$89,033.00",Per Annum,POLICY ADVISOR

"Zaidi, Ali A.",Detailee,"$68,712.00",Per Annum,POLICY ADVISOR
no !!!! you be specific on what she said that was so great ... Imean you guys are saying she's the best thing since sliced bread .... all I heard is the same stupidity from the right ... its like they are their own worst enemy

Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -
Ya know...some day a Republican will again occupy the oval office. And while I admit that for the Democrats, 2016 is beginning to shape up nicely, Hillary (much less any candidate) is a shoo-in.

While I agree with the spirit of the post by billyerock1991 I am hopeful we can avoid being the irrational idiots that the right wing posters have become. Nobody has proclaimed this Senator to be the best thing since sliced bread (at this time, her name escapes me) anymore than anyone of standing has proclaimed Obama to be a messiah.

As for women being fooled, I have WQ on ignore so I didn't read her post. Any woman who considers herself a republican has relegated herself to be a second class citizen incapable of making her own medical choices, is happy being paid less than a male doing equal work, and is in favor (at least to some degree) of women having to stay in an abusive relationship for financial considerations. If you disagree, explain your party's positions on the LLFPA, the VAWA, and Roe.

You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

I just posted you an example directly from the report showing a WOMAN making MORE than a MAN working under the SAME JOB TITLE.

Grow up.
You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

I just posted you an example directly from the report showing a WOMAN making MORE than a MAN working under the SAME JOB TITLE.

Grow up.

And I posted the actual report
You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

I just posted you an example directly from the report showing a WOMAN making MORE than a MAN working under the SAME JOB TITLE.

Grow up.

And I posted the actual report

My example is FROM the report dumbass. Where are your examples?
You might want to take up the issue of women being paid equal as a man with Obama's own staff who get paid less than a man does in the same job.
Having young women well informed about what they are aborting is not making them incapable of making medical choices.
It's the left who want women to stay poor & dependent on the government with welfare help and want them unarmed so they can't protect themselves from the abuser.

You know nothing about the subjects you're attempting to comment on.

Perhaps you should get better informed.
Obama White House paid women staffers 13 percent less than men in 2012 The Daily Caller

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

I just posted you an example directly from the report showing a WOMAN making MORE than a MAN working under the SAME JOB TITLE.

Grow up.

Ironic comments from the far left drone that acts like a two year old.

You're too stupid to see the propagandist dishonesty of that article, right?

Propaganda huh?
Then check out the actual report.
2012 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff The White House
Do you think Investors Business Daily is also a propaganda site or do you just not like the Daily Caller?
No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

I just posted you an example directly from the report showing a WOMAN making MORE than a MAN working under the SAME JOB TITLE.

Grow up.

And I posted the actual report

My example is FROM the report dumbass. Where are your examples?

It has more to do with women who are over-represented at the lower salary levels, and under-represented at the higher salary level.

What we have is a systemic preference for hiring men in higher paying jobs.
Which also happens in the private sector as well.

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