Jordan Peterson forced to goto "social media training" class by Canadian government.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

Our Canadian posters love to flaunt their nation as being better.
Except here is Mr Peterson being forced into a re education camp for acceptable speech or lose his license to practice.

Very communist of Canada eh.... 😆
Ball players are routinely fined for speaking out against the organization they belong to.

Our Canadian posters love to flaunt their nation as being better.
Except here is Mr Peterson being forced into a re education camp for acceptable speech or lose his license to practice.

Very communist of Canada eh.... 😆


He is NOT being “forced” by the government. He is required by the professional organization in which he belongs. Peterson took it to court and lost.

He is NOT being “forced” by the government. He is required by the professional organization in which he belongs. Peterson took it to court and lost.
So by a courts decision he must attend re education camp or be stripped of his license.
The courts (government) should have defended his right to free speech.

So, I am correct.

He is NOT being “forced” by the government. He is required by the professional organization in which he belongs. Peterson took it to court and lost.
The courts are the state. In upholding a clearly preposterous requirement, the government/state is complicit. Peterson is a voice desperately needed and official Canada is participating in the plot against such freedom of speech.
So by a courts decision he must attend re education camp or be stripped of his license.
The courts (government) should have defended his right to free speech.

So, I am correct.

No you are NOT correct.

He belongs to a professional organization that sets standards of behavior for its members. He represents himself as a member of that organization when he makes these proclamations. The organization has told him to stop. He did not, so the organization told him to take training. Peterson claimed that he had the right to say these things. The court said he had the right to say these things as a private citizen, but the professional organization has the right to set standards for its members. Peterson defied these standards, so the court ruled in the organization’s favor.

If you break a contract with someone and the court rules against you, that’s not the government imposing its will on you. It’s you breaking the terms of the contract and the court enforcing the terms of the contract.

But such nuance is irrelevant in The Forever Culture War Outrage Machine.
Will be interesting to see if JP can find a way of embarrassing this outrageous facist system .Not surprised to see Torso as a compliant gullible . At least he is a creepy "Yes man " on a consistent basis .

Our Canadian posters love to flaunt their nation as being better.
Except here is Mr Peterson being forced into a re education camp for acceptable speech or lose his license to practice.

Very communist of Canada eh.... 😆

Op is a lie.

Our Canadian posters love to flaunt their nation as being better.
Except here is Mr Peterson being forced into a re education camp for acceptable speech or lose his license to practice.

Very communist of Canada eh.... 😆

Time to move to a free country.
The underlying lie is the accusation that Peterson committed a wrong.
He has fallen foul of his professional body. Happens every day.Big deal.
But he isnt being forced to do anything and neither is the government involved.
Arent you supposed to be precise in your speech ?
No you are NOT correct.

He belongs to a professional organization that sets standards of behavior for its members. He represents himself as a member of that organization when he makes these proclamations. The organization has told him to stop. He did not, so the organization told him to take training. Peterson claimed that he had the right to say these things. The court said he had the right to say these things as a private citizen, but the professional organization has the right to set standards for its members. Peterson defied these standards, so the court ruled in the organization’s favor.

If you break a contract with someone and the court rules against you, that’s not the government imposing its will on you. It’s you breaking the terms of the contract and the court enforcing the terms of the contract.

But such nuance is irrelevant in The Forever Culture War Outrage Machine.
"Be precise in your speech"
It is very simple.
The organization wants to control speech to maintain several lies and half truths.
The liberal Canadian government also wants those lies and half truths to be held.
So they ruled against him.
No matter how you spin it, free speech and truth lost. Lies and deception won.
The Communists in Canada are trying to humiliate Jordan, like the Communists in America are trying to humiliate Trump. By demoralizing these good men, they demoralize the entire nation. Trump and Petersen are cultural icons who are being made examples of. You don't follow the official Marxist narrative? We'll openly persecute you.
He has fallen foul of his professional body. Happens every day.Big deal.
But he isnt being forced to do anything and neither is the government involved.
Arent you supposed to be precise in your speech ?
Do you wish to maintain that a person's livelihood and income are vulnerable to absurd, arbitrary abuses and that government complicity is benign?
Time to move to a free country.
Which he may do.
He doesn't need them anymore. He is worth around $10 million earning well over $million a year.
He loves Canada, hates the Canadian government and establishments that want to control everything. He is also not a huge fan of America, as it is today. Calling modern America a "miracle of stupidity".
He really has no home left. He either stays in Canada and be under constant harassment by the Canadian government and educational systems... or leaves and moves to a different European country that is likely to do the same, or come to America and get beaten mercilessly by the American media.
Liberal institutions want this man to go away. They hate him. Even though he was once a fully decorated member of those liberal institutions himself only a few years ago. Until they went mad, he wanted to stay sane.
Interesting subject both sides make good arguments. After reading the article and so far the article is all I can go by, his professional orginization wants to correct what they deem as his wrong information on trans genderism. My question is he just giving his personal opinion on the subject or is he giving a proffesional diagnosis? If it is an opinion it should be protected by law if it is an diagnosis then it is up to the orginzation to proove it as false.
Alot of good conversations going on the boards this morning. :)
Do you wish to maintain that a person's livelihood and income are vulnerable to absurd, arbitrary abuses and that government complicity is benign?
I dont wish to engage with any such hysterical analysis.
His snake oil salesman career is safe as far as I can see. The government played no part in this.
Interesting subject both sides make good arguments. After reading the article and so far the article is all I can go by, his professional orginization wants to correct what they deem as his wrong information on trans genderism. My question is he just giving his personal opinion on the subject or is he giving a proffesional diagnosis? If it is an opinion it should be protected by law if it is an diagnosis then it is up to the orginzation to proove it as false.
Alot of good conversations going on the boards this morning. :)
He is one of the top psychologist in the world.
He stepped off the alphabet LGBQTAA+?A crazy bus a few years ago... a supposed scientific organization that is literally forcing it's members to accept 100% unscientific notions and teach them to students. And no one is allowed to question it.
And right on this board you see people defending it.

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