Josh Campbell: Why I am leaving the FBI

The FBI leadership conspired to let Hillary off scott free for crimes that would have put any common citizen in prison that's the current state of the FBI FACT!

So one more time.

Can you name someone who went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Didn't think so.

Look dummy, Trump frequently made reference to people sitting in prison today for doing a small fraction of what Hillary did. Apparently if you are rich and powerful like Hillary you can commit crimes and not be charged by the corrupt FBI.

Awe shucks she was just careless and stupid poor Hillary, ignoring that she's a fucking trained lawyer with 8 years experience with White House security protocols and Senate experience. How can someone like that claim ignorance of the law holy fucking shit.
Jilian, again showing why I say American liberal white women are easily the dumbest and most annoying people on the planet.
I always find it amusing that the Law and Order GOP hates the FBI when they aren't in charge of it.

I remember back in the 1990's when they slandered the FBI after a bunch of cultist whackadoodles committed Mass Suicide. Three investigations said the FBI wasn't at fault, but that didn't stop the nuts with an agenda.

Same thing here. Trump got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do, so you pretty much attack the people who caught you.

Kind of like OJ Simpson did.

It appears you have all the commiecrat talking point down pat, good job regressive, good job. LMAO

Look dummy, Trump frequently made reference to people sitting in prison today for doing a small fraction of what Hillary did. Apparently if you are rich and powerful like Hillary you can commit crimes and not be charged by the corrupt FBI.

Yeah, but again, NAME ONE!!!

Name a person who went to jail because someone else unknowing sent them a document that someone else later determined SHOULD have been classified.

You can't, because that person doesn't exist.

Awe shucks she was just careless and stupid poor Hillary, ignoring that she's a fucking trained lawyer with 8 years experience with White House security protocols and Senate experience. How can someone like that claim ignorance of the law holy fucking shit.

Maybe because her job was not "editing emails". If you are getting hundreds of emails a day, do you REALLY read through every last fucking one of them and then interpret the information? Or do you assume that the information is probably correct unless someone tells you otherwise.

Keep in mind, most of the stuff that was called "classified" was classified after the fact, when reviewed years later.
his name is Josh Campbell...or is it???

"One of the greatest honors of my life was walking across the stage at the F.B.I. Academy and receiving my special agent badge from the director at the time, Bob Mueller.

I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

Opinion | Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.
The FBI leadership conspired to let Hillary off scott free for crimes that would have put any common citizen in prison that's the current state of the FBI FACT!

So one more time.

Can you name someone who went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Didn't think so.

You are right…

There is no one in the history of the United States

that has ever got away with as much as Hillary…

But there millions that have been prosecuted for far less..

This is liberal Justice…

And NAZI Zealots like yourself support it..
Maybe he didn’t fire enough...
Why is it so hard for Americans who were brought up in front of the freaking T.V. set to understand that federal agents can become tools of the political establishment? The media downplayed the murder of Randy Weaver's son and wife at the hands of an FBI sniper even when the agent was indicted for manslaughter.

Okay, do you really think George H. Bush was up there calling the shots on the Randy Weaver standoff? Somehow, I think he had better things to do that deal with a family of inbred Nazis.

The same lack of leadership was evident when Bill Clinton's big dumb A.G. authorized FBI agents to use tanks and poison gas to eradicate 80 men women and children in Waco, Tx. The FBI director is a political appointee and it shouldn't be surprising if a political appointee is corrupted by a corrupt administration.

Actually, Clinton fired the FBI director that masterminded the Waco Fiasco.

But it had nothing to do with Waco, which was a rightful bust of freakish cultists.
It appears you have all the commiecrat talking point down pat, good job regressive, good job. LMAO

It appears you can't refute a thing I say, so I'm kind of sad for you.

It's pretty damn simple child, you try to paint everything with a broad brush, where we are talking about specific bad actors, not the organization in general. But you chose to LIE and claim otherwise.

You are right…

There is no one in the history of the United States that has ever got away with as much as Hillary…

But there millions that have been prosecuted for far less..

Again- NAME ONE!!!

This isn't a complicated thing.

She is accused of receiving classified info that she was authorized to see on an unsecured device. Please point out anyone who has been accused of that and went to prison for it.

Thank you.
It's pretty damn simple child, you try to paint everything with a broad brush, where we are talking about specific bad actors, not the organization in general. But you chose to LIE and claim otherwise.

I think that when you attack the FBI and DOJ as organizations, you aren't talking about "Bad actors".

Even if you assume the couple who texted back and forth were 'bad actors", the fact is, they were removed from the investigation. so you are accusing the whole organization of corruption if you still think there's a problem.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency from May 1995 until December 1996, Deutch came under Justice Department investigation after his resignation when classified material was found on his home computer in Maryland.

An internal CIA investigation found that he stored and processed hundreds of files of highly classified material on unprotected home computers that he and family members also used to connect to the Internet, making the information potentially vulnerable to hackers.

A report by the Defense Department inspector general found that Deutch had failed to follow "the most basic security precautions" and faulted him for rejecting Pentagon requests that security systems be installed on his home computers.
U.S. Navy sailor gets year in prison for taking photos inside nuclear sub
You are right…

There is no one in the history of the United States that has ever got away with as much as Hillary…

But there millions that have been prosecuted for far less..

Again- NAME ONE!!!

This isn't a complicated thing.

She is accused of receiving classified info that she was authorized to see on an unsecured device. Please point out anyone who has been accused of that and went to prison for it.

Thank you.
You are right…

There is no one in the history of the United States that has ever got away with as much as Hillary…

But there millions that have been prosecuted for far less..

Again- NAME ONE!!!

This isn't a complicated thing.

She is accused of receiving classified info that she was authorized to see on an unsecured device. Please point out anyone who has been accused of that and went to prison for it.

Thank you.

The lying crooked bitch destroyed emails

and devices under subpoena.

liberals seem to always get away with murder

while Scum like yourself support it….

There is a new sheriff in town..

Nishimura, a former Naval reservist in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008 and a regional engineer for the US military, was investigated for downloading and storing classified information on his personal electronic devices.

Prosecutors say he carried the materials with him off-base in Afghanistan and ultimately took classified Army records to his home in Folsom, California, after his deployment ended.

His lawyer, William Portanova, said his client never intended to break the law but was a "pack rat" who thought nothing of warehousing Army records at home alongside personal belongings.

FBI agents who searched his home in 2012 found classified and unclassified military records, both in hard copy and digital form, and Nishimura admitted to the government that he had destroyed some of the information.

Nishimura pleaded guilty in July to unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials. A judge fined him $7,500, and he was ordered to surrender his security clearance.

The violation was a technical and unintentional one, Portanova said, but one that the Justice Department nonetheless thought it needed to punish "to make its point."

A Look at Federal Cases on Handling Classified Information
It's pretty damn simple child, you try to paint everything with a broad brush, where we are talking about specific bad actors, not the organization in general. But you chose to LIE and claim otherwise.

I think that when you attack the FBI and DOJ as organizations, you aren't talking about "Bad actors".

Even if you assume the couple who texted back and forth were 'bad actors", the fact is, they were removed from the investigation. so you are accusing the whole organization of corruption if you still think there's a problem.

Only your talking points say we are attacking the organizations, I know you have some trouble distinguishing between talking points and reality but you should give it a try. Also the two mentioned were minor player in the grand scheme of things, they didn't commit a fraud on the court by presenting an opposition research document that Comey described as salacious and unverified, as fact, to get a FISA warrant. McCabe testified to congress that without the dossier they would have been no request for that warrant. Here's an idea, try sticking with the facts and forget your memorized talking points.

The lefties in the FBI are tarnishing it with their behavior. The didn't catch him doing shit, but a few agitators tried to frame him.

He did hire Russian Lobbyists.


He did take money from the Russians to finance his businesses.
His son did meet with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary.


For those playing along at home, you guys threw a shit fit back in the 1990's when you found out Bill Clinton went to Moscow once as a college student in the 1960's.

What Trump did was far worse.

Who goes to Moscow when you are in college? Mostly hardcore leftwingers.
The director of the Central Intelligence Agency from May 1995 until December 1996, Deutch came under Justice Department investigation after his resignation when classified material was found on his home computer in Maryland.

An internal CIA investigation found that he stored and processed hundreds of files of highly classified material on unprotected home computers that he and family members also used to connect to the Internet, making the information potentially vulnerable to hackers.

A report by the Defense Department inspector general found that Deutch had failed to follow "the most basic security precautions" and faulted him for rejecting Pentagon requests that security systems be installed on his home computers.

Okay, he came under investigation... no prison time, no charges.


Nishimura, a former Naval reservist in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008 and a regional engineer for the US military, was investigated for downloading and storing classified information on his personal electronic devices.

Prosecutors say he carried the materials with him off-base in Afghanistan and ultimately took classified Army records to his home in Folsom, California, after his deployment ended.

Hmmm... Okay. He carried classified information while travelling IN A WAR ZONE, and took them out of country to his home. Which unlike Mrs. Clinton's home, doesn't have a Secret Service Detail guarding it. And again, no jail time.

So two guys who did far worse things, didn't go to jail, weren't even severely punished.

For your submarine guy. It was destroying the evidence that got him into trouble and not being candid with the FBI when they investigated.

from the Trib article.

Saucier's lawyers also said two other Alexandria crew members were caught taking photos in the same locations as Saucier, but were not prosecuted — only disciplined by the Navy.

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