Josh Campbell: Why I am leaving the FBI

It's the left that's tarnished the FBI...

It's the left Rooting for Police Officers to be killed with your support of blm.........

Except the Left isn't tarnishing the FBI. That would be your boy Trump slandering them becuase they caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing.

And no one is rooting for police officers to be killed. We just want them to stop shooting people on flimsy pretexts.
Why would anyone want to risk their life on a daily basis to protect a President who is slandering your agency every day, making your job harder and more dangerous for no reason, and looking to possibly fire you and ruin your reputation? Nope, there is more money to be had for a good agent in the private sector and less headache than dealing with the idiot in the White House.
his name is Josh Campbell...or is it???

"One of the greatest honors of my life was walking across the stage at the F.B.I. Academy and receiving my special agent badge from the director at the time, Bob Mueller.

I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

Opinion | Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.

Everyone knows that every organization in the history of mankind has suffered from some sort of corruption......................... other than the FBI, that is, but I think that is only common sense.
his name is Josh Campbell...or is it???

"One of the greatest honors of my life was walking across the stage at the F.B.I. Academy and receiving my special agent badge from the director at the time, Bob Mueller.

I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

Opinion | Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.

Now if only those in Congress felt the same way.
Why should I give a fuck That some guy ran when those High in the FBI are shown as corrupt? Sounds to me like it is a good thing he no longer is working for us the taxpayer.
It's the left that's tarnished the FBI...

It's the left Rooting for Police Officers to be killed with your support of blm.........

Except the Left isn't tarnishing the FBI. That would be your boy Trump slandering them becuase they caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing.

And no one is rooting for police officers to be killed. We just want them to stop shooting people on flimsy pretexts.

The left has corrupted the FBI, DOJ and the IRS…

The left has weaponized the Federal Government

to cheat at elections, we all know why you are against voter ID’s.

You leftist have always hated the police…

President Donald J. Trump is doing what we

the people elected him to do…

He is draining the swamp…
his name is Josh Campbell...or is it???

"One of the greatest honors of my life was walking across the stage at the F.B.I. Academy and receiving my special agent badge from the director at the time, Bob Mueller.

I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

Opinion | Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.

The FBI has gone from fighting criminals to being criminals. Didn’t know FBI Agents were also crybabies.
The left has corrupted the FBI, DOJ and the IRS…

The left has weaponized the Federal Government

to cheat at elections, we all know why you are against voter ID’s.

Uh, no we are against 'voter ID' because it's a method of suppressing minority voters, and you know it.

You leftist have always hated the police…

Funny, you guys are the ones who always complain about government workers and want to get rid of their unions and fat benefits. We just want to fire the bad apples. Cops would be worse off if you got your way, because they'd be doing a dangerous job for less pay, and would still have to work with the thugs that give them a bad rep.

President Donald J. Trump is doing what we the people elected him to do…

The people said no by 3 million votes, and its pretty obvious the Swamp has already defeated Trump. Notice how obediently he read the Teleprompter on Tuesday?
The left has corrupted the FBI, DOJ and the IRS…

The left has weaponized the Federal Government

to cheat at elections, we all know why you are against voter ID’s.

Uh, no we are against 'voter ID' because it's a method of suppressing minority voters, and you know it.

You leftist have always hated the police…

Funny, you guys are the ones who always complain about government workers and want to get rid of their unions and fat benefits. We just want to fire the bad apples. Cops would be worse off if you got your way, because they'd be doing a dangerous job for less pay, and would still have to work with the thugs that give them a bad rep.

President Donald J. Trump is doing what we the people elected him to do…

The people said no by 3 million votes, and its pretty obvious the Swamp has already defeated Trump. Notice how obediently he read the Teleprompter on Tuesday?
Illegals dont count

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The left has corrupted the FBI, DOJ and the IRS…

The left has weaponized the Federal Government

to cheat at elections, we all know why you are against voter ID’s.

Uh, no we are against 'voter ID' because it's a method of suppressing minority voters, and you know it.

You leftist have always hated the police…

Funny, you guys are the ones who always complain about government workers and want to get rid of their unions and fat benefits. We just want to fire the bad apples. Cops would be worse off if you got your way, because they'd be doing a dangerous job for less pay, and would still have to work with the thugs that give them a bad rep.

President Donald J. Trump is doing what we the people elected him to do…

The people said no by 3 million votes, and its pretty obvious the Swamp has already defeated Trump. Notice how obediently he read the Teleprompter on Tuesday?

You get an A+ for your liberal Bull Shit……

Please explain how does requiring an ID

to vote Suppress minority voters?

This will be very entertaining if you choose to try and explain…

You liberals have always supported the criminals over the police…

You want the criminals to be able to run wild…

If you subtract the illegal vote, Trump won in a landslide

just like he did with the Electoral College.

President Donald J. Trump is kicking liberal ass

and all it’s corruption.
Illegals dont count

Except you guys still haven't proven they voted in any signifigant numbers.

Please explain how does requiring an ID to vote Suppress minority voters?

A lot of minorities can't afford to buy an ID.

You liberals have always supported the criminals over the police…You want the criminals to be able to run wild…

Uh, guy, we lock up 2 million people and we still have a major crime problem. I would say the Police State solution just isn't working and might even be counterproductive.

If you subtract the illegal vote, Trump won in a landslide just like he did with the Electoral College.

Except there's no evidence of that, and Trump closed down his investigation into the vote with no findings.

Also kind of hard to believe that 4 million illegals voted.

President Donald J. Trump is kicking liberal ass and all it’s corruption.

Actually, he's passed the least legislation of any new president in modern history.
It's the left that's tarnished the FBI...

It's the left Rooting for Police Officers to be killed with your support of blm.........

Except the Left isn't tarnishing the FBI. That would be your boy Trump slandering them becuase they caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing.

And no one is rooting for police officers to be killed. We just want them to stop shooting people on flimsy pretexts.

The lefties in the FBI are tarnishing it with their behavior. The didn't catch him doing shit, but a few agitators tried to frame him.

BLM has been videos rooting for police officers to be killed. Who do you think you're fooling?
The left has corrupted the FBI, DOJ and the IRS…

The left has weaponized the Federal Government

to cheat at elections, we all know why you are against voter ID’s.

Uh, no we are against 'voter ID' because it's a method of suppressing minority voters, and you know it.

You leftist have always hated the police…

Funny, you guys are the ones who always complain about government workers and want to get rid of their unions and fat benefits. We just want to fire the bad apples. Cops would be worse off if you got your way, because they'd be doing a dangerous job for less pay, and would still have to work with the thugs that give them a bad rep.

President Donald J. Trump is doing what we the people elected him to do…

The people said no by 3 million votes, and its pretty obvious the Swamp has already defeated Trump. Notice how obediently he read the Teleprompter on Tuesday?

You get an A+ for your liberal Bull Shit……

Please explain how does requiring an ID

to vote Suppress minority voters?

This will be very entertaining if you choose to try and explain…

You liberals have always supported the criminals over the police…

You want the criminals to be able to run wild…

If you subtract the illegal vote, Trump won in a landslide

just like he did with the Electoral College.

President Donald J. Trump is kicking liberal ass

and all it’s corruption.

By "minority voters" he means illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters.
The FBI leadership conspired to let Hillary off scott free for crimes that would have put any common citizen in prison that's the current state of the FBI FACT!
Illegals dont count

Except you guys still haven't proven they voted in any signifigant numbers.

Please explain how does requiring an ID to vote Suppress minority voters?

A lot of minorities can't afford to buy an ID.

You liberals have always supported the criminals over the police…You want the criminals to be able to run wild…

Uh, guy, we lock up 2 million people and we still have a major crime problem. I would say the Police State solution just isn't working and might even be counterproductive.

If you subtract the illegal vote, Trump won in a landslide just like he did with the Electoral College.

Except there's no evidence of that, and Trump closed down his investigation into the vote with no findings.

Also kind of hard to believe that 4 million illegals voted.

President Donald J. Trump is kicking liberal ass and all it’s corruption.

Actually, he's passed the least legislation of any new president in modern history.

We all know illegals vote in vast numbers..

That’s the only reason you liberals are trying to flood

the Country with them.

You don’t have to prove that shit stinks because we all know it does.

Minorities can’t afford to buy Id’s, that is some lame Bull Shit.

You liberals just want to cheat.

President Donald J. Trump is busting your ass and you know it…

After another Supreme Court pick or two plus all the

Federal Judges he’s stacking the courts with we will own

your asses for the next 30 years.

Can’t wait for our Judges to start Ruling your asses…

Payback is a Bitch…
his name is Josh Campbell...or is it???

"One of the greatest honors of my life was walking across the stage at the F.B.I. Academy and receiving my special agent badge from the director at the time, Bob Mueller.

I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love. Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."

Opinion | Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.

he can run but he can not hide

this dude was comey personal assistant during this time

do not be surprised if he commits suicide with a double tap to the head
The lefties in the FBI are tarnishing it with their behavior. The didn't catch him doing shit, but a few agitators tried to frame him.

He did hire Russian Lobbyists.
He did take money from the Russians to finance his businesses.
His son did meet with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary.

For those playing along at home, you guys threw a shit fit back in the 1990's when you found out Bill Clinton went to Moscow once as a college student in the 1960's.

What Trump did was far worse.
Obama corrupted the FBI's management, not its rank and file officers.
Trump is cleaning-up the mess.
Trump is trying to restore our democracy that Obama almost destroyed.
The FBI is supposed to be protecting the public from crimes, not committing crimes.
The FBI is not supposed to be the secret police for Obama, Hillary and the Corrupt Democratic Party.
What a load of horse shit!

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