Jordan loses third vote as support in the GOP dwindles.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
This is going to go on and on and on....

It won't be until the Government is shut down for a couple of weeks for them to get serious.

But that's apparently what many in the GOP want.
This is going to go on and on and on....

It won't be until the Government is shut down for a couple of weeks for them to get serious.

But that's apparently what many in the GOP want.
Its clear that Gym cant get the votes needed. Who is the compromise candidate ?
Must have had a death threat.
He came on our Biggest local / Regional TV News Station and explained how he sent a message on how upset he was about how his longtime good friend and fellow California Congressman McCarthy was treated , but was on board for Jordan for third vote .
Its clear that Gym cant get the votes needed. Who is the compromise candidate ?
I think their problem is that McCarthy's speakership was not intended to last. Did Gass take out McCarthy just because Trump wants a shutdown of his trials? Dunno.

Now the non Trump reps blame the dems. But really, would the dems save a speaker who advanced impeaching a potus of their party? (not that I thought impeaching Trump THE FIRST TIME was a good idea.) And no matter which goper the dems are called upon to "install," the impeachment will go on. The gop is not offering any compromise on taxes or soc sec. And they're asking for help? lol
The Establisment GOP see a.wartime cash opportunity and they want one of their guys in their to dole it out. Any Speaker should consider attaching a $5B reqirement for a border wall befor more war money is handed out.

The nays are up to 25 now. He is threatening to keep them there all weekend But it is not clear how he can get the support needed..

Divided parties dont win elections.
More votes will not get him closer
Jordan is losing support.

McCarthy is closest to regaining the Speakership
They need to read the riot act to the eight who kicked them out

The nays are up to 25 now. He is threatening to keep them there all weekend But it is not clear how he can get the support needed..

Divided parties dont win elections.
Jordan is a POS! 3rd in line for the Presidency? No fucking way!
Anyone that donates to either major political party has rocks in their head.
The attempt to find an antiwar speaker will be long and difficult but allowing the hawks to install the alternative can be delayed longer to hamper Biden's war (s) efforts.

What countries will America's show of force be directed against this time?

Taking Syria for the apartheid regime seems like such a natural, considering that the Zionists' wars are always primarily to gain territory for Jews of the world.

If Russia didn't move so quickly to defend Syria, it would have happened long before now.

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