Jordan Neely Was on ‘Top 50’ List of at-Risk New York City Homeless People

Still, no reason to be killed.

Not gonna make us popular, but I agree.

It's pretty obvious this guy wasn't a Boy Scout and had some serious fucken problems and had assaulted people in the past - I don't think that can be debated.

Still, I think we're better off living according to the rule of law and not by the rule of men. I also think it's a reasonable ask to lobby for better mental health treatment infrastructure. Maybe this guy could have gotten *some* help.

The one thing I will agree with conservatives on is that this post-George Floyd rollout of "criminal justice reform" has been a disaster in a lot of places. I go back to visit family in PA regularly and in that state, they expunged the convictions of those who had a misdemeanor offense. The problem is this list included those who were convicted of both misdemeanors *and* felonies. Total clusterfuck.

And then the idiot DA in the next county over from mine makes and publicizes a list of all the crimes her office isn't going to prosecute. Like how dumb can people get?!
What about my idea of deporting the illegals from shelters and using them to house the mentally ill? We are throwing billions of dollars away each year housing people who shouldn’t even be here in the first place.
you make an excellent point. State and the Federal govt are spending millions housing illegals in cities…buildings and resources that could be spent helping citizens with mental health issues get the help they need.

the reality is that the demafacist would rather take advantage of mentally ill folks on Skid Row, then make them productive members of society…and then a threat to their power
Where’s the indication that the Marine needed anger-management classes? He subdued the savage criminal who was threatening everyone on the subway car. It’s not like he lashed out at an innocent person.
I think the marine might prefer anger management classes to jail. I would.
sad…sorry to hear

i bet those same liberals don’t bother to donate food or their time to the soup kitchen or food bank in your area to help even feed the guy

You know they don't.

They're the ones lining up to receive the benefit.

Gimme Gimme Gimme

you make an excellent point. State and the Federal govt are spending millions housing illegals in cities…buildings and resources that could be spent helping citizens with mental health issues get the help they need.

the reality is that the demafacist would rather take advantage of mentally ill folks on Skid Row, then make them productive members of society…and then a threat to their power

Life on the plantation.

I think the marine might prefer anger management classes to jail. I would.

So if you were on the subway with your child or elderly parent and felt threatened by an obviously crazy person, and someone stepped in and neutralized that threat, would you demand that the neutralizer be treated like a mentally ill person?

I'm surprised. You normally make a lot more sense than this.

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I think the marine might prefer anger management classes to jail. I would.
He has no indication of having an anger issue. Why don’t we put all these violent thugs who stab people, push them onto subway tracks, throw them down stairs, or punch them in the head as the victim innocent walks by into anger management classes?

So if you were on the subway with your child or elderly parent and felt threatened by an obviously crazy person, and someone stepped in and neutralized that threat, you would demand that the neutralizer be treated like a mentally ill person?

I'm surprised. You normally make a lot more sense than this.

I noticed that too. I think Wamoose has swallowed a little of the Democrat koolaide.
Like I said on the other thread, this threatening savage needed to be neutralized. The heroic White Marine did just that.

I believe it should be perfectly justifiable to murder the other 49 homeless people on that list.....

All of them are dangerous and can potentially kill others, taking them out now is perfectly justifiable...
I got in trouble years ago for popping some dude who was throwing his girlfriend around. I thought I did the right thing but the law didn't. Right then, I learned that being righteous can land you in jail and cost you some money. But like I said, I feel bad for that marine and I hope he gets off easier than taking a manslaughter rap.

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