Jose Canseco interview with Canadian sportsnet. Was about Ohtanis 50/50 but even he observes a critical opinion about Americas social decline.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
When I see and listen, what I see is the beginnings of communism with the potential for authoritarianism. That's how it feels when you hear the same buzzwords. People are being manipulated and psychologically frail now.

I think the war in Iraq and many in GWBs administration are a major part of this. The loss of that classic American civil liberties will hand the globe to China Is freedom going to improve after the 2024 election? Let's wait and find out, but even a long retired former baseball stars calls it out. More worrying, he calls it out matter-of-factly, starting with "obviously we all know"...

From the interview:

You do less media these days. Is that a conscious choice?

Canseco: Absolutely.

How come?

Canseco: Well, obviously we all know that society's damaged. We’re going down the wrong track here. I think there's a major problem that you have: If you give anyone and everyone a social platform or a verbal platform, we have problems. So that talk, I think we're heading to disaster. I think we have a lot of psychologically damaged people. Structure, societies, environments, political structure — you can see it all; it's very in front of your face. And the problem is that we're beyond stopping it. I think it's almost gotten to a point where someone's going to hit a restart button very soon, and you can be the judge of what that accomplishes.
So, a wife beater is talking about social decline and you find that compelling?

He was an all star athlete and still receives plenty of requests for comments and interviews. As you asked me "do you have any comment on the actual topic of the thread?"
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I was beaten by my wife, is that why you don't like my arguments?

It is why I would not take your wife seriously if she talked about the decline of society.

He was an all star athlete and still receives plenty of requests for comments and interviews. As you asked me "do you have any comment on the actual topic of the thread?"

Yes, he was a hyped up on roids star and beat his wife and ran his car into his wife's car on purpose.

He is a piece of shit human being and if he told me the sun was shining at noon I would look just to make sure.

He is the topic of the thread and I commented on him
Yes, he was a hyped up on roids star and beat his wife and ran his car into his wife's car on purpose.

He is a piece of shit human being and if he told me the sun was shining at noon I would look just to make sure.

He is the topic of the thread and I commented on him

You can judge whomever you want but you can't just off hand reject a general observation opinion of based on the character alone of the person alone, or their victimhood status. Even a serial killer could say "Hitler was an evil person" and you're not going to reject the opinion simply because the person themselves is evil.

Canseco raised a point in such a manner as to suggest it is an accepted fact. I might argue it is an accepted fact. Certainly the impulses for some to silence others and harm them for their opinions is at a height not seen in the West in modern history.

The impact this has on society is devastating. Whether East Germany, Moscow in the old Soviet Union or in Western society today.
You can judge whomever you want but you can't just off hand reject a general observation opinion of based on the character alone of the person alone, or their victimhood status. Even a serial killer could say "Hitler was an evil person" and you're not going to reject the opinion simply because the person themselves is evil.

Canseco raised a point in such a manner as to suggest it is an accepted fact. I might argue it is an accepted fact. Certainly the impulses for some to silence others and harm them for their opinions is at a height not seen in the West in modern history.

The impact this has on society is devastating. Whether East Germany, Moscow in the old Soviet Union or in Western society today.

I can dismiss the observations of a piece of shit human being.

He is free to give it and you are free to go "yeah, man preach it".

I choose not to do so.

For some of us, character does still matter.
I can dismiss the observations of a piece of shit human being.

He is free to give it and you are free to go "yeah, man preach it".

I choose not to do so.

For some of us, character does still matter.

I remember one man once said "he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone".

My posting isnt in support of him or his character, it is to express the dire situation that too many observe today. I would argue that one is far worse in character if they deny reality. Often for their own selfish benefit.

If and when WWIII begins, remember who warned you so long before.
My posting isnt in support of him or his character,

But you do when you put him up as someone we should listen to.

I would argue that one is far worse in character if they deny reality. Often for their own selfish benefit.

You are free to view me any way you wish.

If and when WWIII begins, remember who warned you so long before.

We will both be dead with in a week so it really will not matter. WWIII will include nukes, and once they fly we are all dead.

But, hey. Keep living your life in fear of such things, I will keep enjoying my life and planning for my future.
But you do when you put him up as someone we should listen to.

You are free to view me any way you wish.

We will both be dead with in a week so it really will not matter. WWIII will include nukes, and once they fly we are all dead.

But, hey. Keep living your life in fear of such things, I will keep enjoying my life and planning for my future.

Hope for the best, expect the worst.

Some input and sober reality-checks in history may have avoided the calamity of death that followed. I do what I can in my own small way.
It is why I would not take your wife seriously if she talked about the decline of society.

Yes, he was a hyped up on roids star and beat his wife and ran his car into his wife's car on purpose.

He is a piece of shit human being and if he told me the sun was shining at noon I would look just to make sure.

He is the topic of the thread and I commented on him
Yeah. They said the same thing in 1995 when Jose spilled the beans on steroid use and extra-marital cheating throughout the league. He named names. The media said "Oh, he's just a user who's angry he got caught. He's crazy. Blah blah." Turned out everything Canseco said proved true.
Yeah. They said the same thing in 1995 when Jose spilled the beans on steroid use and extra-marital cheating throughout the league. He named names. The media said "Oh, he's just a user who's angry he got caught. He's crazy. Blah blah." Turned out everything Canseco said proved true.

and he is still a wife beater who I would not take societal advice from.

you are free to do as you wish.
I can dismiss the observations of a piece of shit human being.

He is free to give it and you are free to go "yeah, man preach it".

I choose not to do so.

For some of us, character does still matter.
But it's really the anti communist thing that you don't like, huh? :rolleyes-41:
Kamala cheated against another woman. I'd say that damage is far worse than anything Jose did

I do not listen to her either

You though worship a dude that fucked around on all 3 wives he has it seems you should not be throwing stones

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